Ring, ring, ringaling. Winnie Nielsen? Are you there????
We noticed yesterday that you have more comments than anyone, well, except for me, and Miss Wilma’s shipment of her Kentucky lovin’ handmade white pillows arrived, and sooooooooooooo … we got to talking.
What if we sent four of the bestest of the bunch to Winnie as a way of thanking her, no, as a way of saying, YoU RoCK SisTaH!!!!! We love you. And we wish you sweet dreams.

Miss Wilma scours the countryside for old feather mattresses. She brings them home and sterilizes the pure down feathers and then packs them back into the original ticking (cut into “piller” sizes), and then, and THEN, she makes pillowcases for them using old vintage dresses and handmade lace that she finds when out and about. They are exquisite. One of a kind. The stuff of sweet dreams. Winifred.
I did a little research on your buggy boot-jack. It is a very old design and antiquey models for sale are from the very late 1800s into the early 1900s. Some are carved out of wood. I saw one similar to yours on an antique auction site – it was also aluminum-ish…nickel-silver in appearance, same mold, and made in England. I’ve seen cast iron models like it over the years. I could find no info though about why a Cicada beetle (or whatever he is) was chosen for a boot jack. I do know that Cicadas are thought to be good luck in some countries. I love their late afternoon summer song in the trees.
I love this boot jack! I does seem so perfect for your airstream glamper as well. What fun to receive a gift that screams ” this is so me” !!