hummingbird whispering … seriously

Ok … so I bet you are wondering what the H-E double hockey sticks is going on here.


You’re probably saying,

“Nice, but, I ain’t no fool, you can put away the stuffed hummingbird now.”

“… or the plastic mannequin hand with a 10-foot extension.”

“Ok, well, really then, Photoshop is soooo overused these days.”

Really? None of those?

“Ok, so the bird hit a window and you picked it up stunned. Big deal.”

Again. Wrong!

How is this possible you ask?

Hummingbird whispering.

A picture says a thousand words, but what this one doesn’t give up is how farmhands, Louise and Samantha, were able to stick their hands, ever so gently, underneath the bellies of the most flitty, fast, and untamable creatures known to humankind—hummingbirds—AND take pictures.

I kid you not. None of these images have been doctored aside from post edits such as cropping and color tweaks. And the hands in them are real.

Apparently, all one needs to do to be a hummingbird whisperer is to direct the movement of the hand, with the little bird on board—from flower to flower, whilst they sit and wait for fast-nectar delivery.

Believe me now?

  1. Terry Steinmetz says:

    How awesome! I watched the hummingbirds perch on our deck railings all the time. They even fly & “hover” over my head when I’m in the garden. But I’ve never had them come close to my hands. How cool!!

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Totally amazing!!!!!!

  3. Liz Taylor says:

    My hubby has had them land on him. He can sit still

  4. Laurie Dimino says:

    Wow! Here I am trying to just get them to come to my flowers/feeders, and y’all have them eating out of your hand..literally! What an amazing photo and once in a lifetime opportunity. Thank you for sharing with us!

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Thanks a lot, I can see me out in the garden all day now trying to get a hummingbird to land on my finger too:-) Not a bad prospect considering it’s my favorite place to be. Seriously though ladies, kudos to you both; your pictures are outstanding & the concept delightful! Looks like a juvenile male hummingbird landed on your hand? And he looks damp, do you have a bubbler/sprinkler near by? Your Zinnia’s look great too! I especially like the double decker effect on the Zinnia’s in your first picture. I’m so glad I visited this website for the first time this morning, now you’ve got me hooked. Well done.

  6. Kim Yates says:

    Could you send me posts of “Raising Jane” thru my email?

    Thanks!! Kim

  7. Pingback: hummingbirds | Raising Jane Journal

  8. Darlene Ricotta says:

    Oh how beautiful that is. She was so lucky to hold one that way.

  9. nan roberts says:

    So *how* do you get them on your hand in the first place? Just stand near red flowers with your hand up? I want to do this!

  10. Paula says:

    About 7 years ago, I found a hummingbird caught in a spider web on my back porch. I got him out of the web, and he was so exhausted from trying to fight his way out of the web that he just sat in my hand. I had one of those children’s bug boxes, and I put him in it. I put a small bottle cap of nectar in there, and just kept putting his head in it. I called my vet, and he said to bring him inside the house overnight, but I felt that wouldn’t be his normal environment, so I left him in the bug box overnight on my porch. I didn’t expect him to make it, but next morning, he was still doing ok. He was so sticky from the nectar, so I took a small straw cleaning brush and tried to dilute the sticky nectar off of him. I sat him on the edge of the lid with the nectar, and he started eating. I left him sitting there and went to get my camera. When I came back, he had flown off. It was a lovely experience, but I’m so sad I didn’t get a picture of him!

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