Monthly Archives: January 2013

On Assignment, Part II

So the next day, Mom called for all farmhands on deck to test our snow for snowman worthiness.

Ace had no problem forming the perfect “snowball” but it was a “snowman” Mom wanted.

After a proper snowball fight, we had one more distraction to accomplish. In honor of MaryJane’s fall from grace the day before, we thought we’d try to make her feel better.

Okay, back to work …

hmmm … Our snowman might not be photo worthy either.

Too bad. We’ll have to play in the snow again next week once it warms up. 20 degree snow, even with the sun warming it, doesn’t lend itself to the legendary Frosty we were hoping to create.


Hear Ye!

Welcome New Sisters! (click for current roster)

Merit Badge Awardees (click for latest awards)

My featured Merit Badge Awardee of the Week is … Krystle Townsend!

Krystle Townsend (countrymommy85, #2595) has received a certificate of achievement in Cleaning Up for earning an expert level Going Green badge!

“I’ve been making my own soaps now for just over a year now. We use homemade cleaners for the house also. We strictly use a clothesline and drying rack in the summer and use the drying rack in the winter and use the dryer only when necessary. If we re-paint we will ONLY use non-toxic paint. We removed all the carpet from our house and have tile and hardwood floors now! I’ve helped my family (more than the required 10 hours) be self sufficient and green clean! I’ve offered my books and materials to help even further.

It has been a slow process but one well worth it. After removing the carpet, I was shocked to see how much dirt and nastiness was hiding underneath!!! So glad that germ and gas trap is gone. It is neat to see how much healthier and peaceful your house becomes without chemical cleaners. It almost seems they are a stimulant of some sort. Nothing like putting on clean clothes in the morning and being able to smell the sunshine on them.”

Happy Thesaurus Day!

How many times have you changed your entire sentence because you couldn’t find the right word to describe what you’re trying to express?

Been there, done that. Just a few times.

I do have a secret weapon, though …

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Oh, pie!

Mark your calendars, farmgirls …

National Pie Day is on the way!

If you LOVE pie,

(and who doesn’t LOVE pie?),

Then set aside January 23 for some serious pie time.

Pie time?

What sort of pie time?

What can a pie partisan do to prove her piety?

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It’s a girl thing!

It’s a girl thing!

Pop quiz:

What’s the first “girl thing” that came to mind?

Stereotypes have a way of superseding our rational senses, so don’t beat yourself up if you immediately thought of make-up or sparkly dresses or slumber parties.

The latest “girl thing” to sweep the globe, however, is not another glitzy gimmick.

It’s …


Yup, science.

Last summer, the EU Commissioner for Research and Innovation, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, launched the Women in Research and Innovation campaign to encourage more women to choose research careers.

Go, girl!

It all started with a statistic:

Women make up more than half the EU’s student population and account for 45 percent of all doctorates (PhDs), but they account for only one third of career researchers and are very poorly represented at the senior level.

Suddenly, a slogan was born:

“Science: It’s a Girl Thing!”

The first facet of the campaign is bent on bringing teen girls face-to-face with inspiring women-scientist role models and enlightening them about the excitement and challenges of being a professional scientist or engineer. The second phase targets college-level women and encourages them to choose a career in research.

I love the campaign’s website at a glance. There are quizzes, contests, video clips, and dream jobs—all designed to dare girls to dream big.

And the best part about being a girl scientist?

YOU call the shots.

You can …

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start your day off pleasantly a-moo-zed

This short video gave me a little cow-poke chuckle.


Do you Neti?

Flu season is upon us! If you’ve started the sniffling, sore throat, save-me-from-the-cold-sweats this winter, you’ll have to tough it out, but a neti pot can be your saving grace. It helps prevent colds by flushing out the cilia in the nostrils that hold onto the bad nasties you might inhale.

Most colds are acquired through the nostrils. Touching one’s nose and face transfers the bacteria, where it finds the perfect place to breed and wage war in your mucus membranes. I can’t begin to count the times my little friend, Neti, has saved me on my travels. From breathing shared airplane air to community taxi cabs and subways, there are plenty of places to acquire nasty germs.

So, when you’re feeling a little under the weather, get over it with a neti pot. (Please note: always use distilled water.) You can sing this little ditty while you do. Oh, and I should mention, neti pots are best used in the privacy of your own bathroom. Though it’s called muc-US, keep it a me, myself, and I activity.

I’m a little neti pot, short and stout.
Here is my handle, here is my spout.
When you get all stopped up in the snout
Tip me over to get the gunk out!

Click here to buy yours on Amazon.