Buy props used in MaryJane’s books and magazine!
5% of profits will benefit www.firstbook.org, a non-profit that provides new books to children from low-income families throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Here’s how:
MaryJane will post a photo and a description of a prop and its cost along with a few details as to its condition here: https://shop.maryjanesfarm.org/MaryJanesCurations. It’s a playful way to be the new owner of a little bit of farm herstory.
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Carrots are one of my favorite veggies. These look beautiful right out of the ground and begging for enjoyment!
Looks familiar! I just finished digging the last of our carrots last week! Yummy! Sad that it’ll be a while before we have more in the garden, however. It’s amazing how good they taste!
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Tulip ready for a burst of color very soon.
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Oh my gosh that is ADORABLE!!!
Oh my goodness! How CUTE is that!
CJ -
How sweet! Did you take that picture Mary Jane? That makes my day.
how ca–ute!!
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Such an adorable face! April babies are so sweet . They are all mixed in with first blossoms , new green everywhere and warm breezes.
True love at first sight ~ She’s beautiful!!! Oh to have eyelashes like that 🙂
Ah MaryJane, so this is little Ester Lily, almost Easter Lily, eh? Too adorable for words ! Happy spring to you little one! Is she a miniature or regular sized?
How now sweet tiny brown cow ? -
Awwww . . . what a cutie!
CJ -
She is beautiful. Jerseys are something special and to be born on Easter, wow. I love my jubilee jersey. I wish I was there to cuddle with Ester Lily too. Give her a hug for me.
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What a great photo of my favorite bird. Their migration visit here every February is way to short!
I’ll be checking in from across the pond tomorrow. Long travel day, so wish me luck. Wonder if I will find a red tractor somewhere in Provence? Surely all those vineyards have a tractor somewhere. If there is one… you will be the first to see me with it.
Just saw a dozen of them in my sister in laws when we went for Easter dinner. What a great picture. Happy travel Winnie.
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Milk Cow Goodness!!
You caught me reading Milk Cow Kitchen. Such a lovely book. I can’t look for the how-to on a single thing without finding myself in the chair in the corner taking in page after beautiful page ~ even before 4:30 a.m.!!
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Girls Climbing Trees

The girls and I took a trip to Boise, Idaho, last week. The weather was warm and lovely, and we spent ample time at the park. Although we could have just as well been at home on the farm because as I sat on the park bench, I watched dozens of children playing on Boise’s state-of-the-art playground equipment, but guess where my girls spent their time? In the trees surrounding the park.
Watching them climb gives me a slight heart attack, but it’s good for both mental and physical health, right?
Yes, it is very good for both physical and mental health ~ theirs! I’m not sure anyone has considered what it does to mom’s!! I love that they chose the trees over the play equipment 🙂 My kinda kids 🙂
Meg, I know your girls had a blast. When my girls were little, they and their friends all used to climb the Dogwood tree in our backyard and play up in it with their My Little Ponies. If there is an easy way to climb up a tree, I think lots of kids will choose that instead of something else. It is pretty magical up there!
Choosing trees over playground equipment? True blue farmgirls for sure! Love it!
CJ -
When I was a kid climbing trees was the best. I was very good at it compared to my scaredy cat friends. ?But then as we have talked about before here, there are the TREEHOUSES. then it is really swell!
So much more fun!
That’s super cute! Little girls and trees are the best! Also… it takes a certain bit of talent to climb trees, not just any ole girl can do it! 🙂 Happy Easter! – Dori –
Love that they chose trees over the playground equipment. Ya know, we never even purchased a play yard set for our backyard because the kids always wanted to be in and under the trees that surround our yard. Oh the forts and mini tree houses they made were so clever and it kept them occupied for hours up hours. Or at least until their tummies started to rumble… 🙂
More beauty from the bulb flower department!!
Ah, spring! Ours are just beginning to bloom here in Minnesota. Yours are pretty in that vase.