Buy props used in MaryJane’s books and magazine!
5% of profits will benefit www.firstbook.org, a non-profit that provides new books to children from low-income families throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Here’s how:
MaryJane will post a photo and a description of a prop and its cost along with a few details as to its condition here: https://shop.maryjanesfarm.org/MaryJanesCurations. It’s a playful way to be the new owner of a little bit of farm herstory.
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Throughout history, men have managed to tag their names to countless gizmos and gadgets as well as species, medical procedures, landmarks, and doodads, claiming the lion’s share of eponyms for themselves.
An eponym, as you probably guessed, refers to a person after which a particular something is named.
Think Bunsen burner, Douglas fir, Kafkaesque, and, well …
Interesting facts. Thanks for the chance to look up these and more!
So interesting!!! And I LOVE the illustrations you have provided! Thank You!
These are so cool! I had no idea about how these everyday items were named. The Granny Smith Apple especially intrigues me because that variety is everywhere and one of the most popular apples available all year long. The illustrations are great as well. Always something fun to learn on RaisinJane!
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Okay, fine. I’ll go with kine.

Call me bewildered, bamboozled, and flat-out flummoxed!
Carol sent me a little word quiz this morning that left me scratching my noggin.
She hinted that the answer was one that should come easily to any true-blue farmgirl,
but the fact is …
it had us both hoodwinked.
So, let’s see if you can guess:
What English plural word does not contain any of the same letters as its singular equivalent?
Think on it as you ponder my lush pasture below, and then meander down the page to find the answer.
The only names I could come up with were, chick & rooster. I would have never thought of kine either. Sally O’Malley looks like she may be thinking, “Oh no! I’m so gonna look fat in that picture”. Too cute.
I have never heard of this term either but I love the way it sounds. Here is hoping that the bovine pregnancy of the kine is going well and on schedule for a normal delivery. Question? Do those chocolate milk producing girls have babies that give “Hershey kisses” ??
Oh my goodness! I actually knew the right word. I was aware of the word kine & knew it meant cattle. Amazing!
Wow! The English language is amazing, and so is Sallie O’Malley.
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Quickly, she acted prickly.

You should have seen her!
She was …
(but not peevish),
(yet not exactly sharp),
and thorny
(without a trace of temper).
I’m quite sure she had four tiny paws and a little black nose,
but she was curled up into a bristled ball such that I couldn’t tell one end from the other.
She was positively erinaceous!
Can you guess what she was?
Miss Tiggy Winkle was a favorite of my children growing up. But, somehow thinking of her as being erinaceous takes away her charm of bustling around in that adorable work hat. Do hedgehogs get cold heads?
I love Mrs. Tiggy Winkle! My first Potter book. If you get a chance to go to the farm in the Lake District where she wrote and painted, you will be totally enthralled. She was such a champion of preserving the countryside and an excellent sheep farmer. I love her story.
How lovely! I had forgotten Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, not having read Beatrix Potter books for a long time (my little great-grand daughter is not qute up to reading-to age by G-gramma at only 1 month old, although her parents do read to her already).
And, of course, I’ll share the photo – lovely lovely creaturs Hedgehogs! -
Where is this farm in “The Lake District”? I would love to see it but don’t have any idea where “THIS” is.
Miss Potter the movie was delightful indeed. I read several books about her and her art so I knew I would enjoy it. Her home in the Lake District of England looks quite cozy.
Thanks for the picture of the mother hedgehog and her babies. My yard does not have hedgehogs, but my friend in Oxford England has some and she shares their activities with me by e-mail.
No, I have never heard the term “erinaceous, but I will will e-mail it to my friend this afternoon. Thanks for this “new” word! Mary Beth
I love the black/white photo! It reminds me of looking at family photos from the 1950s.