Monthly Archives: May 2015



creature comforts

Small dairy farmers (me included) love to dote on their darlings.

We pet ’em. We hug ’em. We may even adorn them in flowers to show our girls how much we appreciate their marvelous milk …

… and (generally) gentle dispositions.

Photo by Lene, also called Manisha via Wikimedia Commons

But, the same can’t always be said for larger dairy operations, where cows are often akin to assembly-line employees, and working conditions can be, let’s just say, less than cozy.

Therefore, the last thing anyone would expect to see in a large commercial dairy barn is cows lounging on waterbeds.


“MJ is trying her hand at comedy again.”

Nope—not this time.

I dare say I’d never dreamed of such a thing. As far as I knew, the waterbed craze fizzled out somewhere in the ’80s, and I wasn’t sorry to see it go (that fad fell under the category of “just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should“). Ever try to get out of a waterbed when you’re eight months pregnant?

Yet, much to my astonishment, waterbeds are making a comeback,

finding a new niche under the hocks (and hooves) of dairy cattle,

replacing sawdust bedding and stall mats with the ultimate in indoor cow comfort.

Still don’t believe me? Watch this:

For those of you dairy divas who are dying to quench your lingering curiosity, visit DCC Waterbeds, the company responsible for unprecedented cow contentment.



Today’s Recipe: Gluten-free Crackers


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Hear Ye!

Welcome New Sisters! (click for current roster)

Merit Badge Awardees (click for latest awards)

My featured Merit Badge Awardee of the Week is … Beth Lohman!!!

Beth Lohman (cntybuff, #2591) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning a Beginner Level Backyard Farmer Merit Badge!

“I received two beautiful chickens for my birthday last October. I have been learning a little about how to take care of them and improving their pen.


I love having chickens. So does my granddaughter. We love watching them free-range in the backyard. I haven’t had to buy eggs in months!!! I’m ready to add a couple more.”



Urge to Nest

Need a little vernal vocab to impress your friends?

Tweet this:

nidificate (NID-u-fi-cate)

Meaning: to build a nest

As in:

Photo courtesy

It’s REAL.

Designed by OGE CreativeGroup as “a fusion of furniture and playground,” the Giant Birdsnest is pure farmgirl fantasy.

Photo courtesy

“The wooden nest is filled with highly comfortable egg-shaped sitting poofs, which allow ergonomic sitting positions and various configurations for informal meetings and social exchange,” explain creators Merav Eitan and Gaston Zahr. “The nest comes in various sizes, from a small and intimate nest for one, up to a big version, which can host 16 people at once. The soft space is a perfectly comfortable and inspiring place for resting, browsing the Web, reading, relaxing, loving, talking, briefing, discussing … Simply jump in and enjoy.”

Wondering about DIY, aren’t you.





Soko is …

  • THE online destination to discover stunning and ethically produced handcrafted accessories from all over the world
  • empowering women in developing countries by providing direct consumer access to the global marketplace
  • ensuring that the majority of artisans’ profits stay with their local community
  • owned and operated by women for women to help “fashion a better world”
  • in a word: BEAUTIFUL

Photo by Sku1 via Wikimedia Commons

A trio of savvy women named Ella Peinovich, Gwendolyn Floyd, and Catherine Mahugu co-founded Soko in 2011 after recognizing “a global need, as well as global opportunity, to disrupt the systemic patterns of poverty found across the developing world’s creative economy.”

Photo by Petr Berka via Wikimedia Commons

“Style can be smart,” says the Soko team. “Soko brings you the opportunity to dazzle your wardrobe with stunning ethically produced jewelry never before available on the international marketplace. Our artisans design their own products, and we encourage them to use natural, locally-sourced recycled and upcycled materials. Not only are the creations unique and exquisite, they demonstrate the resourcefulness of our artisans and encourage a sustainable future.”

Smart, indeed.

As if you hadn’t guessed, Soko is just the sort of entrepreneurial effort that lights my fire, and one of its hottest aspects is the Designing a Difference program.

Heads up: this is farmgirl territory for sure.

Designing a Difference gives experienced designers (YOU??) the opportunity to share skills with small-scale artisans.

How rewarding would that be?

Soko describes it as a two-way learning opportunity. “You can impart technical and trend expertise, while learning about traditional techniques, local materials, and the incredible resourcefulness and ingenuity found in emerging markets. To learn more about this unique opportunity, get in touch with our team at”

And to shop for some feel-good, look-amazing accessories, peruse Soko’s gorgeous goods at

