Buy props used in MaryJane’s books and magazine!
5% of profits will benefit www.firstbook.org, a non-profit that provides new books to children from low-income families throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Here’s how:
MaryJane will post a photo and a description of a prop and its cost along with a few details as to its condition here: https://shop.maryjanesfarm.org/MaryJanesCurations. It’s a playful way to be the new owner of a little bit of farm herstory.
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WINNER: Magnolia Pearl GIVEAWAY, Day 5 of 5

And the WINNER is:
Karen Buzzell!!!!
who said on October 20, 2013 at 1:37 pm:
“We have just picked the last corn of the year here in Maine. I would agree with all my other grown-up girl scouts out there and vote for an aluminum foil dinner with potatoes. The corn would stay in the husks and be steamed with a little seaweed over the coals at the end. Please don’t forget s’mores for dessert! My Sunday is complete reading all these entries

Congratulations! You are the owner of a signature Magnolia Pearl Beautiful Wear. Watch for an e-mail from the farm, Karen.
And the original Giveaway on October 20 was:
I too would make a stew- all veggies- in a thick gravy. I’d have to have some budget mix biscuits!
I think I’d make a white bean chili with chicken. It would simmer all afternoon. I’d serve it up with a side of roasted greens spiced with red onion and red peppers and a square of cornbread. We could sit by the fire and watch the waning Hunter’s Moon.
Hmmmm, I think I would make our Girl Scout favorite: Campfire Stew or Pocket Stew. Everyone attending brings one veggie in their pocket. Starting with one pound of ground beef, you chop and add all of the veggies, one large can of diced tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste and let is all simmer slowly in a big cast iron dutch oven over a camp fire for about 45 to 50 minutes till everything is melded together into one pot of goodness. While that is cooking, everyone gathers long study stick. Remove the bark so that the green part of the wood is showing ( prevents quick burning). Then make up a batch of biscuit dough and roll each piece into a snake shape. Put the dough on the stick in a helix way so that it hugs the stick. Then bake over the fire by slowing turning so the biscuit cooks without burning. When done, remove from the stick and apply lots of butter. Perfect too for dipping into a bowl of the Pocket Stew. Hands down Girl Scout favorite! It always turns out perfect!!
I love to do our meals in wrapped aluminum foil over the fire and as it cooks you get all the wonderful smells of the vegges, potatoes and the meat, oh my mouth is watering now. Let’s not forget the S’mores for dessert!
Thank you Mary Jane for such a wonderful give away. I loved the questions you asked and reading all the wonderful responses.
Have a beautiful Sunday.
Debbie -
When I think of cooking over a camp fire, it would have to be a family favorite, stew. I have many memories of sitting around the fire smelling the wonderful aroma and being eager for it to be ready. There is nothing more fun that being outdoors, sitting by a fire, and having good food.
I would make a pot of chili and some corn bread biscuits
We like to wrap fresh sausage, Yukon Gold potatoes, carrots and onions in tinfoil with butter and seasonings and throw them on a rack over the fire pit! We call them Hobo dinners and my family loves them! We would finish the meal with s’mores in true Girl Scout fashion!
It would have to be Vegetable Soup in a big cast iron pot with a lid, that you could boil down and add your biscuits to the top and let them cook from the heat of the soup!
Pan fried fresh caught trout ! I lived in a tent for 6 months on national forest land in the early 70’s. I had special permission to have a campfire, my only way to cook. I caught trout every single day and fried them in butter in my mother’s old trusty iron frying pan. I didn’t even have a cooler. All my food had to be fresh. Sometimes I would make pan bread to go with it. And eggs too.
A campfire dinner was always one of my families favorite times on our camping trips. We would always do the traditional stuff for our family. Hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad and yummy pastries from the local German bakery. Green tea and decaf coffee was always on the menu.
Brats, keep it simple.
Home-grown potatoes rubbed with EVOO and sea salt, wrapped in aluminum foil and cooked in the hot ashes of the campfire. Served with butter, what else could we need?
I would make a yummy vegetarian hobo dinner with garlic bread. If I were lazy, it would be SpaghettiO’s with garlic bread. Even SpaghettiO’s taste yummy heated on a campfire.
My dinner would be chicken and dumplings, homemade dinner rolls followed by s’mores with strawberries.
