Hear ye, old-fashioned fans of the printed page …
This is the best news I’ve heard all day:
Print publications are alive and well.
That’s right—books are still being bound, and magazines (marvelous magazines!) will still manifest in your mailboxes.

Photo by werner22brigitte via Pixabay
The New York Times tells us it’s true.
(Happy dance with me, won’t you?)
Rest assured, I’m not simply rejoicing from the standpoint of an author and editor, but as a reader as well. Remember how I love that old book smell?

Photo by condesign via Pixabay
Even better is the news that the persistence of print publication is proving profitable for small book sellers who feared imminent extinction in the digital age.

Photo by FDV via Wikipedia
“Independent bookstores, which were battered by the recession and competition from Amazon, are showing strong signs of resurgence,” writes Alexandra Alter of the New York Times. “The American Booksellers Association counted 1,712 member stores in 2,227 locations in 2015, up from 1,410 in 1,660 locations five years ago.”
Yes, the next generation may yet know the pleasure of turning a page.

Photo by Pezibear via Pixabay
So, let’s smile on that awhile.
I am smiling for sure! There is nothing like a good book to get comfy with and read. The smell, the feel of the pages, and the tradition of centuries of people loving and learning within the pages make books non-replaceable.
Hear ye hear ye, that is good news indeed.! I am, as we speak , putting out all my Christmas themed books, I use them for cheerful holiday decor and then reread my favorites each season. I especially love my old Children’s books and anything with a reindeer .
And guess what, on my things to do list today was a trip to the very nice used book store in our local library. My other favorite good bookstore ( new and used books) is a bit far to go today.
Amen! There’s still nothing in the world like a real book.
I for one love holding a book in my hand or on my lap curled up with a cup of tea..I am grateful for the opportunity of being transported into another life or time..there are so many talented authors. Yes,I do have an electronic book to download books on…but as time goes forward I use it less and less…. Hurrah for the printed word !!