Listen to a song with a beat you’ve never heard before …
It’s called “Feel Again” by a band called OneRepublic.
But this isn’t your average pop song.
Save the Children, an organization dedicated to children’s welfare worldwide, traveled the globe and recorded
Yes, actual heartbeats of children in need.

Photo of children in Ghana courtesy of USAID Africa Bureau via Wikimedia Commons
These heartbeats were used to create a song that you can download for a mere $1.29 to help save millions of children.
“Last year, more than seven million children died before their 5th birthday,” explains Save the Children’s website. “Most of them died needlessly from preventable or treatable causes such as diarrhea, pneumonia and malaria. But every day, health workers on the frontline win battles against preventable child deaths. In fact, every three seconds a child’s life is saved.”
Great song, great cause. Thanks for sharing this opportunity with us.