Day ONE Magazine Giveaway WINNER!!!!!

Today is the day we begin our eight-day FREE magazine subscription GIVEAWAY marathon.


I’ll pick one winner a day from our 865 (eight-hundred-and-sixty-five!!!!!) entries until I’ve given away 7 one-year subscriptions. And then on the eighth day, some lucky winner will get a lifetime subscription in celebration of our twelfth year publishing MaryJanesFarm.

Today’s WINNER of a magazine subscription is …

none other than …

the incredibly amazing …


How are you going to feel if you’re one of the 864 who didn’t win today? No doubt you’ll need the therapy of a subscription or a renewal, right? (I know, shameless marketing but we love it when you don’t think you can get by without us. We need you to need us!)

The winner of a one-year subscription to MaryJanesFarm is:


Donna Cochran, who said in response to my question, “If you’re already a reader, tell me why you like our magazine. If you’re new to MaryJanesFarm magazine, tell me how you heard about us.”

“Love your magazine and all you stand for! I buy it as I can at our local organic market. My daughter loves it also. Your way of life is our way of life.”

Congratulations Donna! Watch your inbox for an email from me.


Below is the GIVEAWAY that is now closed to entries (thanks everyone!!!):

Let’s give this GIVEAWAY one LAST try, HEY! hip, hooray, FREE subscriptions!

We’re giving away 7 one-year subscriptions to our magazine, MaryJanesFarm. We’ll let your entries (only one per household please) pile up in the comments section below and then for 7 days, I’ll pick a winner until I’ve given away 7 one-year subscriptions. And then on the eighth day, some lucky winner will get a lifetime subscription in celebration of our twelfth year publishing MaryJanesFarm. Won’t you join us?


Whether you’re a city chick or a farm chick,


MaryJanesFarm magazine will help guide you back to your farmgirl roots,


back to healthful living,


next door with biscuits,


downtown for an evening of crocheting with friends,


uptown in a dress-up apron,


and starward to your dreams—maybe even a farm of your own.


Here’s how to enter. If you’re already a reader, tell me why you like our magazine. If you’re new to MaryJanesFarm magazine, tell me how you heard about us. Don’t worry. Even if you don’t win, you just can’t lose because we’ll sign you up for our regular alerts full of unique and yummy recipes, craft ideas, tips, and more.

  1. JustB says:

    Already a subscriber and I LOVE it. This is the only magazine I keep, the rest just get passed on to others to enjoy. This is one of the few I am continuing to receive – as each comes up for renewal, I’ve been stopping them. From birth I have been a farm girl in my soul, although I never got closer than a 7 1/2 acre place to keep some horses in a semi-rural area. My only true dream in life, and the only one left as my age goes up and up, is to live on a farm. Now I’ve added to that dream a hired hand to help do the work : ) What I think I love most about the magazine, besides the wonderful pictures and colors and stories and recipes and everything is the RESPECT. Everyone there respects each other and us readers and the land and the animals and everything else. It comes through as pure joy and love and I so enjoy it! Thanks!

  2. tiana says:

    I fell in love with MaryJanes Magazine the first time I read it. I got my free copy by mail, and new it was the one for me. I am not only learning how to plant a vegetable garden, but I’m learning how to do it with style and in style. I love the simplicity of the magazine. How it’s really for the people by the people. Thanks Mary Jane for being you and sharing.

  3. Lisa says:

    Such a great variety of articles. Food for my lil farm girl soul!

  4. Sheila R says:

    I love your magazine and pick it up at the local store here. Thanks for packing it full of great pics and topics.

  5. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Picking up a copy of Mary Jane’s Farm one December at Tractor Supply, was the best spur of the moment decision in the check out aisle I ever made! There has always been a little farm girl inside me, but because I lived in a city, I never considered there was a possibility to live a true Farmgirl life. Enter MJF magazine and Voila! I COULD be a Farmgirl, today! Suddenly there were articles to read and a chat room to join and books to purchase. I was in! It has changed my life and now “Red Tractor Girl”, #3109, enjoys new friends,the support of wonderful women, great ideas for better living, and a chance to validate and nourish that little Farmgirl that has been living inside me since I was 4 years old and my Daddy brought me an International Harvester Red Tractor toy from a consulting job he had in Chicago. Yep, since 1955, Red Tractor Girl was launched when this girl fell in love with farms and farmwife. It took MJF to dig “Red Tractor Girl” out of the attic and dust her off for a new spin. The ride has been fabulous!!

