Over the rainbow at MaryJanesFarm

Isn’t there supposed to be a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow?

My little Mia, age 2 1/2 said from her car seat yesterday as we were stopped at an intersection, “Isn’t that a money truck?” pointing to an armored car. I said, “It is, how did you know that?” She replied, “Mommy, I want an ice cream truck full of money.” From the mouths of babes … don’t we all want a money truck or at least that pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?

(With at least an ice cream cone or two.)

  1. julia hayes says:

    Listened to the message form Mia. I must say that THAT is INFINITELY better than any birthday song-message I have ever left! holy moly!! I could listen to that all day long!

    Ok, the rainbow…the money truck…the ice cream truck full of money…It’s too much. These kids are so stinkin’ smart!

    Rianna said to me recently, “Whoa!! Mama look at that beautiful Jesus Building!” It was a lovely cathedral downtown Spokane. I was trying to suppress my giggle over the ‘Jesus Building’ idea when she said, “Mama, do people try to buy God there?” I nearly had to pull over. How smart she is. How intuitive. What an extraordinary question that is both innocent, provocative and profound! We think we are their teachers but they are far better masters when we let them…

    Thoughts of money rainbows and jesus buildings abound! ~j

  2. Annika Laurea-wood says:

    The other day in Moscow we had a truly humblingly beautiful rainbow and for a few minutes a double rainbow. I,too, thought of pots of gold at the end of rainbows, and then it hit me that the end of the rainbow appeared to be in a nearby field a few hills over, and I was truly thankful to live in the fertile and beautiful Palouse, surrounded by rolling farmlands. Plenty of gold!

    But I wouldn’t say no to an ice cream truck full of money either 😉 and a double scoop of dark chocolate please!

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