In the Apr/May issue of MaryJanesFarm, “Dancin’ in the Rain,” I led you here to my daily journal for a chance to win some special giveaways. Following, you’ll find the winners of all three giveaways. Thank you to all who participated by leaving comments, and stay tuned for more giveaways in each issue of MaryJanesFarm. If you’re not yet a subscriber to MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.
The winner of my “Kathleen Shoop, Dancin’ in the Rain” giveaway (for a free copy of all three books in Kathleen’s “Endless Love Series”) is Rhonda Bowdy, who left this comment in response to “Tell me what your favorite book was in 2015.”
“I constantly have a book with me. I love to read. I read so many books in 2015. Love to read Debbie Macomber. Just finished Danielle Steele’s A Good Woman. It was great.”
The winner of my “Patch Abilities, Dancin’ in the Rain” giveaway (for a free mini quilt pattern) is Sandra Winkles, who left this comment in response to “Tell me your favorite stitching pastime.”
“I am a quilter. Love your designs; they are happy and doable in a short period of time.”
The 10 winners of my “Dancin’ in the Rain, Soil Sisters” giveaway (for a free copy of Lisa Kivirist’s new book, Soil Sisters: a Toolkit for Women Farmers), each of whom responded to the comment “Tell me something you do that makes you a farmgirl.” are:
Michelle, who said: “I love living in rural Oklahoma! My hubby and I have done so for 25+ years … while raising cattle. While some were raised for beef, many are bred and born for show calves. I am a stay-at-home wife, mom, and Grams to one feisty 1-year-old grandson! (He loves to feed cows with his Pops.) Love everything that raising 100+ head of cattle brings to my life. I enjoy living the life of a “farmgirl” and everything it has to offer!”
Kellie Eggers, who said: “Most of the things I do that make me a farmgirl make many people think I’m crazy! Longing for ducklings for my young girls on Easter, I arranged for a good friend to take them after 2 days and she had a lovely property with a pond. We were in an apartment and actually let them in the bathtub briefly. I plant absolutely anywhere I can tuck anything. I have a yearning to sew all of my own clothes and just want everything to be handmade, which oddly not enough people can relate to.”
Catherine Harris, who said: “Thank you so much for the chance to win this extraordinary book, I am so excited and praying I win! My “farmgirl” life began early as a child, when my father got me a calf. What an experience I had with her raising her! The farm gave me a relationship with my father that I will hold close to my heart forever and ever! I now have 16 chickens; 7 of them are baby Marans. I love to blog about this amazing life I have on my piece of heaven, #harrisfarms. Two years ago, my life took a huge turn. I was diagnosed with MS. I went from “corporate climbing” back to my roots of “farmgirl.” I am thankful for this turn in my life because I see the world now! I am excited to hopefully add goats and a cow to our little adventure one day. Please feel free to visit my little blog and again thank you for this opportunity, I hope I win!”
Annette, who said: “I raised three kids to love the farm life. My dh died when they were teens. Because of the aftermath, I couldn’t give them much except some old buildings and the love of a farm life. Today, as young adults, all three have soil in their veins and are actively involved in various agricultural endeavors. I can’t even explain how happy I am to see my son rubbing the soil between his fingers; another son whose smile you can’t wipe off his face, all because he gets to run a combine; or my dd, who is learning so much about vegetables. I did it and I am proud of myself.”
Phyllis Mogensen Kochert, who said: “I am a born & bred farmgirl, e.g. my farm heritage goes back to Denmark on my dad’s side. I am the oldest of 8 kids who worked the family farm in southcentral Idaho. I still live in the same county with my husband (an Indiana farm kid), and we own 97 acres of lava rock interspersed with sand & loam. Mostly, I garden in raised beds due to lava bed beneath. It is so satisfying to eat a meal that is mostly homegrown, organically of course. Our load of compost from local dairies is coming soon. I love to plan my veggie garden on paper first, then use it for reference during the season. We also plant food & cover crops for wildlife (deer, pheasants, waterfowl, etc.), cooperating with Idaho Fish and Game and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Yay, farming!!”
