Click to Give (part 2)

Compelled to contribute, I started looking into my options, and get this: the Internet (and its incredible compendium of genius minds) offers a number of different ways to give without lifting a …

well, actually, that’s the one thing you have to lift—your finger!

With a click of a mouse or a tap on your iphone, you can lend your hand to local charities or an endless variety of causes around the globe. And the best part? It’s all free, both in terms of money and time. Without spending a dime or finding extra time, you can “click to give.”

Now, here’s the catch (don’t worry, it’s easy to get around). While researching this click-to-give concept, I learned that scam sites abound, riding the coattails of legit operations. Obviously, none of us wants to waste even a click’s worth of charity on a scam, so I delved into the nitty-gritty and came up with three places where you can simply visit a website and click on a link that takes you to a page of ads from the site’s sponsors. You don’t have to even look at the ads. Simply by clicking, you’ve assured that those advertisers donate a bit of cash to the cause you’ve chosen. The neat thing about these three sites is they offer a variety of choices you can make about where your dollars go.

Greater Good  is a non-profit, tax-exempt network that features three different click-to-give categories: Helping People, Helping the Planet, and Helping Animals. Each category lists sites that you can visit to donate your daily click to anti-poverty initiatives, literacy, breast cancer, ecosystem restoration, and more. 100% of sponsor advertising is paid as a royalty to charity through Greater Good.

Ripple funds clean water, food, education, and a $100 loan with your daily click. Its also features a Google-powered search bar, which makes a donation every time you use it. You can welcome your friends on board, too, by adding Ripple’s “give” buttons directly to your own website. 100% of sponsor advertising goes to charity.

GoodSearch offers a twist on the click-to-give idea with their GoodShop tool, which allows you to donate a percentage of the cost of certain purchases to the charity of your choice. The store choices include Amazon, Best Buy, eBay, Lowe’s, Travelocity, and more. All you have to do is access the store through GoodSearch whenever you’re planning a new purchase, and you’ll have an excuse to feel good about shopping.

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