GIVEAWAY: MaryJane’s Stitching Room

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

This copy of my book, MaryJane’s Stitching Room, was in our store window and ended up with a sun-faded cover. But its insides are like new, and as every farmgirl knows, it’s never good to judge a book by its cover. Better to judge it from some of its online reviews, like this one from Elaine:

“Awesome book filled with tons of crafts and sewing ideas. I bought this as a gift for someone who loves lace and she just loved it. I have been getting MaryJaneFarm magazine for years now and this is a more in depth look at things she crafts.”

To lay claim to this (sun-faded) copy, tell me why you’re a farmgirl. We’ll put your names in a basket and pull out a lucky winner sometime soon. Check back to see if it’s headed your way.

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  1. Marlene Laverty says:

    Why I am a farmgirl? For me there is a deep satisfaction of doing things for yourself. From sitting down to a breakfast of food that you grew, gathered or even raised yourself to going to sleep under a homemade quilt at bed time and the life that I lived in between. It Just feels good to be a farmgirl and to share my farmgirlness (is that a word?) with those that I love.

  2. Colleen K Maki says:

    “Farmgirl” is me, because that is the way my grandparents and parents taught me.

    Even though they never lived on an official farm, they gardened, canned vegetables and fruits, hunted wild game and processed it, fished for dinner, made their own clothes, curtains, quilts, gifts, etc., and hung their laundry on the clothesline (after using a wringer washing machine and metal washtubs). They cut their own grass, repaired their own problems, and were quite self-sufficient. I yearn to be as much like them, as I possibly can.

  3. Michelle Kirby says:

    I’ve always been a farm girl.

  4. Deb Ritchey says:

    I was born and raised a farm girl. I still live on the same farm and always. There is no better place on earth.

  5. Winnie Nielsen says:

    This was one of the first books by you that I purchased after reading the Ideas book. I have used it many times for simple sewing projects and as a reference for things like basic embroidery stitches. All of my Farmgirl Swap crocheted dishcloths are made from your basic stitches shown in this book too. Like all of the MJF books, this Stitchery book is also a beautiful book of photography and creative ideas that are timeless.

    If I become a winner, I know just who I will gift this book forward too.

  6. Barb Miller says:

    Because sunrises are more valuable than gold, animals more loving and patient than most humans, silence is a great gift.

  7. Robin Gerardi says:

    I have always been a farm girl, but now at age 60, I’m really going to live my dream after retiring from owning and operating an alterations shop for 39 years. We are leaving Rhode Island and moving to South Carolina where we can have a huge garden, I have a new huge kitchen and of course a new sewing room where I will continue my art of sewing. I was raised by farmers and its in my blood. I love nothing better than creating, especially getting my hands in the soil. God has blessed me with gifted hands to create and help others. I praise Him for the life I have had and will continue to have. And you, Mary Jane are always an inspiration. Thank you.

    • MaryJane says:

      Congratulations!!!! Our Carrie Jo is now working in an alterations shop here in Moscow, so we don’t see as much of her as we’d like. But she enjoys doing alterations. Merry gardening and merry sewing, dearest Robin. I’m happy for you.

  8. CJ Armstrong says:

    Brought home from the hospital after I was born to a farm where I grew up and learned SO MUCH from my farm parents. After college I got married, and after a few years in Arizona, we moved back to Colorado, built a house on some farm acreage my dad deeded to me and here I am.
    I’m a farmgirl because it’s in the genes . . . and the jeans! The dirt is under my farmgirl toesnails and fingernails!
    Wouldn’t change it for anything!!!

  9. Deon Matzen says:

    Being a farm woman is probably the most satisfying part of my life. I grew up on a small farm, moved to the city and forty-five years ago managed to return to a small farm. Life is quiet, rewarding (eggs, veggies, meat and more), educating, hard work which keeps me in shape, self satisfying but not in a self-serving way. Fortunately, I have a husband who likes this type of life too and we are growing old together in a place that gives us peace and happiness in a world that isn’t always that way.

  10. Arlene Wilder says:

    I am a farm girl because it is in my blood, ancestry of famer’s from North Dakota, Minnesota, France, Russia and Mexico. I used to visit the farms when I was a child. So when I moved to Texas where I met my husband we ended up finding 5 acres and started growing our own food, fruit trees, canning and more. We have 6 dogs all strays. I learned to rehabilitate wildlife and squirrels and I have one squirrel that could not go back out due to injury she is 17 yrs old I love her dearly as I helped her she has helped me I am 57 yrs old and overcome 13 surgeries. So I am a tough Farm Girl. God Bless Arlene Wilder Conroe Texas

  11. Leisa Joan says:

    I’m a farm girl in spirit…I love gardening, cooking from scratch, hanging my laundry outside (or indoors on drying racks in the winter) and bird watching in all seasons.

  12. Melva Vick says:

    I am a farm girl because I love farm animals, gardens, a country house (with a porch), reading Mary Jane’s Farm magazine, etc…..
    I take the time to stop and visit with someone each day. (No “texting”!)
    I always have time to Care for others….

  13. Krista says:

    This is such a wonderful book. This book is how I learned to crochet and I plan to use it to learn many more crafts. It have found it useful even when I need a refresher on something that has slipped my mind. I hope this book finds the perfect home!

