Buy props used in MaryJane’s books and magazine!
5% of profits will benefit www.firstbook.org, a non-profit that provides new books to children from low-income families throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Here’s how:
MaryJane will post a photo and a description of a prop and its cost along with a few details as to its condition here: https://shop.maryjanesfarm.org/MaryJanesCurations. It’s a playful way to be the new owner of a little bit of farm herstory.
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Hear Ye!

Welcome New Sisters! (click for current roster)
Merit Badge Awardees (click for latest awards)
My featured Merit Badge Awardee of the Week is … Carla Crawford!!!
Carla Crawford (Farmgirl Sister #3366) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning an Intermediate Level Quilting Merit Badge!
“I joined a group that was teaching beginner quilters, and we did a row quilt, learning how to make a new block each week. We then went home and made more of the same block to complete a row. We added sashing, borders, and a backing. A friend machine quilted it, and I finished with binding.
At first, I was pretty sick of the colors after working with it so long. But now, I enjoy how it turned out.”
Wow, Carla, your quilt turned out beautiful!! I love the turquoise and pink shades that you used and I bet it looks stunning on a bed!
Very pretty quilt Carla! You should be very proud. And the colors are all very pretty together. Like that idea of a row of all one design- great way to learn. Congratulations!
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Make It Pretty Merit Badge, Expert Level

The adorable, always humorous MBA Jane is my way of honoring our Sisterhood Merit Badge program, now with 5,602 dues-paying members who have earned an amazing number of merit badges so far—7,898 total! Take it away, MBA Jane!!! MJ
Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life …
For this week’s Make It Easy/Make It Pretty Expert Level Merit Badge, I was taking my artistic urges to a whole new place. A whole new level. The Expert Level.
I wasn’t feeling exactly … expert like. Half of my oil painting tendencies were still stick figures and the like. I didn’t think my best work was paintings of people, so I decided to stick to inanimate objects—like trees or mountains or something. Something that didn’t wiggle so much. (Mr. Wonderful posed for me and so did Midge’s triplets, but I gotta say, they all need to work on their Relaxation Merit Badges … talk about squirmy!)
I got out my collection of oil paints and my largest canvas. I had been saving this canvas for over a year, until the Creative Juices struck.
Until I could no longer put off My Muse.
Until the portraits in my mind shouted to be drawn!
Also for the day I ran out of copy paper.
That would be today.
The view from my back porch is ever so lovely at sunset, so that was my aim. I nervously paced through my house most of the day. I checked the time at least 14 times per hour (sunset was set to arrive at 5:05 this evening, according to my friendly television meteorologist). Then I become conscious of the fact that I could start everything but the sunset/sky ahead of time, so I got cracking.
I was so anxious to mar my blank, white canvas that my hand shook on the brush as I dipped it carefully into Cerulean Blue. I momentarily panicked as I second-guessed my knowledge on the meaning of the word Cerulean.
Was it sky-like enough?
Firmly, I gave myself a good talking to.
“Self,” said I, “art is subjective. A matter of opinion. There is no right or wrong. Only art.”
I was feeling much better. Rather sage-like. An art guru. The yogi of oils. The maharishi of paints. The counselor of creative expression.
The Yoda of Merit Badges!
Train you, I will.
Anyway, my confidence bolstered and the sun about to set, I feverishly painted away. (Note: I didn’t really have a fever, it’s just how we artists like to talk.)
I was so obsessed over a particular arch in my garden—getting the greens of the ivy just right—that I completely missed my sunset.
Not one to let anything detour me in my quest for all things merit badge-y, I changed direction and cast a twilight appearance on my painting. Who needs sunsets anyway? Totally overrated. A few twinkling stars in the night sky, both in real life and still life, and I was nearly finished.
My fingers were covered in paint and so were my jeans, but I was feeling pretty good. All I had left was to learn the fine art of framing my masterpiece and then getting up the gumption to enter my creation in the local upcoming art show downtown.
Eek. What if no one liked it? What if they thought it was painted by a monkey?
Or a baby?
Or a someone who just drank a four-shot espresso and happens to be blind in one eye?
Or a baby monkey who just drank a four-shot espresso and happens to be blind in one eye?
I’m not sure I’m ready for this badge … talk me into it.
I’d say you deserve the merit badge for this and to give yourself an extra one in expert level humor, too – if I’d been drinking across a table from someone while reading this they would’ve gotten sprayed! Thanks for starting my day with a guffaw!! 🙂
Hilarious, but such a true internal dialogue about being an artist. This sounds like me! Always second guessing about painting and drawing efforts, and that is what keeps me from being more free. It is terrible to be your own worst critic because perfection is never present!!
A very true Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman! And waaaaaay funnier!
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Safe Toys Merit Badge, Intermediate Level

