Monthly Archives: June 2015

Disconnect to Reconnect Merit Badge, Intermediate Level

The adorable, always humorous MBA Jane is my way of honoring our Sisterhood Merit Badge program, now with 6,450 dues-paying members who have earned an amazing number of merit badges so far—9,160 total! Take it away, MBA Jane!!! MJ 

Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life   

For this week’s Outpost/Disconnect to Reconnect Intermediate Level Merit Badge, I did a little kidnapping.

Oh, pshaw, Janey, my girl, I can hear you say. You would never!

Yes. Yes, I would.

Only my victims weren’t kiddos, they were fully grown adults.

Fully grown adults who you would think could go a full weekend without their phones, gadgets, Blackberries, laptops, iPods, and the like.

Rob124 via Wikimedia Commons

But no. Give me cranky toddlers, hyped up on sugar, with no naps, any day! They’d be a cinch compared to my irritable, technology-addicted girlfriends. Sigh. I did them a favor. Something I’m sure they’ll agree with and echo.

Once they come out of their cravings and withdrawal symptoms and start talking to me again, I mean.

So I suppose it was less like a kidnapping, and more like an intervention. Don’t get me wrong: it wasn’t easy for me to give it all up for a few days either. I mean, I’m as connected and plugged in and cyber social as the next gal, so I felt the withdrawal symptoms, too.

The shaking. The reaching for your phantom phone that isn’t there. The constant imaginary beeping and pinging you hear, even when it’s all in your head. The need to be near an electric outlet at all times in case of a dreaded and hideous Low Battery warning. The sound of silence that makes you run screaming for the nearest television. I get you. I was trembling, too, girls.

Though part of it was because I was pretty sure my friends were going to make me sleep with da fishes if I didn’t produce the tote bag that I accidentally/on-purpose left behind in town. Sixty miles away.

I soothed the savage beasties with a home-cooked meal of flatbread pizzas in our rented cabin, and by bedtime, they were all talking to me again.

Sometimes it was threats on my welfare, but still. Progress.

We stayed up late reminiscing about the Good Ol’ Days (the ones before technology took over our lives), drinking hot cocoa, and telling scary stories (most started out with Once upon a time an evil queen took away her minion’s cell phones and they threw her off a cliff and lived happily ever after without her … yadda yadda yadda).

photo, Masatoshi via Wikimedia Commons

Falling asleep was way hard. There were no comforting devices to cuddle with. No soothing pings in the middle of the night to reassure us that someone in Facebook Land loved us. No midnight Twitter arguments to pop popcorn over and debate in 140 characters or less. No Instagram selfies to post. No Tumbler accounts to follow. No blog post stats to check.  No Shutterfly photos to sort, no profiles to update, no online dating services to lie on.

It was scary. We huddled together for solidarity. We braided one another’s hair and ate more pizza. They made more threats on my life (blah, blah, blah).

By the next day, we were getting used to being without our devices. We could make lunch without taking pictures of it. We could use the bathroom mirror to check our reflections instead of taking selfies. We could have full, uninterrupted conversations.

By the third day, we were digging it. We had gotten know each other more in those three days then we had in the past decade, before our online identities had taken over our real identities.

I’m not saying they didn’t pounce on the tote bag like a starving cheetah on a pudgy zebra, but hey. It’s still progress.



Hear Ye!

Welcome New Sisters! (click for current roster)

Merit Badge Awardees (click for latest awards)

My featured Merit Badge Awardee of the Week is … Ginger Harmon!!!

Ginger Harmon (#6451) has received a certificate of achievement in Stitching & Crafting for earning a Beginner Level Sew Wonderful Merit Badge!

“I put together a beginner’s sewing kit with a homemade pinkeeper owl made by my dear friend, Anne Lister, from England.

I included:

  • Several different colors of thread
  • Buttons
  • Scissors
  • Needles
  • Straight pins
  • Safety pins
  • Thimble
  • Measuring tape
  • Beeswax
  • Oh, and my crochet hooks

I love it, and the buttons are easy to view in the Mason jam jar inside the tin. I did learn that one should not put this together with the help of the cat, since he ran off with Mr. Hoot!”




Garden Donations

If you have a garden bursting into bloom, it probably won’t be long before you’re picking more produce than you can pawn off on your neighbors.

Zucchini, anyone?

Photo by Tony Webster via Wikimedia Commons

Baked Zucchini Chips,

Zucchini Pickles,

Stuffed Zucchini with Spinach and Bacon

Okay, okay—enough already!

There must be something else a gardener can do with her extras.

And here it is:

This aptly named non-profit is all about creating pathways between fresh garden produce and food pantries for people in need.

“One out of six Americans needs food assistance but can’t get fresh produce from the local food pantry, while millions of American homeowners grow more food in their backyard gardens than they can possibly use,” says the organization’s website. “The Campaign is a national effort utilizing the Internet that enables 40-plus million Americans who grow food in home gardens to easily donate their excess harvest to registered local food pantries spread across all 50 states.”

Photo by Biswarup Ganguly via Wikimedia Commons


Check out the searchable, online list of food pantries at Every single one of them is ready and able (and sometimes desperate) for fresh food donations.




farm babies

This past week, we had two new arrivals at the farm …

Welcome Elsa O’Mally (with her mother’s trademark Tinkerbell ears–cute as pixie dust). 

and Sweet William!!!


Elsa O’Mally is the daughter of Sally O’Mally, born at 11:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 14th. Sweet William is the son of Miss Daisy, born June 10 at 11:59 p.m. Our new little ones gave a whole new meaning to burning the midnight lamp oil. Calf watch for me meant a cot in the barn.

Here are the new babies exploring their domain:





hot property

Are you in the market for some HOT property?

(Play along with me here).

There’s a woman in Spain who has a sizzling deal for you.

Let’s just say that her idea of real estate gives “outpost” a whole new meaning …

More like, ah, Outer Limits.

Photo by Brocken Inaglory via Wikimedia Commons

Maria Angeles Duran of Madrid, age 54, is subdividing the sun.

Yes, that’s right—THE sun.

Photo by Zach Dischner via Wikimedia Commons

You’re probably waiting for the punch line, but this isn’t a joke.

Apparently, Duran has been selling 11-square-foot parcels of prime solar property (which she claims to own) for about $1 apiece … on (you guessed it) eBay.

The global marketplace just went intergalactic.

But, wait …

How, exactly, does one take possession of the sun?

(Where there’s a will …)

Duran staked her claim to the fiery frontier by way of a loophole in the UN’s Outer Space Treaty, which states that no nation can own a heavenly body.

Now you know.

The treaty, however, says nothing about individual celestial tenure.

Duran, quite simply, called dibs.

According to various online sources, she accrued some 600 online orders before “the powers-that-Bay” suspected a scam and, dashing many a dream, suspended Duran’s account.

Incensed at what she perceives as injustice, Duran is now suing eBay for damages, and a court in Madrid will consider her case to determine if eBay violated the terms of its seller agreement.

As for ownership of the sun, the verdict is still out—WAY out.

And Duran is purportedly still selling pieces of the ultimate pyromaniac’s paradise on her own website.

Get ’em while they’re hot!

