Monthly Archives: August 2011

Birds of a Feather

It’s no secret that I’m crazy about chickens. Been there, established that. But did you know that I also carry a torch for their free-flying cousins? Yep, birds of any feather tickle my fancy. Chickadees, woodpeckers, sparrows, even raptors and ravens inspire a kind of wide-eyed wonder in my heart, and I suppose that qualifies me as a birdwatcher. Throw in my trusty old pair of binoculars, and I might even be a bona fide “birder” (FYI: bird was first used as a verb in 1918).

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Here’s a Tip For You

I have a tip for you. It’s around 15 – 20%.

Your mind races. Your palms are starting to sweat. Time is short, and indecision holds you fast.

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Sentimental Shores

Misty of Chincoteague book cover, photo courtesy Harford County Public Library

The warm summer sun has set me adrift to another place and another time. I’m compelled to visit a novel cherished by many girls of my generation: Marguerite Henry’s Misty of Chincoteague, published in 1947.

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Wind, Waves, and Wild Ponies

Did you get a chance to read my recent book review of the childhood classic, Misty of Chincoteague? If so, I’d wager you’re ready to hop aboard as I set out on an island adventure!

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Great Find: Sun Bonnet Sue SOLD

In the next issue of our magazine, “Imagine a Place” Oct/Nov 2011, we’re featuring the adorable, traditional, much-loved Sun Bonnet Sue.

This handmade tablecloth, 35 inches x 35 inches, could be yours for $18. We’ll throw in a copy of “The World According to Mister Rogers (Important Things to Remember)” by Fred Rogers.

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Horse Picnic

The first thing we do is go to our greenhouse to harvest horse-size carrots for our horses to eat as part of the picnic feast.

Then we saddle up Paco and LB (Lightning Bolt) and head for the old homestead up on Paradise Ridge.

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Missouri Ho!

You know I’m a sucker for small-town America. Give me a hardy little burg that thrives on the fruits of agriculture and community spirit, and I’m in heaven. So this week, I’m making tracks to Mansfield, in the heartland of southern Missouri. Never heard of it? Well, you might just be more familiar with Mansfield than you think.

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Nice Voice

There’s a joke about a little boy who gets put to bed early. The next morning he asks his parents …

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Today’s Recipe: Chocolate-Covered-Blueberry Cookies

Hold onto your hats, girls—have I got a doozy for you:

Blueberries are good for you, right?

I KNOW—you’re bowled over! Scientists have discovered that blueberries are healthy. So those of you not eating blueberries because you thought they were unhealthy can…

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Gamboling is approved for all ages. It’s even doctor-recommended for kids from 1 to 92 and it’s a word found in many of the classics.

No, we aren’t talking about Kenny Rogers’ high stakes poker game, nor are we talking about a convenience-store lottery ticket.

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