MBA Jane gratitude journal

Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life

Dear Diary,

It’s Day 1 of my Gratitude Journal challenge! You have no idea, dear diary, how difficult it is to write words in their entirety instead of shortening them to text-speak. But I am determined to break the habit, lol! Oh, drat. Well, anyway, this is all about being thankful, so here goes:

I am thankful for …

1. This uber-cool journal and my glitter pens. Am I shallow? You decide.

2. Open-toed high heels for spring (peepers). Oops, shallow again! I swear, the next entry will be deep and thought-provoking, even if it kills me. JK! Argh, did it again. Should have gotten the Hello Kitty pencils with the erasers. I always knew somehow glitter pens would be my downfall.


3. Long talks with friends. I was at Midge’s the other day, hanging out by the pool while the triplets played, and it was so totally fun. We hadn’t hung out since like, high school. And I don’t want to brag or anything, but I can still fit into my high school cheerleading uniform … it was a little hot wearing it to the pool, though. Polyester totally doesn’t breathe well. Lesson learned.

4. Earning my Merit Badges! Talk about a sense of accomplishment! Way better than the half of my beauty-school degree I almost, practically got. I’m going to spend this weekend sewing them up (now that I know how to thread a needle and my thumb has healed from the last time). I’m way excited to see how they look, and I’m even dusting off the Bedazzler. Oh yeah!

5. Finding that pomegranate shampoo for Ms. Twinkles at the organic health-food store. Oh my, she smells ever so much better than the minced meat, mangy yak smell she used to sport. Of course, Ms. Twinkles being a bit on the bratty side, she totally went and rolled in something questionable, like, two minutes after her bath. I’m telling you, I think that Pomeranian needs therapy or something. Maybe it’ll calm her nerves if I put her in her tutu and take her to the dog park where the Dobermans can admire her.

6. Curly hair is fashionable again! Hurray! I was so sick of flat irons, I tell you what, dear diary … I think I’ll bury mine in the backyard and revel in my curls! Wait. Was that shallow, too?

7. World peace. Totally grateful for world peace. I mean, if we achieve world peace. I’m grateful for all the people who are trying for world peace!

There. First day of journaling done. My hand hurts and my handwriting is getting sloppy, so I guess I’ll stop now. Once, we studied handwriting analysis and my teacher said I wrote like a pixie on speed. Whatevah, Mr. Knight! He was just jealous at the pace my bobble-headed pencil could whip across the page as I passed notes to Midge. My green troll with the bouncy hair could really boogie.

Anyhow, dear diary, I’d better save my other gratitude stuff ideas for tomorrow. Signing off!

MBA Jane

  1. Eileen Widman says:

    I have done this on several occasions, a gratitude journal with daily entry’s for a year. It is very uplifting.
    I have also taught a few classes on this. I have a MOTTO posted on my office wall.
    Today I will begin to look for ten things in my day about which I can be grateful (Thankful).
    Today I will begin to journal those ten things at the end of the day faithfully for 21 days. At the end of those 21 days I will read through my journal of gratitude. I will then journal about the changes that have occurred in my attitude as a result of this exercise. I will then begin a new 21 days of journaling and reflecting on all the fragments of my life that blend together into something for which I can have a grateful heart!
    Having gratitude is a way of taking every day and sifting out the things I do not want to carry in my heart into tomorrow and keeping track of all the things I do want to hold fast to in my heart for all time.

  2. Tomi says:

    I adore this idea!
    I am so grateful for the inspiration!!

  3. Leigh Anne Hall says:

    I moved to East Texas two years ago. The level of poverty here is much worse than other regions of Texas. I have learned to be grateful for the things I used to take for granted. Things like a bed, blankets, clothing, indoor plumbing (not kidding here) and so much more!! I don’t even feel the need to ask the Lord for expensive things anymore…I have learned that I am blessed to have what I have. I have also learned that God gives us what we need and if we have extra money,clothes,food etc we are supposed to share it with those who are less fortunate. I also am grateful that God gave me the common sense to realize just how blessed I am!!!!

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