  6. I love this magazine! There are several reasons, but the main reason : The Positive ‘You Can Do It’ encouragement which helps me embrace living in a very rural area. MaryJane Butters, along with contributing editors and writers extend a feeling of friends and sisters among the readers. The overall theme of connecting to others with a common belief of learning new ways to be good stewards of the land and promotes healthy living.

    The variety of subjects are very appealing. I enjoy the articles about farm, food, quilts, country living, GLAMPING, sewing, health, and being resourceful.
    We get glimpses of current / pending laws and legislation which affects our current health and farm life.

    And guess what ???? It is wonderful to be ‘of a certain age’ and considered a valuable and contributing member of a fun sisterhood!

  7. CJ Armstrong says:

    I’ve a subscriber to Mary Janes Farm magazine for several years . . since 2007, I think. I have savored, enjoyed and relished every issue and I still have all of them. While my car was parked in airport parking in Phoenix in October 2008, while my daughter and I were off to North Carolina to crew an Avon Breast Cancer event, it was broken into and a totebag with the latest issue of the magazine in it was stolen. Other things were in the bag as well and other items in my car were stolen. But, I was soooooo upset the magazine was gone . . . I did replace that issue.
    I love the wonderful combination of topics, projects and the features about what other women out there are doing. It’s one of the most diverse and beautiful publications out there. Thank you Mary Jane!

  8. Mary Ann Smith says:

    I love Maryjane’s Farm magazine because I can dream my dreams and find hope that one day they may come true. Some of them already have!

  9. Lisa A says:

    Your magazine is so visually interesting, full of timely, eco-friendly and economical information, interesting stories. I’ve missed issues but found you several years ago.

  10. I finally bought a Mary Jane’s Farm and now know why I was always drawn to it in the book store. Fun, healthful, farming, eco- conscious- it all fits!!

  11. Laurie Dimno says:

    Oh, me, oh my. Where to begin? I became a reader of Mary Janes Farm magazine (and frankly, everything Mary Jane) almost 4 years ago. I can’t begin to tell you how much you all have enriched my life! You have re-opened my eyes, to see that the simple things are the big things. I have learned so much, tried new things, and most of all have made some incredible friendships. Many people don’t understand what I mean, when I talk about my farmgirl ways or farmgirl friends. They just don’t “get it”. But I sure do, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! So thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

  12. NancyB says:

    Time goes by ever so fast so I am not sure when I first heard of Mary Jane Butters but it started with a story about your farm in Moscow. Seems like it was about a bed/breakfast and there was a picture of a tent that was so pretty but the iron bed outdoors got me! I started following your blog immediately and read daily.
    I was born in North Idaho (mining country) but my grandparents farmed in Post Falls so I had a inkling to what it was like to live in the country. I moved to the city of Boise as a kid but your blog/magazine and your wonderful lifestyle has helped me to keep those wonderful memories alive and inspires me to add what I can to my life in the city.

  13. Cathy Mills says:

    I find MJ mag more entertaining and USEFUL than any other mag I read.

  14. Judy Scheibe says:

    I pick up your magazine at the local store but would love to have a subscription. I have a large vegetable garden and many fruit trees and blueberry bushes. I’ve raised chickens and dairy goats in the past. Loved making my own cheese. Right now I have one of your books out of the library. Always enjoy reading about farm life and love the daily photos.

