Monthly Archives: May 2012

interspecies love

Dang it, I missed the close-up photo of my mini-horse, Nutmeg, sleeping with her head on the tummy of my mini-Jersey bull, Milky Way. As I approached them with my camera to get on the downhill side, they rustled, stood up, and then came over to see …

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Bringing Back Palouse Prairie

The ridge above my farm offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Palouse. Our neighbors at Thorn Creek Native Seed Farm steward over 100 acres of this historic Palouse Prairie on Paradise Ridge and it has been their mission to restore native plants to the area.

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Lend a Hand to Farm Families

Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life

In order to earn this Lend a Hand to Farm Families Merit Badge (helping a farm family by donating six hours of my time, either in feeding their animals or cleaning up around the farm), I first had to find a farm family. Driving around slowly through the countryside is nice and all, but at the price of gas these days, not conducive to a girl’s budget. Why, just the other day, I had to hang out the window at the pump and shout at the gas station attendant to shut it off before he spent my unborn children’s college fund. Also, driving around in slow motion staring at country houses made me feel like I was an escaped lunatic, casing the joint.

So, I switched tactics and started …

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carpe nutrimens

What is carpe nutrimens, you ask? Seize the food. Oh yes. Yummy, organic, good for you, will make you want to take a nap after breakfast, nutrimens. Mornings at our B&B are a cornucopia of delicious smells, tasty eats, and fantasmical surroundings (fantastic + magical). Eating breakfast outside around a campfire is our preferred way to start the day. So grab yer’ hot coffee and let’s go on a little tour …

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It’s warming up in paradise.

The grass is turning green, the farmers are tilling the land, and we are saying goodbye to this same scene that was frost-bitten not so very long ago.

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Breakfast Is Served!

Here’s what our B&B guests ate yesterday morning.

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“Imagine all the people, sharing all the world.”

Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, knew it. “Friends share all things.”

Around 2,500 years later, John Lennon, the modern-day philosopher and musician, knew it too.

“Imagine all the people, sharing all the world.”  

Sharing is good. We know that.

Food? Sharing food? We all do that.

Here are some hard numbers:

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