Have you ever wondered what the world’s ugliest color might be?

Photo by Yanns via Pixabay
Yeah, no … I really hadn’t either.
But, leave it to science to sniff out a seemingly silly subject and say it’s so.
Such is the case with Pantone 448C, otherwise known as Opaque Couché.
This is it, they say—the world’s ugliest color:
Well, approximately, anyway.
Frivolous as this finding may appear, it’s making the news because the Australians have pinned down a way to put it to good use …
Oh my wonder if they tested this with real addicted smokers?
Some men are color blind and the color won’t bother them.
Good luck!
How interesting! I’m really curious to know how well this works and if it has it limitations. I would assume it’s working to an extent if other places are now considering a color change to their tobacco products. Hopefully we can bring something like this to the United States.