Project Paint

I have one of those beautifully sturdy dining table and chairs from another era. One with multiple leaves that extend the reach of the table to seat 20+ people for holidays. But by beautiful, I’m referring to its quality. Not its appearance.

In fact, I’ve been saying since I got it that I couldn’t wait to paint it. Well, I’m finally about to be less talk and more action. Any day now I’ll be painting my dining table, leaves, and all the chairs.

Photo Jul 08, 9 02 57 PM

I was so excited to come home to a pile of paint and wax samples on my front stoop. Of course, they actually came in a box via UPS, but they were waiting next to my trusty milk cooler and dirty red cowboy boots. The cooler is for the days when I’m not at the farm to pick up my milk in person. And, randomly, my  boots are sitting out for a friend to stop by and borrow for a country singing gig (she has a stunning voice). The randomness of it all just makes me smile. And the notion that I’m finally going to tackle this paint project has me almost giddy.

I will, of course, keep you posted. 🙂

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Megan, I cannot wait to see what these cans create when you are finished! In my mind, chalk paint is the stuff you use to create a chalkboard anywhere so this idea to use for a large table and chairs really has me intrigued. Plus, there are different colors which will be interesting. Please do post your finished product for us to see. I bet it is going to be awesome!

  2. Good for you megan, now maybe I will spurred ( spurred= cowboy boots, get it? ) to action myself. For the 2 years I have lived at my new farmette I have been meaning to paint all my old wicker furniture this wonderful shade of Manet green and well there they sit all white and crummy looking. I even have the paint waiting to be applied, no more excuses. Keep us filled in please on your project.

    • Megan says:

      Go for it, Lisa! Although, the old funky white sounds good too. But I love to paint, it’s like vacuuming. I love the sound of all the stuff I’m vacuuming up and I love stepping back from a freshly painted project complete. Have fun!

  3. Karlyne says:

    Can’t wait to see the pictures!

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