Flat Stanley’s Field Trip to the Farm

Many of you may have met this guy … or his sister, Flat Suzy …

fs 2

Flat Stanley is a tool for us kids (usually kindergarten through second grade) to connect with others across the country. He is usually sent on a trip (via mail) to another part of the country by a student to another student. When he arrives, he has pictures taken of all the activities he enjoys in a new place. Sometimes, he gets new attire or accessories on his trip, too.

Flat Stanley, who will be celebrating his 50th year in 2014, was originally a children’s book published in 1964 by Jeff Brown. His story goes like this:

“When Stanley Lambchop wakes up one morning, his brother, Arthur, is yelling. A bulletin board fell on Stanley during the night, and now he is only half an inch thick!

Amazing things begin happening to him. Stanley gets rolled up, mailed, and flown like a kite. He even gets to help catch two dangerous art thieves. He may be flat, but he’s a hero!”

I received him all the way from Kansas from my friend, Alexa (we share the same birthday). Alexa is a farmgirl for sure, so we knew he’d enjoy a visit to the farm. Here’s a snippet of Flat Stanley’s day with us …

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I never heard of Flat Stanley but what an awesome idea for kids to share with pen pals and learn about new places. It looks like Flat Stanley had a fabulous time visiting the farm and enjoying the variety of experiences. Where will he visit next? Maybe Florida? He might get a kick out of the orange groves and crystal blue springs around here.

  2. Carol Gillen says:

    I am in awe of your “wallpapered” chicken coop.

  3. Terry Steinmetz says:

    I never heard of Flat Stanley, but I think it he will be making an appearance at my grandgirls’ home soon!

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I am not sure what this is? I see it has something to do with water, but the handle is unfamiliar looking. This city girl is so cluless!

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Silly Farmgirls!!

We made Mom and NannyJane laugh pretty hard when we sent a portrait of ourselves to them while they were at work this past week!

stella and mia

Sisters are the best ever! We used the Aviary Sticker App for an IPhone. Doesn’t Mia look good in a sombrero??

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    What an adorable duo! I love the great glasses they chose best!!

  2. Laurie Dimino says:

    Too CUTE!!!!!

  3. Terry Steinmetz says:

    They are so-o-o cute! Makes me miss my grandgirls. After this, I’ll be giving them a call. Thanks for the smile-for-the-day!

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Red Farm tools?? Nothing draws me in like an old red barn and vintage kitchen utensils, but I never knew that farm tools were also red?! ***swoon***

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Remember Nat King Cole’s song, If I had to choose just one day? ….Lots of daffodils, were showing off their frills…..Loved that oldie!

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Glorious daffodils ushering in Spring and chasing old man Winter out!

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