Chicken and vegetable stir fry.
Chili and cornbread for sure! I’m going camping this weekend and can’t wait to sit around a camp fire!
Just a good old fashioned hot dog roast!
German sausages, slow cooked with cabbage, beer, onions and apples. Skillet beer bread. Mmmm. Hmmm.
Fresh caught trout, dusted in a cornmeal and flour mix, and fried in a cast iron skillet. Of course, you also need fried onions and potatoes to go with this!!
I, too, would have a good old pot of beef stew! I would take some whole cakes along from home because I am a Mother of two and making whole cakes is much easier at home when you have a toddler running around the fire that you are desperately trying to keep out of the fire.
Then, after my four year old retired to bed, my husband and teenage son would break out the marshmallows, graham crackers, and Hershey bars for some tasty samores. -
Jalapeno poppers, some type of dutch oven cobbler, and s’mores:) All super healthy stuff ya know!
Buttercup squash soup with shrimp. Sounds like a strange combination, but is simply wonderful. I would do a lovely dutch oven pumpkin dessert..
great bloomers
Salmon that my son caught in the river would be for dinner. It’s soooo good cooked over an open campfire w/some lemon & butter.
Ohhh We love bon fires. In the summer time I take my 3 kids every week to my mom’s house for a pool party and Dinner, sometimes we do a bonfire. We always do a dish to pass and then we have hot dogs, hamburgers, or sausages. Plus we LOVE smores.
They are forecasting snow for next… How much we would love just one more pool party and bon fire get together. -
How about one of those Stand Up Chickens and baked taters………..
Just hotdogs and metts !!!
A pot of Chili with Cornbread! Butter and honey for the bread! Curl up to the campfire in a soft blanket!!! I say Yes Please!!!
A grilled tri-tip and Santa Maria style beans 🙂
My Dinner would be Venison Hotdish and blueberry pie and of course coffee!!!!
Baked potatoes,BBQ chicken and corn on the cob. Of course s’mores for dessert
I would make our familys beef bourguignon with dumplings and cabbage an carrots and potatoes.
Girl Scout special. Slice of cooked ham, slice of cheese, slice of pineapple, put in bun, wrap in foil, put in coals til hot, with some pork n beans. Pull the label off the can, take the lid off and set in the coals. Serve when heated through. Quick and easy and the kids love it!
I’d make calico beans,corn bread with butter and honey,and cherry cobbler. Oh,I forgot the sweet tea to drink.
I would fix a big ol’ pot of beans with smoked sausage! A pan of cornbread and a blackberry cobbler foot dessert! Om nom nom!!!
A big slow cooked pot of chili, with a side of cornbread.
campers stew then roast marshmallows
We have just picked the last corn of the year here in Maine. I would agree with all my other grown up girl scouts out there and vote for an aluminum foil dinner with potatoes. The corn would stay in the husks and be steamed with a little seaweed over the coals at the end. Please dont forget s’mores for dessert! My Sunday is complete reading all these entries 🙂
slow cooked chili and corn bread with applesauce cookies plus hot tea!!
I would make chili for sure! With toasted tortilla chips to dip into it.
Thank you for the opportunity to win such great giveaways.
Happy Fall! -
I would fill the dutch oven with Calico beans. A hearty family favorite when we camp! Followed with hot iron pies.
Beef stew, biscuits with butter and honey and cherry cobbler for dessert. Yummmmm!
Fresh fish, fried potatoes and onions, sliced homegrown tomatoes and cornbread smothered in butter and honey! Grab a chair and join me! C:
I love breakfast for dinner, I would have to cook up some hotcakes, bacon and eggs!!!
Hamburger soup with lots of freshly made cornbread and s’mores for dessert with camp coffee!
A big pot of creamy corn and potato chowder, with bacon.
How about some thick cut bacon, eggs, fried potatoes, & toast. Hot coffee/hot cocoa. Yummy!
Congratulations Karen!!! 🙂
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WINNER! Project F.A.R.M. Broomcorn Johnny’s

And the winner of Broomcorn Johnny’s purple broom is:
Lady Abigail, who said on October 31, 2013:
“I think these are some of the most beautiful made besoms / brooms I have ever seen. I hope you enjoy the blessing. With this broom, tool of my will, This home I cleanse, this is my seal. Purify and prepare this scared space, No negative energy shall be in this place. From this circle now I banish all fear, These are my words for all to hear. Positive energy and light to see This is my will, so mote it be.”