The adorable, always humorous MBA Jane is my way of honoring our Sisterhood Merit Badge program, now with 5,602 dues-paying members who have earned an amazing number of merit badges so far—7,898 total! Take it away, MBA Jane!!! MJ
Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life …
For this week’s Stitching and Crafting/Safe Toys Intermediate Level Merit Badge, I was fondly getting lost in my memories of my most favorite doll, back in the day. (Besides myself, of course. My next favorite doll then). She was a lovely thing, a soft rag doll with a Sunbonnet Sue bonnet and a calico print dress. Her legs were made of muslin and had MaryJanes painted right on them.
I know.
But the best thing about this dolly was the bows on the sides of her bonnet, because if you pulled on one, her eyes would go from closed to open. Then you pulled on the other, and vice versa. It was so clever. I get wistful and nostalgic just thinking about her.
Anyway, in order to earn my Intermediate Level badge for the Safe Toys category, I needed to make a doll. Since I had mine in my mind’s eye already, I got to work. I wasn’t quite sure I was adept enough at making those amazing eyes with the pull-tab bows (that sounds like more of an Advanced Level badge, dontcha think?) I decided to skip that part. But everything else was going to be the doll of my dreams, I was sure of it.
Going with the nostalgic flow, I put on some music from my childhood and treated myself to my favorite girlhood snack: Rice Crispy Treats. (Remind me to attempt to make them a bit more farmgirl and organic friendly sometime, okay? They are currently sitting like a brick in my tummy. Alas.)
I decided to forgo a pattern, being the out of control, rebellious, rogue sewer and crafter that I am. I merely drew the shape of a doll onto some nice, soft, cotton fabric, making sure to leave allowances for hemming and/or mistakes. So she looked a little chubby at first, but I’m sure she’ll slim down as I go along.
Chubby dolls are people, too. They have feelings.
Well … you get my drift.
I used fabric paint for the face, except for the eyelashes, which I embroidered on. I wasn’t sure whether to go with yarn for hair or buy one of those doll wigs I’ve been somewhat creeped out by at the craft store. I went with yarn, a nice strawberry blonde with some caramel highlights. I even styled it in a chic chignon, which was probably silly, since I was planning on covering it with a bonnet, but still.
I made a simple dress out of some adorable gingham, and then—get this!—I put my Superior and Stellar Apron-Making Skillz to work, and topped her outfit off with a completely cute little stripy number. This was one well-dressed doll. I was getting jealous.
After that, I totally needed a snack break, and also a band-aid because my darn needle had it in for me. All I had left was the bonnet. How hard could that be, after all?
It was pretty hard. All those gathers, and measuring, and pinning, and seam ripping … I don’t recommend bonnet making for out of control, rebellious, rogue sewers.
Needless to say, my—I mean, her—chignon totally saved the day after all. (Wouldn’t be the first time, right, ladies?)
Making dolls is really hard. One year, I made a doll with a horse head and hoofs for hands and feet for my daughter who wasn’t into human looking dolls but who was horse crazy. We named her Rose and she had a brown yarn mane, bangs, tail and embroidered eyes and horse mouth. Then we dressed her in a rose print dress that my mom had made for one of my dolls. Voila! she looked pretty cute sitting in the Easter basket one year and was actually loved and played with. However, my doll making days ended with Rose. It is way more difficult than I thought it would be!
Still have my rather pathetic rag dolls I made as a little girl. I had the sock style down to a ” t” but ofcourse it was made by 7 year old hands. I never mastered the sock monkey. But was just in my local Mennonite dry goods store and lo and behold they were selling those Rockford work socks you need to make them. Yep, I had to have them! I can’t believe that under those staid black boots some Old Order Mennonite girl or guy is wearing these cheery socks! I will let you know how the monkey turns out. I do still have 2 old sock monkeys I bought at my school bazaar in 2nd and 3rd grade, one was stuffed with old silk stockings and is so cuddly. The Second is just stuffed with cotton and is just not the same, ya know?
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Weather Merit Badge, Beginner Level

