

  1. Cindi Johnson says:

    Plastic saucers are great fun and very versatile – there’s nothing like a Flyer though. There were a few around still when I was a kid. We used to go skiing every winter from so far back it wasn’t even a popular sport yet, but I don’t remember ever having been on a sled like that. Looking back over my reputation for sledding, I’m thinking maybe that’s a good thing!

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Looks like the one we had at our house growing up. I remember flying downhill with my friend and next door neighbor, Bobby, driving and me on top of him hanging on for dear life. A “Kid stack” making the most out of sled sharing and maximizing the number of times you get to ride down!

  3. Terry Steinmetz says:

    oh, I miss my sled! Living in snow country, my children brought back many childhood memories to me when we’d go outdoors to sled! Yes, we; I loved it as much as they did! Now my grandgirls live in southern Indiana and they don’t see much in the way of snow. So their favorite thing to do when they do come here is to get out the sled & ride on the hill! Fond memories!

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