Watch for an e-mail from the farm, Lady Abigail. Congratulations!
And the original post dated October 31, 2013 was:
Every witch needs a good switch!!!!
Congratulations to Brian Newton, of Broomcorn Johnny’s, on his recent induction to Project F.A.R.M (First-class American Rural Made).
Broomcorn Johnny’s honors the timeless tool of the ages, the broom, by crafting each by hand with unique skill. A good broom was once the staple of a clean and orderly house. Now, having been “swept” aside for newfangled vacuums and the Swiffer, the broom is making a comeback with the help of caring individuals like Brian.
Thanks to Brian, the tradition of the handmade broom is thriving!
From his website:
“A small number of craftsmen keep the historic art of broom making alive and vibrant. Brian Newton, owner of Broomcorn Johnny’s in downtown Nashville, Indiana, is one of them. Using tools from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Brian, a prizewinner at the 2012 Arcola National Craft Broom Competition, is dedicated to creating high-quality, long-lasting, beautiful brooms for his customers.”
You may know by now that I give away those Project F.A.R.M. products (sent to us for a look-see) on my blog here. These handcrafted brooms are just SO stunning, I had to keep one.
But I saved the gorgeous purple broom for you, dear readers. 🙂
To be entered, post a fun-fact here about Broom Corn. Be creative!
Don’t forget to check out the rest of Brian’s brooms for sale on his website. I absolutely love ’em all!!! They come in a variety of GORGEOUS colors (click here to see).
I am partial to this one …
And this one …
And well … just about ALL of these.
I love them! And swiffers and vacuums aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. I have a microfiber sweeper and I absolutely hate it. It’s dreadful. I think it actually repels the dust and it scampers merrily about under my feet. I would love a broom like this – and also I could dance around with it, like Cinderella, which is a bonus.
I am in LOVE with these brooms!! They are just magnificent in their craftsmanship and colors! One cool fact is that Johnny was a prizewinner in the 2012 Arcola National Broom competition! How fabulous for such a talented and creative craftsman! I have a hard time figuring out which broom is the prettiest. They are all awesome. I love American crafts and these brooms really take the cake!
A farmer named Levi Dickenson, in Hadley, Massachussetts made a broom using the tassels of sorghum for his wife. This was the start of broomcorn brooms. His wife thought it was a very good broom and word spread and thus the start of these beautiful brooms.
Did you alsoknow that Ben Franklin brought the first broomcorn seeds to America aboard a ship returning from Europe. A friend had given him a wisk broom todust off his wool hat & he , being a curious fellow, kept the seeds, ,planted them, & voila,broomcorn grew.!!! Thats when Mr. Dickenson got a look see & tried the corn to make his brooms. it was the sturdiest stuff ever grown & his wife was delighted that it didn`t fall apart. Soon, many broom makers were using this unusual tough form of sorghum, & the rest is history. Yes, I am a former broom maker that worked in a reproduction 1800 town, using original tools of the trade.
Nothing can take the place of a Good old -fashioned, well-made broom! These are so Pristine! I have to have one!
These beautiful brooms need to be regularly dipped in water to hydrate the straw, and hung up by the leather strap on the handle – not stored on the floor.
I have the “Sweep Dreams Broom” already. Sooo, I’m feeling a broom collection starting up here. Love those colors!
There is a broomcorn festival near me in Arcola, IL! I have a handmade turkey wing broom that I use to sweep off the wood burning stove. This purple broom is gorgeous and amazing!! Would be beyond proud to call it my own!!!
Best to use soon after dinner or especially a popcorn snack. Gently break off end of broom strand and place between teeth to remove after dinner remnants. 😉
In an age of cheaply manufactured gadgets that are “designed for the dump”, Brian’s brooms are a breath of fresh air. These beautiful brooms invoke a feeling of days gone by, when everyday tools were simple works of art. Broomcorn Johnny’s brooms are individually handcrafted on equipment which is more than a century old, using techniques that are even older. No need to hide it in a closet, you can keep it proudly displayed. What a wonderful, handcrafted tool for homemade living.