  15. Cathy R says:

    About 4 years ago a friend from Okla. asked me if I knew about you (Mary Jane) since you were in Idaho ~ she had gotten one of your books for her “farmgirl” daughter. I hadn’t heard of you even though I had lived here 3 years and had been to Moscow a few times. I immediately subscribed to your magazine after viewing your website and you have enriched my life ever since. I dropped my sub. but have missed it greatly ~ will re-up even if I don’t win! Thanks for your wonderful blog and generosity!
    Cathy from Orofino

  16. shawna matos says:

    I love MJF because it encourages me to be an old fashioned farm girl. I am married to a city boy. We live on 3 acres in Southern California and I think he is finally understanding my farm girl dreams. I was born in Minnesota with lots of extended family on farms and always dreamed of living off the land simply. I was introduced to MJF 2 years ago on one of those farms and have appreciated the encouragement and inspiration ever since. I just joined the MJF Sisterhood and am exited to start earning badges as I learn new skills.

  17. Lorina King says:

    I love your magazine! It is a bit hard to find, but when I find one, I buy it and soak up every word!

  18. Jackie Adams says:

    City girl with Country dreams….

  19. Tammy Whitney says:

    I love Mary Jane’s Farm!!! I love inspiration foe riving a farmgirl’s life. I have a stressful job and I love to leaf through the pages of your magazine to relax and find inspiration.

    I’m also a new member of the Farmgirl Sisterhood.

  20. Judi Reilly says:

    I have enjoyed this magazine for quite some time..I do not at present have a hoping I can win…we are farmers..and you have such good articles and ideas in the can always learn something each issue…thanks a bunch..Judi from South Dakota

  21. Della says:

    I say “Oh Yes Count Me In!” as I wipe the flour from my hands on my apron to butter my biscuits… I would so much enjoy not missing a single article of amazing inspiration’s.

  22. Jennifer Carr says:

    Reading your magazine is so inspiring!

  23. Mariah Brown says:

    I purchased your Glamping book and absolutely love it! The magazine was mentioned a few times and I did some more searching online. I would love to win a free subscription! 🙂

  24. Megan Hansen says:

    I LOVE the magazine and buy it quite frequently however I would love even more to have a subscription! 🙂 From recipes to crafts and beyond, Mary Janes has it all!

  25. Mary Lynn Tree says:

    I use to subscribe…but then couldn’t afford it – I do miss it – shared it with my daughter and she loved it!

  26. sharon stanley says:

    Use to be a subscriber. After open heart surgery and hubby loosing job, some of my extra enjoyments had to go. I miss this magazine so much! I follow on facebook and get my fix when I can. It’s better than the meds I take! Would love to have the mag again. I’ve kept all my previous subscriptions and thump thru them when I need to relax. Thanks Mary Jane for reminding us of what’s really important in life! Love ya and your mag!

  27. Cari Santoyo says:

    I love your magazine and would be so thrilled if my name is picked!

  28. joy hamel says:

    we were given a stack of old MaryJanesFarm magazines by a friend a few weeks ago, now we are avid readers!! As beginning farmers working towards owing our own homestead your magazine fills us with inspiration and gives us guidance! happy farming!

  29. Michelle Davenport says:

    I love this magazine but my local stores have stopped carrying it or maybe it’s selling out before I get there. Either way I really miss my Mary Jane Farms magazine, hope I win!

  30. KristO says:

    I saw your magazine at my Aunt’s house years back and had forgotten how much I enjoyed it until I found the link on Facebook . . .will definately have to add a subscription to my budget for next year . . .or maybe win one for now!!! I’ve always been a “farmgirl” at heart and am now trying to figure out how I can get some chickens in my yard without it being an issue with the dogs. Wishing***

  31. Heather Harkey says:

    It was by accidental pure luck to find the website…once I did…It was like I found some secret that only the lucky get to stumble on.

  32. Barb G says:

    My sister introduced me to your magazine! It’s wonderful!

  33. A friend who actually lives in the country and has chickens told me about your magazine. I ran out and bought one and have loved it since. I married a city boy but was raised on 95 acres of beautiful land in Pa. Your magazine takes me home again in a sense and reminds me of all that I hold dear in my heart. I have your hard bound books as well. One day, I hope to live in the country again. But if not, I’m there every time I turn the pages of MaryJane’s Farm. Thanks for sharing your life with us city/suburbians. I sometimes can smell the land in some of your pictures, priceless. Thanks again. Rhonda

  34. Jenny Palmer says:

    I’d love to win a subscription to this magazine. I’ve read individual copies before and enjoyed them.