Alicia Winkler, who said: “We farm on a small scale. I do my best to raise as much food as I can for my family. It brings me joy and my family is healthier! 🙂 I love learning to preserve new items every year. I am always learning!”
Terry Steinmetz, who said: “I was not raised on a farm, but my grandparents owned one and I lived only 3 miles from them. I loved to go to the farm and check everything out. My grandfather taught me to drive his tractor, ride the combine & hay wagon. He shared with me how the soybeans and wheat grew, what the farm needed to sustain itself. I also love the barn and especially the pigs. Chickens and I did not get along, especially my grandmother’s prize rooster. He attacked me many times before Grandma rescued me by wringing his neck when she caught him jumping on my neck! I even raised a couple of ducks. Farming to me also is about the picnics, family dinners, fresh veggies & fruits, and sitting in Grandma’s favorite apple tree—when I didn’t get caught! I learned many lessons on my grandparents’ farm for which I truly am glad. My hubby was raised on a couple farms, too. We have 40 acres and do a garden, apple orchards, rhubarb & asparagus. And then on the back of the place is where my glamper sits and I enjoy going to it each each day. Life is good! A farmgirl even if only in small ways and big dreams!”
Denise, who said: “I grew up on a farm. A chicken farm. My dad was great at what he did raising those chickens. We never had problems with people knowing there was a chicken around because he kept the coops clean and we had many happy, healthy hens for all those years. He is 90 now and lives with us. I glean much from him about taking care of our hens and about gardening. We always had a big garden and with free fertilizer right in the hen house. I enjoy learning all I can about gardening. I feel like I am getting part of my childhood back, as I was the baby of my family and I was born later in my parents’ life. I enjoy all the memories we are making now, as well as the ones from my childhood. I have always considered myself a farmgirl.”
Becka Gagne, who said: “I have been farming on a small scale for over 20 years and love the rituals of the seasons … The season of dreaming and imagining is coming to an end and the season of seeds is opening! Organize, sort, order and start! Trying to figure out a funding plan that will get my dream barn built over the next couple years …”
Laurie Scott, who said: “We live in a country suburban atmosphere. I enjoy getting my raised beds ready for planting my veggie garden. My 8-year-old granddaughter also enjoys helping Nana with planning and planting and watching the seeds grow in their different stages. I have been doing this for many years with my granddaughter. It’s a great learning experience for us. I also have fruit trees that bear us fruit. Love the idea that might near all our fruit and veggies are homegrown and pesticide free/organic. My children live close by and I share my harvesting with them. I live in Texas, so I can plant almost year-round and what I don’t share, I can.”
Congratulations, winners!!!
Simply put, hanging out clothes out on the clothesline makes me feel RICH! We only have a 1/2 acre but the air is clean and the clothes smell wonderful after drying on the line. So many folks don’t have enough space, fresh air or time. I am so fortunate!
I love to hang my clothes out, especially the sheets! There’s nothing better than climbing into bed after a long day and smelling the freshness of outdoor glory. 🌞
Hanging laundry is the best free therapy Mother Nature has to offer! I use lavender in my wash to also give me a stress relief scent to allow my mind to clear! It’s so relaxing and it allows anyone who hangs their clothing on a line to forget their worries for as long as their load size! I make clothespin bags for friends and winning this would be a treat for a cold story to add! Have an amazing day!
Thank you
To be honest I haven’t used a clothes line since I was a little girl until last summer when my husband and I realized a life long dream and moved from the suburbs to our own mini farm. We’ve been living in our camper while building our house. Without a washer and dryer I’ve had to resort to creative ways of doing wash. Washing clothes in a huge cooler and of course hanging them out to dry on a line strung between two oak trees. I love the way they smell at the end of the day and remember running through the sheets on the line as a little girl.
One aspect of hanging out clothes on my clothesline that I enjoy is the simple way they all look. The colors and shapes sort of form their own artistic scene and it is different every time the laundry gets hung. Add some wind and I am suddenly transformed to the days watching my Mother hang up clothes in our backyard between the two Dogwood trees.