What beautiful work!!
Sweeping daily is my meditation……your brooms are beautiful….
Isn’t it good luck to leave a broom in the corner?
I’ve never seen a purple broom,
Oh what beauty is in there.
I would utilize in every room,
In the kitchen, hall, and bath,
Well I might even sweep a path.This purple broom is woven tight
And neatly trimmed just right.
I would forever cherish it.
Keep it hung and always high,
maybe even take to sky! -
I knew next to nothing about broom corn – but now I know it’s beautiful and I need a broom made from it!
Love these; they are gorgeous!
I have never seen a colored broom before, love it!
I think these are some of the most beautiful made besoms / brooms I have ever seen.
I hope you enjoy the blessing.With this broom, tool of my will,
This home I cleanse, this is my seal.
Purify and prepare this scared space,
No negative energy shall be in this place.
From this circle now I banish all fear,
These are my words for all to hear.
Positive energy and light too see
This is my will, so mote it be.by Lady Abigail
Broom Corn, truthfully I do not know much about it other then my grandmother had a broom made of it that lasted forever! I live in Michigan in a town with one stop light surrounded by corn farms yet not one maker of brooms closer then 2 hour drive to Amish country. Hmmmmm…..maybe this is a start of something?!
A good well cared for broom can last up to 15 years. One way to care for it is to dip the ‘fine’ in water every 6 months to re hydrate the broom. So many colors to choose from. What a great house warming gift to someone getting a new home.
“Brooms from Broomcorn Johnny’s are splendidly imperfect”, my favorite quote from the website! I don’t believe I have ever truly craved a broom before now. I also love the cobweb broom (hey don’t judge me, I live in the woods, with lots of spiders!). If I owned a broom from Broomcorn Johnny’s I would be sure to maintain by dipping ends in water so it would last the full 15 years!
I had to correct my email address. Hope this is the right way to do this. These brooms are beautiful. Sending link to interest and sharing on Facebook! My comment re website shows gmai instead of Gmail.
These are beautiful brooms, reminds me of my childhood, and that was a while back, lol. I am glad to see that there are people who are getting back into crafts, especially something as useful as a broom.
Brooms beat swifters anyday. Love the look of a good old fashioned broom. My daughter wants to go into agriculture one day and I could see us using these brooms!
In 1845 broom corn was a significant crop in New York State. The time and work involved in harvesting and creating broom corn brooms makes them a handmade treasure. I would love to be house cleaning with the purple broom. Happy Halloween.
“The secret to a brooms longevity is the manner in which it is stored.
Hang it with the bristles down so that the moisture can drain out.”
Who does not love a good broom?! I always had cheap plastic brooms until my Mother in Love introduced me to the joys of true natural corn brooms. Still have the one she gave me 17 years ago, it is retired and only used periodically as it was well used. 🙂 Would love that purple number for my red oak hardwood floors-original to my 1962 tract home. 😉-
“Mother in Love” – that is sweet!
His brooms are fit for a king…FYI…Geoffrey Plantagenet (1113-1151 AD), the head of the line of English kings which bear the Plantagenet name (Henry II, Richard I, King John…)is believed to have acquired this name from the sprig of broom corn he would wear in his helmet in battle. The broom corn was his way of identifying himself to his men on the battlefield yet remain disguised to the enemy. While in battle, he would lean down from his horse and grasp a sprig of “plante de genet”, the common broom corn, and thrust it in his helmet.
Lovely, lovely, lovely. I adore corn brooms and always have one, but this would be the Cadillac of brooms!
Broom corn is Sorghum vulgare (common sorghum) – relative of the the sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) that makes that wonderful syrup! A lovely plant for a lovely product.
I first saw BroomCorn Johnny’s ad in Mary Janes Mag I was so excited I have several handmade brooms and use them daily so much better than anything from a store. I look forward to visting his place in Indiana and attending next years festival in Arcola
I grow colorful broomcorn for crafting every year and enjoy its beauty in the fall -
I love handmade brooms. and I would truly love this lovely purple to use indoors and out in my farmhouse.The Shakers were the first to make flat brooms, until then they were always round. The shakers knew that they would sweep more efficiently and also made and sold broom corn brooms. That is how the flat style that we use today became the norm.
