

  1. Cindi says:

    Yep. That’s about the stage they are all in 🙂 So excited about the new crop of berries about to burst forth that I won’t even look at the berries they have in the grocery stores. Not long now before we are berried in berries 🙂

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Mmmm, strawberries!! Our season here in Florida is already over but we now have blueberries in abundance. Strawberries and blueberries are two of my favorite warm weather ingredients. There are so many ways to use them and they are just plain delicious!

  3. terry steinmetz says:

    Strawberries! Our wild ones are in full blossom right now. If we don’t get frost, we’ll get quite a few in July.

  4. bonnie ellis says:

    Ours in Minnesota are in about the blossom stage above. Can’t wait to make jam.

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Another beautiful moment compliments of Mother Nature!

  2. bonnie ellis says:

    I can taste them already. Yum!

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Today’s Recipe: Gluten-free Crackers


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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Ashley, these look so delicious! I wish I could have coordinated my visit to match with your weekly recipe photo shoot. I sure do love your bunkhouse kitchen! It is a Chef’s dream space with an incredible view of the rolling hills right outside your window. Do you ever cook on the stove on the porch?

    • MaryJane says:

      Good morning Winnie! I sent your comment to Ashley, and here is her response:
      It was so great to meet you, and it would have been fantastic to have you watch while Karina and I worked on a weekly recipe shoot. I do so enjoy reading your comments and compliments each week! I love cooking in the bunkhouse kitchen. It is so nice to have the big windows all around to look out while I am working. When I work early, I get to listen to the birds wake up and watch the sunrise while I am sipping coffee and whipping up a new invention. In the summer, I set up a little barbecue and work on grilling recipes from the porch. It really is a great space!

  2. Liz Bowling says:

    I always look forward to your recipes and this looks like a great one. Sometimes please explain how to keep these wonderful crackers fresh. Saw in picture to roll in wax paper. Is this the best way? I’ve made crackers from your cookbook but they didn’t stay crisp very long. Maybe not cooking them long enough? Loved them and look forward to making these.

    • MaryJane says:

      Here’s what my DIL Ashley, MaryJanesFarm food guru, had to say:
      Hi Liz,
      These crackers can be stored in wax paper or an airtight container. They stayed crisp for as long as they lasted (which wasn’t long—each batch disappeared within 3 days). If they soften after baking, then they should be baked for longer. If they do soften, just pop them in the oven at 375°F for a couple minutes, and they’ll crisp up again.

  3. CJ Armstrong says:

    Looks yummy! Thanks for the recipe, I just need to get some gluten free mix!

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  1. Bonnie ellis says:

    Those are gorgeous. We have one with an apricot center. Daffodils are the epitome of spring.

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Meet the most recent addition to my herd of bovine beauties, Ester Lily, born on Easter Sunday. I’m bottle-feeding this gal and loving every minute of it. When she was smaller, she’d curl up in my lap and we’d take naps together. Last Sunday, we found a sunny spot in the grass to lay down and she reached her head over onto my neck and fell sound asleep. She gives the sweetest kisses and is endlessly agreeable and adorable. Can you tell I’m smitten!? farm-romance_0035

  1. terry steinmetz says:

    I’d be smitten too. Unconditional love! We can’t get enough of it.

  2. Amy Cloud Chambers says:

    Oh those soulful eyes!!!

  3. Bonnie ellis says:

    I am so jealous! What a sweetheart! Give her a hug for me. Happy birthday kid. I’ll be 73 on July 8 , so I can oficially call you kid. Lol

  4. ursula hartunian says:

    She’s a lovely lady. I envy the kisses and naps with her.

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