Buy props used in MaryJane’s books and magazine!
5% of profits will benefit www.firstbook.org, a non-profit that provides new books to children from low-income families throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Here’s how:
MaryJane will post a photo and a description of a prop and its cost along with a few details as to its condition here: https://shop.maryjanesfarm.org/MaryJanesCurations. It’s a playful way to be the new owner of a little bit of farm herstory.
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Next Time You’re in Town

We had a great time on our recent trip to Manhattan, and people always ask where we ate (mostly because there are a million fabulous choices). We do have one place we always visit … every year.
Mia was just 1 and Stella just 3 when they peeked their heads over the polka-dot booth for a mirror pic with our friend Ashley on their first visit.
Last year, the girls and I even had the same booth for lunch!
This year, the whole family enjoyed lunch together.
I do love a good burger and fries, but usually prefer to serve up the cows we raise. You know you might be from Idaho when your kids refer to beef as cow at the dinner table. The cows at Brgr have enjoyed a good, grass-fed life too! Yay for restaurants taking steps to improve our food. We are proud to support them, and their burgers are delicious. Gotta love any restaurant with slogans like “Cows were designed to graze on grass …” and …
Love those smiles in the booth!! Yes, finally we are able to get beef that has been raised on grass AND treated humanely. It has taken such a long time to get here and there is much more progress to make. However, I give credit to the new breed of farmers in the past 20 years who have ignored the nay sayers and pushed fresh, organic, and sustainable farming forward! We owe them a debt of gratitude!
Yes, I am fortunate to be able to buy local nearly organic ( not certified but really organically raised) grass fed beef here in Lancaster County PA. A 4th generation family farm that has its own meat market as well. The bad news is that it is about 40 minutes away. And the really bad part is the meat market is only open when they have butchered, so it is catch as catch can. Wish more restaurants in our area served this kind of beef.
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Just in time for Easter! Daffodils bring so many wonderful memories of Spring and my childhood home. They make any table cheerful and welcoming.
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Farmgirls in the Big Apple

You know the saying … You can take the girls out of the farm, but you can’t take the farm out of the girls. Or something like that, right? It’s so true, but it’s always good to venture out and double check. Besides, coming back home can feel so good.
We were pretty excited for our adventure. The teddy bears might have felt otherwise, but they were good sports.
It was a windy day, but the pilots got us safely out of Idaho and on our way to the big city.
We checked into our hotel with a midnight snack, then off to dream about our first day in the city.
Good morning, Manhattan!
Look out city, here we come (in our farm boots, of course).
We loved the Museum of Natural History, and after an entire day wandering the halls, we still have a list of things to do for next time. I love it when my girls voluntarily hold hands.
Rockefeller Center is awesome, especially on a windy day with all the world flags flapping above. And of course, having just learned to ice skate back home, the girls had fun watching the Zamboni do its thing.
We could have spent the entire week in Central Park. But alas, it was time to pack up and head home.
Good night, Manhattan. Until next time … tomorrow to be exact, when I share why we were in NYC plus a Big Moment GIVEAWAY!
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This reminds me of a very close up of blooming broccoli, but I am sure it must be something else. It does not look familiar to me.
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Beautiful rich color! What is it? The ability of a camera to capture these details is amazing!
Absolutely love hellobores ! Their strange coloration and early blooming make them so special in the early spring garden. There is one garden nearby in a trailer park that has the most beauitful ones I have ever seen. Congrats to you MJ for realizing their oh so subtle beauty.
Pink and turquoise are quintessential Florida colors! Down south the they paint their houses those colors. So dreamy and pretty with big palm trees swaying and bright sunshine.
Oh, I would love to see that. What a great image to start my day.