All good witches ride brooms made from broom corn. They rock!
These are truly amazing. I love the workmanship. Now I am coveting 🙂
I’ll never forget running like crazy away from my Nana because she was mad at me and my cousin. My cousin’s brothers told Nana a “tall tale” to get us into trouble. It worked and Nana came running after us. She loved her big old broom, repaired it and I think quite frankly, cherished it. These brooms remind of the style of her broom. I would love one just to smile every time I touched it–because I’ll think of her, her hair flying, wild look on her face and how much she chuckled when she found out she’d been snookered. We weren’t laughing at the time but hearing her laughed always made us laugh. It’s amazing what a broom can do–memories! Oh, I’ll use it to sweep my floors…..
I love this broom. I’d seen it in the Sisters newsletter but put off ordering it. If I don’t win, I want to buy one!
Wow! These brooms are fantastic! Did you know that a TON of broomcorn brush makes 80-100 DOZEN corn brooms? Interesting!
I would b proud to own one of these gorgeous brooms. Heck, they are so pretty, they might just prompt me to clean all day long!
Thanks for the chance to win it. -
The rainbow broom is the one that captured my heart….what a delight to have that hanging in my kitchen…….a wonderful art to reintroduce to us….thank you and peace!
And I forgot to add that I have the perfect nail in the most perfect place in my kitchen to hang this broom. I can remember my grandmother telling me that we must never store the broom with the corn on the floor, and every few weeks I got to clean the bottom of her broom so it would last forever. How I would love to have that broom today!
In the heritage garden at the Old Fort in Ft. Madison, IA, broom corn is grown along with other unique and useful plants to show what was grown in the 1800’s.
Reading this blog very late and can’t think of anything clever to write ~ enjoyed the poems that were written! LOVE the brooms, just bought one this summer but it needs a colorful friend hanging beside it! They are so much fun to use, I catch myself dancing!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Oh I think a witch just flew by on the purple broom! -
These are some amazingly beautiful brooms. I would love to have any of them for my personal use. Blessings to all.
I don’t know much about broom corn, except that it makes lovely brooms! I think it’s a grass like plant rather than a grain, maybe. I might have to try growing some next year!
My home which houses two family’s
Get’s messy and out of control.
So I need a broom of purple,
to brighten my day of cleaning.
A broom fact:
A three year old can make a mess faster then I can sweep.
Yea I know not that great at rhyming lol. -
“Oh the broom, the bonnie, bonnie broom
The broom o’ Cowdenknowes
Fain would I lie in my ain country
Tendin’ my daddie’s ewes” ~ from “The Broom O’ The Cowdenknowes”, TraditionalNo ewes here at Dancing Donkey Farm,
Whilst the wind blows chill, yet the fire burns warm.
Come sit and shelter from the storm (starm?)
Wi’ a fine broom set at the hearth, to keep all friends from harm.
(Traditionally, a besom set beside the fireplace help keep negativity from entering the home). -
My grandmother had one made of it, but I’ve never seen them in COLORS! Ohhh ahhh 🙂
By the 1830s there were more than 60,000 small broom shops in the United States, and the country had begun exporting brooms to Canada, South America, and Europe. One country the nation did not export to was England, where besom squires united to block the import of American brooms.–Broomcorn Johnny’s
This is what make’s Broomcorn Johnny’s special: “The brooms are stitched by hand with a hidden row of stitching for every visible row of stitching to ensure the broomcorn stays in place. The tip of the broomcorn, known as the fine, is the most effective part for sweeping. In factories, the fine typically gets trimmed off in an effort to make the broom’s edge flat, but Brian takes the extra time to align the broomcorn and create a flat edge while preserving the fine.”–from his website @ broomcornjohnnys.com
That song “Memories are made of this” describes how I feel about broom corn. Growing up we always had one or two. When one was not quite useful enough house any more it went out to our (barn size) garage, from there to wisking snow off of the roof of the chicken coops and steps to the house. From there my Dad would use the handle to replace other handles that had broken or was splitting. Yes, many memories for me. Seventy years of them and I would trade my carpet and vacuum in an instant for a good broom and wood floors. So would my back. Thanks
Broomcorn grows to 6 to 15 ft tall and can be grown in nearly every state. It is tolerant of heat, drought and poor culture, which is good for where I live, in considering growing a crop to make my own broom (crazy, I know). For the best results, the crop needs warm summers and moist, fertile soils, and annual rainfall of 15 to 32 inches, which we really don’t have on my dad’s farm in far northern California. His farm is in a very windy area with marginal soils. Sounds like we can’t grow our own broomcorn. Hope I get lucky here.
