Good morning!

This is the pathway that greets our crew every morning, winter, rain, or shine. Yesterday, we were all back to work but the sunshine and warmth from the weekend turned to rain. I spent most of last weekend in the garden planting 50 new perennials in one of our main flower beds (day lily, poppy, columbine, and lupine). How about you? Have you been in your garden yet? What did you do on Mother’s Day weekend? I also took a long Sunday nap. On Saturday I scrubbed the walls and floor of our dairy, cleaned out the cow’s water tank, took photos around the farm, and helped hubby with an excavation project. (More on that later.)


  1. Terry Steinmetz says:

    Yes, I have been in my garden with hubby. We are cleaning, adding compost and even doing a little planting. We’ve already re-done a flowerbed of perennials & it looks great! For Mother’s Day, I led our music part of worship at church, went to visit a friend in the nursing home, relaxed with a book, worked on my Sisterhood merit badge reports, took nap, answered the phone calls of my four children calling me, and took a nice walk. Ahh, what a nice day!

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I love the rural farm feel of that pathway. Of course, any pathway with daffodils is magic! My tiny vegetable garden started growing “on steroids ” after a huge rain two weekends ago. The plants jumped up and now the tomatoes are making fruit and the green beans are full of pretty purple flowers!It is interesting that you can water a garden faithfully, but give it some good soaking rains and it becomes so very happy!

  3. Deborah Granay says:

    When I look at your photos it reminds me of how grateful I am to live in rural America. I have so many wonderful tasks and blessings on my 15 acres. Many of my friends, acquaintances and relatives look at my vocation as rural property owner as unnecessary toil. I look at it as fabulous never ending wonder at it’s bounty. I’m never bored and I’m never poor. To paraphrase the late Harlan Hubbard,artist, writer and living off of the land expert, those that spend little always have plenty. After I read his book, Payne Hollow, Life on the Fringe, I realized how “rich” I am with wonder!

  4. drMolly says:

    Yes, I’ve been in my garden – around here one must “make hay while the sun shines” as it were. I’ve been turning my compost piles, making & planting potato boxes and built a nice new box for my rhubarb – having found out recently that rhubarb loves well-drained soil (now how could I have not known that after gardening for over 50 years!, but one always learns something). Since I recently got a new rhubarb variety I figured I’d give it a happy home.
    I live in a little town on the Palouse Prairie and have what one could call a tiny “farmette”, I guess: 5 raised beds, 6 dwarf or semi-dwarf fruit trees, some strawberries, raspberries, & blueberries, plus some flowers & shrubs. Then there are my 5 chicke-doodles, too, to represent the livestock part of a farm – but, hey! the fresh eggs are grand!
    That is a lovely view and I do envy all of you who have a “real farm”, but one must always count one’s blessings, right?

  5. Karlyne says:

    We spent the weekend at a mountain cabin (mini-vacation from our flat-land!). It was hard to come back and leave all of the wildflowers and blue skies up there! And hard to keep the grandkids from bringing it all, frogs and flowers and rocks and pine trees, home with us!

  6. Stephanie Montoya says:

    Love everything about your site. Found you from a friends link in facebook. I would bevso blessed to receive a magazine. I have never found one here in Yuma, AZ. Im a lil Farm girl deep in my soul! Thank you, Stephanie

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