It is like art! Love your description. I secretly even like to hang mine so they alternate or coordinate shapes or colors and then stand back to enjoy the art I’ve just hung. I’ve probably taken more pictures of my clothes on the line then I have selfies! Ha.
I absolutely LOVE hanging my clothes on the line! Our house and land is located on a slope and we always have a breeze blowing, so on any normal day you can hang your clothes out on the line ad have wrinkle free clothes! Plus there is just something about being out there in the sun that just makes a body feel good!!
*and have
Most of the time I can spell;)
🙂 Me too. Most.
I love the feeling I get of taking the best care of my clothes that I can. Makes me value each garment. And I absolutely love the smell of line dried clothes and linens.
Hanging clothes on the line always takes me back to 1950s growing up in a small town outside of Dallas TX. Mom and I would take the clothes/sheets/towels down bring the sunshine and fresh air into the house.
Hanging clothes on the line reminds me of my childhood. Hanging clothes out on the line helping mom. The clothes and linens smell so fresh and it is good for the environment. Saves using electricity.
We just moved to rural Virginia and hubs says he’ll put up a clothesline for me. I can hardly wait to smell the fresh air dried sheets! How efficient, to let Mother Nature take over!
I become a young girl again helping my Mom hang the laundry! To heighten the experience I go barefoot while delightful memories dance in my head!! Thank you for the fun giveaways and supporting USA made! Blessings!
Barefoot 😉 love it.
Ahhhhhh . . . there is nothing like the fresh, clean Colorado moumtain air and sunshine on my laundry! I love the smell and feel of my laundry hung outside to dry. I even hang it out in the winter!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Nostalgia tugging at my heartstrings! Hanging laundry out in the sun feels so wonderful that always put me in a relaxing mood every time, something magical bestowed by Mother Nature using crafted clothespins made with love that makes for laundry chores a whirlwind breeze!
Outside of dodging the weather, I enjoy hanging out laundry because I like to fold it as I take it off the line and put it away. I have a tendency to let a load sit in the dryer for a day or two otherwise.
I like hanging laundry on the line because it reminds me of being younger and running around through the hanging sheets and blankets as if I’m lost in a maze! Then on windy days you had to avoid the sheets from touching you!
I like the clean fresh smell of sheets air dryed outside. I bought our house basically because it has and indoor and outdoor clothes line! I was so excited!
I love clothes hung outside. The freshness from the great outdoors! Not to mention
that we should all be greener these days and saving energy is what hanging clothes outside does. I love it! I would new clothespins and the joy of using them daily.
What a wonderful gift to offer us readers! I thank you.
A friend showed me a different way to hang clothes. Wash the towels first. Then hang them zigzag on the lines. Hang all the other clothes in between. That way you don’t have to wait for one wash load to dry before hanging the other loads. When I looked at them from my upstairs window, it looked like artwork. The smell of fresh towels is heavenly. Now we live in the city with no clothes line. 🙁
I’m out with The Great Creator. Every time I do laundry I look forward to hanging it all on the line to dry. I get to get out of the house and get to conserve electricity and I get to breath in the fresh clean air. My clothes are hung to wave in the breeze and be cleansed a bit more by the sunshine. I enjoy the memories of hanging with my mother and grandmothers who also took the time to enjoy the little things that were seen from the line. You can watch butterflies and birds and the breeze pushing the clouds across the sky. I have watched beetles and bees and worms and all sorts of critters while at the line. When I got the clothes off the line I fold them while I’m there. It gives me just a few more minutes to be outside and enjoying the moments.
It truly is the little things in life that give us joy.
Hugs and prayers,
Daizy #1097
I hang my clothes and towels and sheets on the line between the antique pear tree and the antique apple tree- now in full bloom. I put like with like -all the “cuddleduds” tops ( I just live in them – lightweight long underwear- 9 months a year ) together, all the tea towels together , etc.
