You just came in from the garden.
Maybe it started to drizzle, or
(woe of woes)
there just isn’t anything left to DO right now …
Sprouts are sprouting, knee-high to a toad.

Photo by jonsson from Göteborg, Sweden via Wikimedia Commons
Weeds (well, only the two) have been pulled.
Trellises dutifully await the dangling green weight of pole beans.

Photo by mark_dixon4 via
Sigh …
Now what?
What do you do with these …

Photo by Daniel Sone via Wikimedia Commons
until it’s time to fill them with these?

Photo by Robert & Mihaela Vicol via Wikimedia Commons
I have just the thing.
It’s a … well, it’s a … ummm … okay, okay …
It’s a book.
“A booooook?!” you exclaim. “No matter how much I love reading, this is not the time. I want to GARDEN.”
Hush now, my dear. I feel your impatience—really, I do. (I am in Idaho, remember, where spring can be oh-so-slow to settle in.)
That’s why, when I say “book,” I mean something special—not just any book, but a voluptuous volume that has the power to tide you over until your first harvest and may actually beckon you back when your baskets are bursting.
This book is called Growing Beautiful Food, and it’s filled with mouth-watering photos (not to mention succulent text) by Matthew Benson, contributing editor and television spokesman for Rodale’s Organic Gardening.
Much to this impatient gardener’s delight, Mr. Benson created a video (set to a sweetly soothing soundtrack), designed to hook garden-giddy gals like you and me. Watch and dream …
Beautiful, beautiful!!!!!!! Oh what photography. I especially loved the photos of the chickens and dishes made from the harvest. It is a testimony to growing delicious and healthy food and flowers. I feel healthier from all the antioxidants just looking at this video clip!
What a wonderful video. It looks like a luscious book. Makes me more hungry.