The adorable, always humorous MBA Jane is my way of honoring our Sisterhood Merit Badge program, now with 5,602 dues-paying members who have earned an amazing number of merit badges so far—7,898 total! Take it away, MBA Jane!!! MJ
Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life …
For this week’s Garden Gate/Weather Beginner Level Merit Badge, I stepped outside. I mean that literally. And not just that, but I decided to stay there for a minute. This is big for me because I’m not one to explore the great outdoors unless the weather is like, 74 degrees.
I know, I know. I’m spoiled rotten.
I do pay attention to the weather though. Take my Weather Rock, for instance. It’s SO much more reliable than watching the news forecast each morning. I simply pull aside my curtain and take a peek at my Weather Rock:
If it’s wet, it’s raining.
If it’s dry, it’s not.
If it’s warm, it’s sunny.
If it’s white, it’s snowing.
If it’s gone, it’s windy.
Pretty much fool-proof.
Anyway though, I have to confess anything I learned about weather I learned in kindergarten. And since I was mostly eating paste, spilling glitter, and making batty eyelashes at Ken, the info didn’t stick with me. I guess you could say, if it isn’t in the Itsy-Bitsy Spider song, I don’t know Jack.
Am I mixing metaphors? Sorry.
So I got myself over to the local public library, and I am not ashamed to say I went to the kid’s section. Hey, I like illustrations, okay? Don’t judge. After some help from my friendly librarian (who may or may not have been under the assumption that I had children), I came home with a great stack of books on such fascinating subjects as:
Atmospheric pressure (Earth’s atmosphere pressing against us as we speak. It’s in my bubble!)
Barometers (How to measure said pressure.)
High and low pressure systems (High is cooler weather, low is wet and stormy.)
Air masses (The volume of air.)
Weather formations (Self-explanatory, even for moi.)
I made myself a snack, checked on my Weather Rock (dry), and dug in. I learned all sorts of stuff I didn’t know before (merit badges have a way of doing that), and lo and behold, it actually made sense. I won’t ruin it for you to earn yourself, but this weather stuff is actually pretty interesting. I even began to daydream about being a meteorologist. This career choice had actually occurred to me before, back when I was rocking the pinstripe suits and heels and high, high hair. The higher the hair, the closer to the atmospheric pressure, you know!
Just a little weather-girl humor there.
I wondered if, perhaps, there was a more scientific approach to weather forecasting besides my rock. Like, uh, science.
I don’t know that I’m ready for full-on predictions yet, but at least I can experience the weather outside with a degree of knowledge and education. And, last but not least, I’m also learning to be happy whatever the weather and spend a little time each day outdoors. I guess you could say I’m my own Weather Rock now.
(At at the moment, if you must know, I’m a little damp).
This is a badge I need to reconsider. Ever since I was in second grade and we learned about weather, I have been totally obsessed with how it all works. I am one of those weather.com junkies because I want to know what is happening and learn about how weather patterns become accurate predictions. It is all so fascinating how what happens in the Arctic effects people in Florida!
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Hear Ye!

Welcome New Sisters! (click for current roster)
Merit Badge Awardees (click for latest awards)
My featured Merit Badge Awardee of the Week is … Sherrilyn Askew!!!
Sherrilyn Askew ( #1350) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Homespun Christmas Merit Badge!
(I know Christmas is over, but honestly, my mother started planning for next Christmas about this time every year just like Sherrilyn does.)
“I made at least 25% of the ornaments on our tree and I made at least 25% of the presents I am giving away for Christmas.
I gathered together a good many of the wooden spools I have saved over the years and painted the edges silver or gold. I then wrapper pretty paper around their middles, and used wire to attach beads to them. Partway through, my daughter caught me having fun and joined in to help. Pictured are a few of the ornaments we made. As for the gifts, every January, I make a list of family members and what I want to get them for Christmas, then spend the year finding or making the items. This year, I chose to make nearly half of all the gifts. I have gained a great deal of pleasure from doing this and only have 2 gifts left to complete before Christmas. Keep your fingers crossed.”
These earrings are so adorable and unique. What a cute idea for Christmas gifts and fun to make at the same time. Sherrilyn, congratulations on your achievement for creating at least 25% of your holiday as homespun. I know that is hard to do these days of cheap and available goods everywhere.
I had to add this to my Pinterest Christmas board. It’s so perfect.
Beautiful winter berries. Do the birds eat these?
Actually they’re full-size apples that have been frozen and are still on the tree.