Congratulations Lady Abigail!!! Enjoy sweeping 🙂
Thank you Mary Jane for the wonderful giveaway!
Wow that is fantastic… I am so excited. Thank you so much for this magick besom/broom. I will honor it with great pride.
Lady Abigail -
This has been some great info on broomcorn….I hope I remember many of the facts to share with my grandchildren….if I was still able to work, I would buy each of them one…and my self!!!….peace
Beautiful brooms and craftsmanship! Love American made products!
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WINNER!!! Magnolia Pearl GIVEAWAY, Day 4 of 5

And the WINNER is:
Katy K, who said October 17, 2013 at 4:40 pm:
“A mountaintop in Montana, where I could feel the cold wind blowing through my hair and look down at the rivers, trees, rocks, grass, and wildlife and take just a moment out of my ridiculously chaotic and busy life to quiet my mind and see the world for what it really is and appreciate this beautiful creation.”
Watch for an e-mail from the farm, Katy K.
Congratulations! You are the owner of a signature Magnolia Pearl Beautiful Wear.
And the original GIVEAWAY on October 14 was:
I would go to the Peyton Lake, in B.C.. Years ago I hiked there while on vacation with my husband and dear grandpa. It was a magical place.
I don’t think I would need to be air- lifted, becsuse it’s only 30 minutes from my front door…..Craggy Garden off the Blue Ridge Parkeay in NC.
Isle of Sky, Scotland. My family came from there.
Maybe over an active volcano! Feeling adventurous today.
I would go to the beach in Wellfleet on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The ocean is so beautiful and exciting to me. I love hearing the roaring waves during an incoming tide and the salty air blowing around me. It’s breathtaking!
I would go to Port Iassac, England. It is the home of the British TV series Doc Martin which my husband and I have loved watching. There are some high hills where the ocean comes in that are covered in green thick grass. I would like to be there when the tidal bore is beginning to roll in and raise the boats back out of the sand!
Ooh, Winnie, I love Doc Martin and the vistas, too!
I’d like to be taken to Lake O’hara in Yoho National Park, BC.
A Kauai beach, hands-down.
I would like to go to a mountain stream in Colorado to fly fish.
I would go to Prince Edward Island!
I would go to Port Orchard, WA. The town that the Hallmark Channel’s new series Cedar Cove is based on. I have fallen in love with that show!
A high mountain lake, anywhere!
I think I’d head for the big butte in Southeastern Idaho where my dad’s ashes are scattered. Late June, early July would be perfect because the wildflowers would be in bloom.
I would love to go to Scotland! That to me would be perfect, it is a place I have always wanted to travel to. 🙂
I would like to be airlifted to Mary Jane’s farm in Idaho to have a picnic with my favorite farmgirl who has made all my friendships possible on the farm.
To meet you Mary Jane would be a dream come true.
Debbie -
I would like to be airlifted to somewhere in Tasmania. I’ve got lots of relatives there I’ve never met.
Ireland for sure! That is one place I’ve always wanted to visit. The emerald isle!
Boundary Waters in Minnesota
Any beach in NEW ZEALAND! Vacationed on both islands years ago and still have
vivid memories of all the places we experienced. -
The French countryside.
I would be dropped upon a mountaintop…naked to the world… Oh wait a minute, those are song lyrics!! :). But mountaintop for sure for two hours of solid meditation…ohm…
Hmm, this is a tough one! I think I will pick Flamenco beach in Culebra, PR. I have been there twice, but it’s probably one of the prettiest/nicest beaches you can find. After my picnic, I would lay in a hammock and sip on some fancy Puerto Rican drink!
I’d request Siracusa, Sicily. Greek ruins, gorgeous beaches, great organic food and wine, and some of the friendliest people on Earth. Oh and they have “glamp grounds”, so you can get your “girlie glamp” on!
Hmmm…..Mendocino, CA
Paris, with a view of the Eiffel tower!
