Buy props used in MaryJane’s books and magazine!
5% of profits will benefit www.firstbook.org, a non-profit that provides new books to children from low-income families throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Here’s how:
MaryJane will post a photo and a description of a prop and its cost along with a few details as to its condition here: https://shop.maryjanesfarm.org/MaryJanesCurations. It’s a playful way to be the new owner of a little bit of farm herstory.
Monthly Archives: February 2013

National Tooth Fairy Day??

Boy, did I luck out? Apparently, according to Nanny Jane and my mom, today is National Tooth Fairy Day. What a close one! Guess who visited two days ago? But what if I’d lost it last night and she’d been on vacation? Is it like the garbage truck that sometimes takes days to catch up after a holiday or does she just skip the day all together?
Either way, it was awfully good timing to jump on that trampoline at the birthday party. Although we did almost lose my tooth in the birthday balloons, my tooth made it safely under my pillow and the wonderful tooth fairy did sneak in and leave me a gold dollar coin and a trail of her glitter dust. So on her day today, I am still covered in glitter and my smile is missing a tooth, but I just wanted to say thanks, Tooth Fairy. Hope you are having a grand day!

Feelin’ it?

I know there are times when I’m too tuned in …
I can feel it.
It’s that computerized conundrum we find ourselves in these days:
Love the connection, the info, the ease of getting stuff done.
Hate the fevered-focus-brain-fog syndrome that hits when we get too caught up in living online.
Been there, done that—right?
Not unlike an addiction, this fact-paced electronic lifestyle can be hard to quit—even for a few hours.
Sometimes willpower alone just doesn’t cut it.
We know we should unplug, but … hang on … just one more e-mail …

FOUND: glamping project in the making

Lookie what we found—someone meeting up with my glamping fabric for the first time …
Have you met GLAMPING?
Glamping is the debut line from MaryJane Butters for Moda Fabrics.
She mixes glamour and camping in this fabric line.
She mixes glamour and camping in this fabric line.

So, remember a while back when I showed you my fabric crush … Glamping by MaryJane? I just couldn’t let it sit there! I really intended to stop with that because it was late and I had a long day ahead of me, but I just started to cut:

Freebie Quilt Pattern

Below is a freebie quilt pattern for my Glamping fabric. If you want to print this out, it’s quite lovely! Click here to be taken to the PDF.
Come on over here for more of my Glamping patterns! Soon to be in a fabric store near you.

glampin’ tote … like tote-ally

Check out this tote that Pippa, of Pippa’s Patch, made out of my glamping fabric.
Just fab, darlin’!

Past Tents

Shery, our Ranch Farmgirl blogger, alerted me to this book for sale on eBay. I snatched it up right away. Used copies are available through Amazon, but it won’t be mine any time soon. This is a keeper.
Lots of good stuff inside.
The original recliner.
And powder room.
Do you think someday there will be a book about “the way we glamped?”

Safe Toys

The adorable, always humorous MBA Jane is my way of honoring our Sisterhood Merit Badge program, now with 4,819 dues-paying members who have earned an amazing number of merit badges so far—6,550 total! Take it away, MBA Jane!!! MJ
Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life …
For this week’s Stitching and Crafting/Safe Toys Merit Badge, my memories harkened back to the good old days of playing hacky sack at the corner of Childhood and Games. Not really; it was the corner of Maple and Main, but you get my poetic license, right?
These double-jointed knees of mine can lob some bean bags through space like you wouldn’t believe. I was the hacky sack champion of ’85-’89, till Skipper quit the Double Dutch Team and really dedicated herself to being my arch nemesis. Grrr … Don’t even get me started on our Macramé War from ’92-’93. Epic.
Anyway, having fun with bean bags is no strange idea for me, so I was all about this badge! I got out all my fabric pieces (you know, those odd-shaped edges you weren’t sure what to do with but didn’t want to throw away?) and some iron-on transfers. First step was locating the iron and then promptly blowing all the dust off of it. Ahem. Never let it be said I don’t know how to iron, precisely; I prefer to think of it as saving energy and occasionally rocking the “lived-in” look. I call it lived-in, you call it wrinkled. Potato, potAHto. Let’s not split hairs.

Boy oh BOY!

Meet Beau Vine, the latest addition to our Heritage Jersey herd.
I checked on momma, Sally O’Malley, at 11 p.m. Saturday night. She was sleeping quietly, no contractions yet. When I went to the barn at the first hint of light the next morning …