Monthly Archives: December 2013

Grandma Moses

Are you a fan of American folk art?

If so, you may know the artist whose passing we lament on December 13.

Need a hint? Take a look:


Image courtesy of Wikipaintings

The sweetly simplistic style of Anna Mary Robertson Moses, better known to all as Grandma Moses, is nearly unmistakable. And her subject matter is as dear to this farmgirl’s heart as that of Laura Ingalls Wilder.

A picture speaks a thousand words, as the saying goes, and Grandma Moses proved it to be true. With the clarity of her almost childlike imagery, she preserved the rural arts of maple sugaring, soap-making, haying, quilting, and Apple Butter Making (below),  to name a few.


Image courtesy of Wikipaintings

She once said, “I’ll get an inspiration and start painting; then I’ll forget everything, everything except how things used to be and how to paint it so people will know how we used to live.”


Sugaring Off by Grandma Moses courtesy of Wikipaintings

“In person, Grandma Moses charmed wherever she went,” read her obituary in the New York Times. “A tiny, lively woman with mischievous gray eyes and a quick wit, she could be sharp-tongued with a sycophant and stern with an errant grandchild. Cheerful, as a cricket, even in her last years, she continued to be keenly observant of all that went on around her. Until her last birthday, September 7, she rarely failed to do a little painting every day.”

Talk about an inspiration!

Perhaps what fascinates me most about the iconic Grandma Moses, though, is the fact that she didn’t begin painting until she was 76 years old!


Photo of Grandma Moses, taken in 1953, courtesy of Wikimedia

She took up a paint brush, she said, because she could no longer wield her embroidery needle as a result of arthritis. “She had been too busy all her life to bear the thought of being idle,” reported the Times.

Grandma Moses died on this day in 1961 at the ripe ol’ age of 101.

To learn more about her and enjoy a bountiful sampling of her paintings, I recommend the out-of-print book Grandma Moses by Otto Kallir, the renowned art dealer who helped popularize Moses’ work. It even includes a summary of her life, handwritten in her own words.




Reinventing the Snow Shovel

This winter, try an eco-friendly snow thrower called the Sno Wovel. Recognized by Co-op America and National Green Pages for its positive, pollution-free environmental standards, it was also chosen Time Magazine’s “best invention.” The wheeled snow shovel design clears away snow three times faster than shoveling, and greatly reduces the physical strain of shoveling and the related risks of back and heart injuries. No fuel, fumes, or deafening noise to harm the environment or the operator.


If you know how to use a seesaw, then you can Wovel. The Wovel works on the principle of leverage. “Give me but one firm spot in which to stand,” Archimedes declared 2,200 years ago,” and I will move the earth.” The Wovel gives you the power of leverage to safely move more snow in less time with greater ease then ever before.

Watch a variety of videos of the Sno Wovel in action here.





3 Days of Soup: Day 3, Butternut Squash Soup

I could live on butternut squash. I have my Airstream’s floor covered in our winter’s supply. (I keep my Airstream just a few degrees above from freezing, tucked away in the back of my barn—perfect for storing squash.)

How about you? What’s your favorite winter squash? My mother’s was “old mother Hubbard” squash. I remember her breaking them open during the winter with a small axe. She was probably growing what is now called the Blue Hubbard Giant Heirloom Squash. The hubbard she grew were huge—much bigger than a baby! Once she opened one up, it lasted for several meals. We often ate a section after it was baked with just butter, salt & pepper.


Butternut Squash Soup

Sauté 1 diced onion and 2 cloves minced garlic in 2 T butter. Add 4 cups cooked butternut squash and half a Granny Smith apple, diced. Add 3 cups vegetable broth, 1½ cups apple cider, 1 t minced fresh thyme, 1½ t salt, and ½ t black pepper; bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Purée. Serves 6.



Upcycled Holidays

What to do with all those little bits and pieces of remnant doilies and edgings? Paint them with water-diluted Mod Podge in layers until the piece is stiff enough to hold its shape. Put a wire hook in the top and call it a snowflake ornament!





T@B Bike

T@bitha is ready to roll!

UPDATE 6/28/2017:

A heartfelt thank you!!!!!! to everyone who signed up to be a Tabitha owner. We’d love to continue hearing about your many adventures! The crowning moment for us was when my daughter and her family passed another Tabitha owner two hours over the border in the neighboring state of Washington. As is so often the case, manufacturing and businesses change. T@bithas, as part of the T@b family, are still in good hands but we’re going to take a hiatus from the production of them while the re-branded company producing the well-know T@b teardrop gets up and running. If you are interested in buying a new or used Tabitha, please contact your local dealer to find out if they can track one down for you,



Tabitha is finally ready and orders coming in …

(Thanks for your patience; we had a lot of manufacturing details to iron out.)


Here’s the brochure we made for RV dealers across the U.S. who are offering her for sale. (Readable text printed below each page.) Or you can read it online here: Scroll down on this post where you will find even more photos and a Q&A section. If you’ve asked us a question, you’ll find the answer further on.


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