I like that the tea towels ( mostly vintage linen calender ones dating back 40+ years even -end up snappy like they were ironed, which is good coz life is too short to iron, I don’t even own one!
It is a joy to hang out my laundry indeed.
I love to hang laundry. I feel so at peace when I am out there. We have needed a new dryer for a few years now but I won’t let my husband buy one because I love being outside putting the laundry on the line. Listening to the birds, watching the clouds, seeing the clothes move with the breeze, the fresh smell of the outdoors. I love it all!
Hanging clothes on the line always made me feel just overall happy. Maybe it was that deep breath you take as you raise up your arms to pin. I loved how white the whites were and the crispness wrinkle free of the t shirts, that became soft as soon as you put them on. I also loved how mid summer, by the time I finished hanging a load, the first item was already dry! Could get more done in a day and havr more time to play. I was in my twenties with my first child when I started hanging clothes out, and found it so odd that my mom had only hung out certain things, not eveything. Of course for her it was different, growing up they had to do it. Having a choice sure makes it nicer I guess. Now I don’t have that choice and sure do miss hanging outside.
Fresh. But that just seems too simple, not sure if there is a word for it. Sheets, quilts, freshly dried, just the best!
I love watching the laundry line twirl with the breeze on warm Spring and Summer days! It makes me feel homespun and nostalgic.
“Hanging out the wash” helps me feel real and complete. I think I was just born in the wrong time. Some of my favorite memories are of hanging out my babies’ cloth diapers. Thank you, for this opportunity.
Hanging laundry makes me reminisce of days go e by. Mom used to hang her things out to dry. Then, we got to sprinkle and iron sheets, pillow cases etc. there is no better smell than fresh sheets from the clothes line. I still have one and enjoy summer breezes, even in the city, when I can freshen things and dry things. When we camp, I also hang things to dry. Love my vintage clothespin bag also. These clothespin look like they are a high quality! ,lovely.
Often it relaxes me, helps me unwind when I’m truly present to all of nature around me; I feel grateful.
I love going outside and hanging out our laundry. First it reminds me of times long ago when I was a little girl helping Mama. When I go out now I love listening to all the little birds and other animals as I work. The fresh smell of my laundry is heavenly. It is just me with my Creator enjoying sweet peace.
Laundry hung outside to dry makes me feel young, and brings memories of hanging laundry with mom & grandma. 🙂
Hanging laundry outside reminds me of women long ago.
Hanging clothes out on the line remind me of days past. I love to see the fresh cleaned clothes floating in the breeze back and forth and that fresh air smell is divine.
It’s just another part of my slow living lifestyle I’m getting accustomed to. It’s nice to be able to use the sun to remove stains naturally. Just seeing them out there makes my brain feel fuzzy.
For me, hanging clothes on the line is about returning to my roots. Having been raised on a farm/cattle ranch by my grandparents- we did things the simple way. When I first got married I wanted things to be just the opposite. Now the feelings are reversed- we are slowly getting back to the simple things and are working hard at making our homestead green. Smelling clothes that have been hung on the line brings me back to my favorite times as a child- the clothes smell like my Granny! No sweeter smell than that!
There is no match for the look of clothes staying on the line while the wind blows, thanks to a great type of clothes pins. Then the real reward, when you crawl into bed and smell that wonderful fresh aroma of the sheets dried outside in the sun and the breeze.
My dryer stopped working about a year ago. I already hung some things, quite frankly, I like to hang them. My husband has been wanting to get that dryer fixed, for my convenience ever since, but I can’t seem to get anyone to understand that I can get a few moments peace out there… just me, the laundry, the line, and the birds!
I live in Montana and always have a nice breeze to dry my clothes. Its another way I can take advantage of “Mother Nature” and her many gifts. I always have plenty of help hanging my clothes – our returning blue birds, my cat – who keeps an eye on the birds and my dog Bandito, who keeps an eye on our cat Chewy!
