Our local Farmers’ Market started up again here in my hometown of Moscow, Idaho, and that got me to thinking, do all of you know how wonderful farmers’ markets are?
First of all, they’ve been around forever. Since ancient times, farmers have been selling their produce and other goods to people. But in the last 20 years, there has been a significant resurgence.
Secondly, you can find a farmers’ market in practically every country and every community around the world.
Seriously—mountains, beaches, deserts … anywhere there are things that grow and people who eat.
The best part is the personal touch of a farmers’ market. Here’s what my family would bring in from our garden when I was a kid.

After I grew up (and of course bought a farm) and took my crops to town to be sold, I loved seeing who my veggies were going home with. When I have my consumer hat on, I love meeting the farmer who grows my food.
Buying direct from the person who planted and harvested your food is like sharing a meal with them. And that’s kinda nice, isn’t it?
Plus, going to market is just plain fun. Many markets, ours included, have live music from local musicians, and creative local craftspeople selling all sorts of good things like yummy-smelling candles and soaps, sparkling jewelry, and funky clothes. But it’s about more than shopping, of course.
It’s about community: friends, neighbors, and families gathering in the warm sunshine of spring and summer.
(Speaking of sunshine, hopefully we’ll have more of that in Idaho soon.)
Most important, it’s about supporting your farmers … and getting piles of fresh, organic, locally grown food to feed your brood back home.

So, if you’re not already a regular at a farmers’ market, make it a point to go this summer. If you’re not sure where the closest one is, try looking online (www.localharvest.org) or calling the closest co-op or natural food store; they’re bound to know.
Get out and get local, girls. Farmers’ markets are a fantastic way for a farmgirl to get fresh!
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love those Canadians, and is that one of our house tents?
Yes, it is!
I love those Wall Tents! This photo looks to be in the late Summer or Fall with the brown grasses and the Canadian Goose.
Looks like someone just wants to check out the property!