  35. Jackie Bell says:

    First found your magazine through our local Farm Girls organizations. Started picking up copies from our local store and am now hooked! Love, love the handmade items and the idea of going back to our “make it yourself” roots…food, clothes, accessories.

  36. Patty Byrd says:

    Like the old Calgon commercials, each time my Mary Jane’s Farm magazine arrives in the mail it “takes me away”. I read, and re-read, and re-read this magazine. By far my favorite and has been for years. It is probably the only magazine that I totally read from cover to cover. A subscription is always on my gift wishlist, and it is always on top of my list for gifts to give. I can not say enough about it and love to share news about it. Of course it is the base of our Farmgirl group each month. 🙂

  37. Angela Ellis says:

    Your blend of country and hip gives you the edge of reaching multiple audiences. Now that I am back in college and have difficulty making ends meet, I do not have the luxury of having magazine subscriptions. It would be great to have a subscription for the next year that I have left in school. I miss the recipes and the how to’s. I have kept all my back issues that I purchased via a newsstand and still refer back to them. My favorite recipe is the cheddar herb muffins, very yum. Thanks for making the world better and brighter.

  38. Kerry says:

    Follower on FB and would love to be a reader! Thanks for the opportunity.

  39. Joy Hockinson says:

    I am now living on the farm which my ancestors bought in 1837, and love it! I’ve enjoyed your magazine for several years, beautiful layout, lovely ideas, and practical advice.

  40. Kelly Rodriguez says:

    I Love MJF. After moving to Montana from CA. I found your magazine in a local quilt store & fell in love, It perfectly fit my amazing new simple life. Cooking, quilting and gardening and living simply. Although I had to relocate for school recently I keep my older issues at an arms reach for a bit of that home feeling in Montana. A Lifetime or 1 year of MJF would be the best for my soul until I return to Montana. But I pick one up as often as I can afford as a single mom and returning full time college student. I love that it can take this 37 year old away from the crazy city life to a little bit of solace to a peaceful place that not everyone can relate to. Thank you for your beautiful magazine.

  41. maggie says:

    I was trying my best to get Momma to re subscribe so I could be the recipient when she was finished & she told me plainly she saves every issue she buys……lol

  42. Susan Cravatt says:

    Love the magazine and love love the photos!

  43. sheri basara says:

    Love it!!!!

  44. roxanna phelps says:

    From the first look at the magazine, I was hooked, and very proud to be a member of the sisterhood. It is the only magazine I read from cover to cover, and have saved every issue, I too feel my like has been enriched, since I found my first issue!

  45. Jacqueline B says:

    It’s everything I love and that I find important in life. Even inspires with surprises…so perfect for a purchased necessity! Love you for your efforts and creations that you do!! Excitement awaits with every issue!

  46. Jamie says:

    I enjoy the layout and pictures and all the good advice and tips and hints and all the great resources your magazine offers. THANK YOU!!!

  47. Debbie Christin says:

    I’ve read MJ’s magazine over the last couple of years. She has inspired me in many ways. Most recently, purchasing a trailer to glamp in (cant wait for my first trip) and purchased some glamping fabric and made a quilt (so darned cute!). I save all my past magazines as they are timeless!

  48. Peggy Dwyer says:

    I love your magazine all the way around. We have now moved to our final homestaead in the Ozarks of Mo. We found 10 acres in the back country that we are enjoying so much. Lots to know and do though and your articles are always timely.
    Would love to win a subscription.

  49. I love your magazine very Inspiring all you fo

  50. Lisa C says:

    I like MaryJanesFarm because it is a kindred spirit at this stage of my life. I am a city farmgirl. I live in a great neighborhood, have a backyard garden and a plot in a local community garden. I love the attention paid to the environment, helping others and on living an authentic life. However, in an attempt to live more simply and eliminate “stuff,” an electronic (Nook) version of the magazine would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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