Too many places to name!!!! Paris. Scotland, London, Ireland… I would just love to travel all over!
That’s a tough one! So many beautiful places to choose from on this planet. Today I would choose Bora Bora!
The beach at the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska. I grew up there & it is a brilliant place!
AHHH! Was there for the first time in June! How cool to grow up there.
Prince Edward Island. Where I would channel all the Anne I could.
I would picnic on the beach on Grand Cayman Island!
I first thought of a few out of the country places. But then I decided for 2 hours, I’d go to Iowa to spend the time with my 90 year old mother. That would be a blessing!
I think I would like to go to . . . Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park. . .grab a dozen popovers to take along in my picnic basket. 🙂
Mary Jane’s Farm would be where I would want to go for a picnic!
I’d have to go to Castlebar, Ireland, because not only is it close to the amazing east side of the Atlantic, but I have friends there that I could continue on with tea-drinking and such!
I would want to be air lifted to a Greek Isle.
Any random place in Ireland!
I would go to lower Normandy. So much beautiful countryside there! I found a very old family crest when I moved into our old family home right years ago. On it, is one single lion (such as those which are pictured on the flag of Normandy). So my purpose for going is not only the scenery, culture and cousines that one can find there, but it has a bit of anticestorial importance to me as well.
Oh, and did I mention cows?-
8 years ago (stupid spell check).
Oh and I also meant to mention where I found the family crest…in the old well house! Still in its original and not so great of shape frame:)
Definitely Ireland
On a raft floating down a river somewhere in Egypt ~
the isle of jersey my fiance has been there and said it’s nice.or I would go to china for some sweet and sour chicken/pork balls with sticky rice and a nice up of oolong or pu-erh tea!
A picnic on a beach somewhere since I have never been.
Prince Edward Island, I was a huge Anne of Green Gables fan and would love to visit there.
Somewhere by a mountain lake in the summer.
I would go to East Tawas, MI on Lake Huron.
I would like to be airlifted to Ireland….my grandmother was born there. I’d love to have a picnic with some of my (as yet unmet) relatives and talk about old times.
A mountain top in Montana where I could feel the cold wind blowing through my hair and look down at the rivers, trees, rocks, grass and wildlife and take just a moment out of my ridiculously chaotic and busy life to quiet my mind and see the world for what it really is and appreciate this beautiful creation.
I’d go to the island of Santorini, Greece, go wine tasting and collect various local food there for my basket, and sit up in the rocks and watch the Mediterranean Sea and soak up some rays.
I would go to Three Creek, Idaho where I grew up on the family ranch. Perfect picnic place!
I would love to go to the coast of Ireland, high on a cliff overlooking the ocean.
At a nice picnic table in Amish Country in Ohio………..
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WINNER! Magnolia Pearl GIVEAWAY, Day 3 of 5

And the WINNER is:
Andrea who said October 16, 2013 at 6:11 am:
“Her name would be Pearly. That was the milk cow’s name in the book “The Tall Woman” by Wilma Dykeman. Pearly not only provided much needed nourishment for the family, but also was a special friend.”
Watch for an email from the farm, Andrea.
Congratulations! You are the owner of a signature Magnolia Pearl Beautiful Wear.
And the original GIVEAWAY on October 14 was:
Her name would be “Bessie” because she’s an old fashioned sort of cow.
She’d be a Holstein named Clementine.
🙂 -
Shouldn’t every cow be a gentle big eyed jersey named Bossy? I’ve got fond memories of an old blue roan cow while growing up. She was very gentle and everyone learned to milk by hand on her. I don’t think she had a name though.
A sweet lowline named Gert.
Her name would be Milky because my grandpa taught me to not name my food! Lol! I’ve always wanted one of those fuzzy cows, although I don’t know what they’re called. G ;)randpa never warned against cute food.
Hmmm, If I had a cow, I would want her to be a Jersey with those big dreamy brown eyes. Her name would be Emma.
My cow is Flora and she’s a Guernsey.
Her name would be Pearly. That was the milk cow’s name in the book “The Tall Woman” by Wilma Dykeman. Pearly not only provided much needed nourishment for the family, but also was a special friend.
She would be a Jersey Cow and her name would be Elsee. Great name for a cow don’t you think?
