Put on your gab-a-lorious thinking caps, girls …

Photo by Harry Poulsen via Wikimedia Commons
Because it’s time for another wonderful word matching quiz!
(I heard you whooping for joy.)
This week, I pulled a slew of wacky verbs from my trove of terminology and would love to know how many of them you can match to their definitions.
I’ll give you a word and its pronunciation, then I’ll list three definitions—only one choice is correct. Write down your answers as you go, then check them at the end.
1. Honeyfuggle (HUN-ee-fuh-guhl):
A. To deceive or swindle, especially by flattery
B. To wink
C. To distract by means of confusion
2. Lallygag (LAL-ee-gag, LAH-lee-gag):
A. To herd geese
B. To sneeze
C. To fool around, waste time, or spend time lazily
3. Hornswoggle (HAWRN-swog-uhl):
A. To charm one into doing things your way
B. To laugh with gusto
C. To bamboozle, trick, hoodwink, or hoax
4. Nictitate (NIK-ti-teyt):
A. To wink
B. To chew
C. To smoke
5. Blandish (BLAN-dish):
A. To wield a sword
B. To coax with flattery
C. To cover one’s face with a kerchief
6. Bombilate (BOM-bi-layt):
A. To make a humming or buzzing noise
B. To guess
C. To overwhelm with kindness
7. Gam (Gam):
A. To kick one’s leg
B. To spend time talking
C. To chew with one’s mouth open
8. Agglutinate (uh-GLOOT-n-ayt):
A. To become gluten tolerant
B. To describe something thoroughly
C. To join or become joined as if by glue
All done?
Pretty confident?

Photo by Steven Straiton via Wikimedia Commons
If so—if you’re sure you know—then go ahead and check your answers …
How’d ya do?
How fun! I got a little over half of them!
Thanks for the Saturday morning fun!
I missed #3 & #4! What was also interesting is how these words, which most I have heard all my life, were actuality spelled. I don’t think I have ever written them out. Spelling them would be a big challenge!
The only one I’d never heard of was “nictitate”, but I guessed it right. The rest of the them were familiar mostly because I have a passion for old novels, although the actual definition for bombilate did throw me. Bzzzz. Bzzzz. Come to think of it, I’ve been known to bombilate myself!
not even half…
And I thought I was good with words, got 3 wrong! Darn, need to brush up my vocabulary. And I have a passion for old books too, karlyne, but not as smart as you!
Missed 4; 4 correct although I hadn’t heard of 5 of these and guessed at them. Learning something new is always a good thing even if I never use these words. LOL
LOL I only got 2 right. I need to study.
5/8 right. Interesting words, I had only heard of half of them.