
  1. jean says:

    This makes me smile. We moved to WA state earlier this year. I’m so looking forward to the snow and seeing my mountains. They are much more beautiful covered in snow.

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Lean in, girls …

Here’s a nibble of gossip that’s begging for gab:

I hear that a Carrotmob may be coming your way.

Keep your eyes peeled!

Photo by Kander via Wikimedia Commons











I can only imagine what you must be thinking …

A carrot-hurling gang of hoodlums!

Garden raiders!

Is Bugs Bunny behind this?

What’s up, Doc?

Before you take up your garden hoes,

let me explain.

The Carrotmob isn’t about raiding

(or rabbits).

Photo by Kessa Ligerro (GFDL or CC-BY-SA-2.0) via Wikimedia Commons













It’s a fabulously fresh initiative that is out to convince businesses to make positive changes by providing incentives.

The philosophy is simple: dangle a carrot—you know the adage.

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  1. Terry Steinmetz says:

    I love this idea. I try to shop in our local businesses as much as possible. There is this one hardware store that if you need it, they will have it. They will go to their basement to see if they have something if you need it & it isn’t on the floor. I love that about them! Also loved the bunnies!

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