Debbie -
my cow would be named Buttercup and she would have big long eyelashes
I’d have a guernsey named Flossie.
She’d be a Brown Swiss, and her name would be Heidi, of course!
Bessie, and she would be a Jersey.
I would love to head to the barn to milk in the early mornings! She would be a Jersy and would be named Daisy. =)
She would be a Holstein of course! Daisy would be her name(complete with hat and all)!
If I had a cow, her name would be Cutie. All cows are cute to me.:-)
I would be Daisy Jane ,yawning and stretching and going to milk Phoebe, I’d give her a hug and pat first and of course she is a Holstien Dairy cow!
Mine would be a jersey named Susie. I love cows, they seem so sweet and gentle, reminds me of my childhood. Always had plenty of animals around.
My BFF’s granddaughter (age 2) is totally in love with all things cow. She has a three foot high stuffed cow in her bedroom (and her daddy made the cow a stable). So in honor of Meridith, I would name a cow for her 🙂
HMMMMM! I’d be living in Switzerland and my cow’s name would be Coree
with a big swiss bell on her neck! Ahhhhh! Dreams are great! Thanks Mary Jane! -
I would give her the same name our family cow had when I was a kid: BOSSY.
It would be Daisy! Even though I milk goats…and yes..I do have one named Daisy too! would love to win!
My son has the funniest Jersey cow named Sis. You can even put a saddle on Sis and ride her. She’s due to calve soon and my son is so excited! My son is 8 years old and we’ve already started his cow herd. He has 4 cows and Sis is definitely the leader of the pack. Of course, that would the name of the cow I awoke to milk. Thanks for the great giveaway!
why, “Mercy”, of course.
My Cow’s name would be Daisy because she loves to graze in the daisy covered fields in California, she is a happy cow, happy cows live in California
She would be a Jersey named Magnolia!!
Fiona because of the fresh sweet milk she gives.
She would be a Jersey named Clementine! I’d kiss her right on the nose!
Annabelle, the beautiful Jersey.
My sweet beautiful cows name would be Lily Bell. ☺
Celia Rose an old fashion name from an old fashion girl
I think I’d name her Calypso. We’d be somewhere on a prairie – she’d have sweet eyes and room to graze. I’d teach my daughter things long forgotten by our suburban companions. And it all would start with milking a cow.
Her name would be Evangeline! <3
Always wanted a second daughter, would have named her Grace. So I think Gracie would be an awesome cow name!
Isabella…she is of no special breed…my grandmother always had milk cows and they were always of some mixed breed that know one wanted. She always said that they made the best moms and milk cows…So here is to Isabella so sweet…
My sweet cow’s name would be Morning Star!
A Jersey, named Rosie!
I Think I Would Have To Name My Beautiful Cow Ella Mae After My Great Grandmother. I Remember Her Always Being Up At The Crack Of Dawn With A Good Breakfast Ready To Be Served, My Great Grandfather Was Of Course Already Up And Out Taking Care Of His Animals. Those Are Some Great Days Full Of Great Memories I Have Of My Grandparents.
Rose or Rosie would be her name!
My cow would be named Princess because she would be ruler of the barn, giving me her wonderful fresh milk.
I would call her Penelope~♥
my milk cow would be a Jersey…named Buttercup.
My cow would be named after my grandma Pearl. Miss Pearl was a sweet, loving and gentle woman who nurtured her 4 children and thousands of others that she taught in school.
My cow would be named Elsie. My favorite cow from the 60’s and my paternal grandmother’s name!
What a lovely vintage farm girl scene!
This is a beautiful photo and machine. I was fortunate enough to find a White mission style cabinet treadle for free. The machine is beautiful, the cabinet needs some work but I look forward to when my sewing skills are better and I can use it 🙂 Thanks for always sharing such wonderful photos MaryJane 🙂
Reminds me to get mine oiled, so I can use it. Don’t you just love the old Vintage Sewing Machines?
It so reminds me of my 1947 singer featherweight which I bought in 1965 to sew with when I was only 14, even back then it was expensive but after all these years this sewing machine has done it all for me. Sewn leather, denin, fleece, silk, brocade, you name it. I always get joy looking at the gold scrollwork on the black enamel . And none of those fancy doo-dads to break, real basic and real hardworking.