

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Looking forward to your new book and reading all about this new and exciting adventure in dairy cows!

  2. Elizabeth says:

    “If you’re writing a book about cows”~~~

    Very interesting MaryJane & I’ll tell you why. I woke up wondering about milking cows…I’m not kidding/joking (sometimes you will post something that I was literally just thinking about~happens a lot!).

    Anyway, since I have the *early morning riser thing down pat:-) I was wondering, if I had to milk a cow~by hand/s~about how long that would take & how much milk does a cow usually share for the day? Also remember hearing or reading somewhere that if you don’t milk the cow every day, bad things happen to the cow? Is the cow then ruined for future milking?

    I take it that the young lady in this picture is carrying a cow milking machine? It looks rather heavy. How long does it take to milk a cow with a machine? What about hook-up time? Are these some of the topics you talk about in your new book? If so, then I will probably read it once it’s released:-)

    Just so happens I have a great love for cheese, cream, milk & most things dairy:-) Oh & I’m quite fond of cows in general. And so is hubby~I can see us caring for a cow as a pet one day…along with an elephant & giraffe…but that’s another story;-)

    Love the Milk Maid Braids!

    • MaryJane says:

      And YOU’RE the reason I’m writing the book. Your questions will be answered within its pages, already numbering 368 (lots to tell). I’ve been up several times in the night with a new baby calf. Mother and son doing well. It’s a first-time mother, so it was a little rocky for a while last night.

  3. Debbie Fischer says:

    Oh I can not wait for the book either to add to my Mary Jane Collection. I love cows too especially the babies!

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