Buy props used in MaryJane’s books and magazine!
5% of profits will benefit www.firstbook.org, a non-profit that provides new books to children from low-income families throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Here’s how:
MaryJane will post a photo and a description of a prop and its cost along with a few details as to its condition here: https://shop.maryjanesfarm.org/MaryJanesCurations. It’s a playful way to be the new owner of a little bit of farm herstory.
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I have a place here that looks just like that. I love to go to it & think, restore & live!
I love this view. It feels so quiet and peaceful yet alive .
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making do with some brew

Sometimes …
no, every time
I hear good news I get a little rush of happiness.
Don’t you love that feeling—knowing something wonderful or playful has happened out there in the world?
Amid chaos and crime, sometimes there’s a quiet gem of a story that shines through,
and makes us feel a bit brighter, lighter.
Take, for instance, this tale of two elephants …
Last month, a pair of middle-aged pachyderms was traveling by truck through Russia’s bitterly cold Novosibirsk region when their wooden trailer caught fire.
Jenny and Magda, ages 45 and 48, were evacuated and had to wait outside to be rescued in temperatures hovering around 40 below zero …
Elephants taken out of their natural habitats just makes me so sad. Why can’t we leave them in their homes with their families to live out their lives as they prefer? Walt Disney’s Dumbo has had a lasting impression on me since I was very, very young. They are intelligent and complex mammals deserving of the chance to be who they are in freedom and peace. There are people today who work create sanctuaries in parts of the world where elephants can not be captured and can live without chains on their legs. Those efforts are what make my heart warm.
What a great story! What a great handler! He was inventive, and thought outside the box until he could get the help he needed. Hooray for him and hooray for the elephants!!!
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my first embroidery project

I decided my first embroidery project needed to be a gift for Nanny Jane, my grandmother, because she’s the one who taught my mother how to embroider. I held it behind my back and surprised her with it when she came to get me for a Friday night just-the-two-of-us sleepover.
I used a blank flour sack towel, tapestry needle (blunt with big eye), water-erasable marker, pair of scissors, and a variety of 6-strand embroidery floss to make her gift. I created the design myself and then my mother helped with the knotting and threading of the needle. I used all 6 strands.
During our sleepover, “Nan” helped me start another gift towel for Kim. It didn’t take me more than a few seconds to come up with the design for her towel—the words, Cowgirl Kim OMG! next to a pink cowgirl boot. (Nan helped me draw the boot but I did the lettering.)
Nan and I made a list of all the things we wanted to accomplish during our afternoon, night, and morning together—things like:
-start a knitted scarf
-take her dog Tulip for a long walk
-gather eggs
-take a bubble bath
-fix a big salad from the greenhouse for our dinner
-sort buttons
-fix a breakfast of potatoes, bacon, English muffins, eggs, and fresh oranges (It was YUMMY!)
I want my Nanny Jane to want me back again real soon so I did things like make the bed without being asked and I also cleaned up after myself. Nanny Jane told me that when she was my age, she also spent weekends with her grandmother and slept in the very bed that we now sleep in together! She told me that when I grow up and have a house of my own, I can have her grandmother’s bedroom set to someday give to my granddaughter.
Stella, your handwork is so beautiful! You did a great job. How lucky you are to have such a wonderful and special Nanny Jane. Enjoy your special sleepovers together!
Your embroidery is BEAUTIFUL!!! Keep up the good work- between your Mom, and Nanny Jane youu have wonderful teachers. When I was a little girl I spent many special days and nights with my grandma, who lived right next door to me, and I actually have her bedroom set too! Aren’t we lucky? -
You go gurl! Embroidery is tons of fun and a good way to relax. Keep it up!
Way to go, Stella. I’m glad you enjoyed your time with Nanny Jane. I’m sure she’ll invite you back again. And your embroidery project looks great. I can see you sitting there working diligently on it. Making memories are just as important as doing the work.
StellaJane, you are a very smart and talented girl. I too was taught embroidery by my grandmother over 50 years ago. I still embroider, along with knitting, crocheting, and sewing. You are blessed to have both a grandmother and a mother who instill these types of crafts in you. I know that you will do the same when you grow up and have a little girl. God Bless You.
This looks like one of the tents for your B&B? Lovely setting in winter and I bet it is so lush and green in summer!