  14. Diane says:

    Being a farm girl is in my heart, mind and everything I do.

  15. Deb Morris says:

    I am a farm girl because I used to be….I used to wake in the mornings listening to the birds instead of traffic… I would play in the sunshine and wind without fear of bad people and horrible things…I could look up and out and see nature in its finest, the color, the sounds, the joy…today I live near Chicago where this no longer exists and I pray that some day I will go back to the days of long ago…

  16. Lisa Von Saunder says:

    HI Maryjane , I already have this book and its one of my favorites as the only crafts I decent at are the sewing kind.
    I have always been a farmgirl at heart and have been fortunate enough to live that life several times in my life.

  17. Lorraine says:

    My dad grew up on a farm, my mom was a city girl. My heart belongs in the country. My husband and I lived 30 years.on 10 acres surrounded by farm land, raising 3 children, various animals and a large garden. Due to my husbands health issues, we now live in a small Wisconsin town nearer to shopping and the hospital and clinic. I still have a large vegetable garden, herb garden and flower gardens plus my allowed 3 hens. We spend as much time camping as possible in the spring, summer, and fall. You can take the girl out of the country but, you can’t take the country out of the girl no matter how old she is!

  18. Daizy says:

    Hay there.

    I have been a life long Farm Girl and don’t ever want that to change. As I get older the work gets tougher but I have hopes that my littles, that are full grown now, will one day take over and I can finish out my life right where I am now. I have this awesome book and enjoy opening it up and finding new projects and information each time. Sun fades or not it is a great book of inspiration. If I am lucky enough to win it I will be gifting it to my daughter who is a seamstress and alterator at a shop in the next town over. She loves what she does and is very good at it. She makes me proud. Best of luck to everyone.

    Hugs and prayers,
    Daizy FarmGirl #1093

  19. Verna Studer says:

    Touching the textures and admiring my small collection of fabrics that I dream of turning into whimsical, quirky clothing, is something that I love doing. Just yesterday, I was playing with my fabric and finally made a mug rug so that I could see a sample of my fabric every day while I drink my herbal tea in my sweet little white farm house. I am approaching retirement and eagerly waiting to spend more time in my garden, my kitchen, and my sewing room…I love “making things from scratch,” and cannot wait to be a full-time farmgirl, sharing my skills and life of simplicity with my young grandchildren!

  20. Susanne says:

    Even though I’ve lived in town for over 30 years now, I’m still a farm girl at heart and dream of living on a farm again someday. There’s just a deep satisfaction in going out to milk on frosty mornings, picking fruit from your own trees and storing it for later, harvesting loads of vegies from the garden, making meals completely from homegrown ingredients and enjoying the beauty of creation all around me. In the meantime while waiting for a farm again, I enjoy my little garden beds, herbs, and flowers outside and sewing, knitting, and cooking from scratch inside. I’d love to have this book to create from! Thank you for the giveaway!

  21. Summer says:

    I am a farmgirl because why not!

  22. Rebecca M. says:

    I’m a farmgirl without the farm. I grew up on a farm, but now I live on a 3/4 acre lot that I’ll filled with apple trees, blueberry bushes, flowers, honey bees and raised garden beds. I’m adding chickens in the spring. There’s just something satisfying about digging in the dirt and growing your own food.

  23. Vanessa Ferrell says:

    My mother is my influence to be a farmgirl. She was born in Latvia and brought traditions from her homeland. She sewed clothes for us, planted a garden and froze and canned the veggies. We would walk in the woods and she would look for mushrooms. She and my dad made dandelion wine before it was cool. She could fix anything, do anything. I want to be more like my mom.

  24. Lori Morton says:

    I’m a Farmgirl because it’s just how I We have a most to a sweet farmer we call “Our Farmer”! 🙂 We hacve a Peach Orchard we sell at 3 Farm Mkts, can em for us, and can from our garden, 🙂

  25. June says:

    I’ve always been a farmgirl, though I went through a period in my 30’s of trying not to be. What a waste of time that was! I’m happy to be in the country tending to my animals, garden, and humble home. That’s real life.

  26. Sandi says:

    Once a farmgirl, always a farmgirl, no matter where you end up. I grew up on a small 17 acre farm in upstate New York and I loved it. I have precious memories of my siblings and myself playing in snow covered fields and looking for blue racers under rocks in the summer. After I was married we lived for a time on a hog farm and I fed and watered them every day and made pets out of 2 of the smaller ones. I don’t have a farm now, but I still have the heart.

  27. Holly Perdue says:

    I am a farm girl because I adopt children who have troubled beginnings and where better to heal than on a farm. Our first foster daughters have significant communication issues. When we bought our farm it was with both of them in mind. We have plenty of space to run and work through issues. We have animals who listen and do not talk back and judge. We later adopted sons who need places to build and roam away from the TV. It is important to have space to talk to ones self with out any one else butting in.

    We also bought this particular farm because there is water in the barn.

  28. Cindy Jacobson says:

    I am a farmgirl, because for me there is no other way to be. I much prefer taking care of and talking to the animals versus driving in city traffic. I feel very fortunate to be able to live a lifestyle where my hands get dirty in the garden and I eat poultry and beef we have raised ourselves.

  29. Pingback: Winner!!! Giveaway: MaryJane’s Stitching Room | Raising Jane Journal

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