I have been hanging clothes to dry for the last 20 years and can’t think of any reason to stop! Our clothes feel and smell cleaner and last longer. My only problem is finding clothes pins to last. I have gone through countless “cheap” clothes pins, some gifted to me – plastic and thin wooden – from neighbors moving to the city. Whether I am fortunate to have my name drawn or not – I feel fortunate to know that there is a source for beautiful sturdy HAND MADE & MADE in the US of A, wooden clothes pin source. One I am definitely going to take advantage of. Thank you for the new source.
P.S. My mother moved here from Florida and She is also hanging her clothes out to dry!! One of the few resources available that doesn’t cost a dime!
Life is busy and we must choose how to spend our precious time. Taking time to line dry clothes is one thing that is worth the effort.
Love listening to the birds and the breezes in the trees while hanging out clothes. The feeling of using the sun’s natural direct energy to dry the clothing is great.
I started hanging laundry when my dryer broke…9 years ago! I never replaced the dryer and hang laundry inside in winter….but, come spring and warm weather….I am hanging things outside…I love the smell of the sheets on the bed at night when they have hung outside…the laundry blowing in the breeze…..not to mention the upper body muscles that get to work when you move your arms up and down…the fresh air you breath in…. nature that calls you to stop and look…I even planted lavender in the garden bed that runs near my clothes line…..just to have the fresh smell there….I put lavender oil in the wash…oh…the smells of clean laundry…those clothespins would be wonderful…todays clothespins just don’t last…I would make a new clothespin bag to honor those wonderfully made clothespins if I won them!
Oh, nothing like fresh dried sheets on the,love love it
I have only one line, but I hang laundry every day that weather permits. I remember mom hanging everything & those jean stretchers so they wouldn’t have wrinkles!
Hanging out laundry takes me to simple times when washing clothes was done outside I think of the stories my father would tell of the big boiling pots of water ,homemade soaps and lots of scrubbing on the old wash boards.
Hanging clothes on the line makes them smell so fresh, and it reminds me of my Mom hanging clothes out when we stayed at my grandfather’s farm in the summer.
Being born in the 50’s I watched my mom hang clothes on the line to dry many a times. When I married one of my first requirements was a clothesline and have had one ever sense. Not only do I save money by using solar power there is nothing like going to bed on fresh clean line dried sheets.
I grew up hanging clothes on the line. I have been married for 30 years and have always had a clothes line. Nothing smells better then line dried clothes. My youngest son was in high school and a girl wanted to know what his mom washed his clothes in to smell so good. Homemade soap and line dried freshness. clothes on the line make me smile!!
I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s in a rural setting at the time. I would help my Mom hang out laundry, pulling clothes pins from the bag she made to store them and hang them on our lines. I loved the sound of clothes flapping in the warm breezes and the wonderful smell of clothes dried on the line. I also loved raising the poles to lift up the clothes lines that spanned the length of our back yard. Wonderful memories!
There is a memory about hanging laundry make me laugh. It is when my hard-working, German “Ma” in cold, Wisconsin winter would sort our clothes into heaps on the checkered kitchen floor.Then with her already-chapped hands she would plop one of the piles in the stubby washing machine. All morning it chugged & bounced, first cleaning the whites & at the last my Dad’s Oshkosh, buckled, farm overalls. Then she would squish each piece ( and occasionally her hand) through the wringer. They would dump into a bushel basket lined with a floral, flour-bag fabric. She sewed the liner as well as the clothes pin bag on her cherished, “New Home”, pedal machine . A Donning dad’s warm parka & her old boots she would hang them outside where they would stiffen to a board. Bringing them back in still damp she would hang them all over the house like friends waiting to dry. I still use some of her close pins remembering her with love.
I love hanging our wash on the line. The fresh smell of freshly line dried clothes is heavenly! It also reminds me of many years ago when my mom hung the laundry out. What special memories.
I remember hanging out clothes and sheets with my grandmother. She would talk about how when she was young her family raised sheep and she’d have to be careful hanging out the laundry as the sheep were quite interested in what she was doing…We would together talk about things while hanging out clothes that we probably wouldn’t have thought about otherwise. I miss those times…there is something almost hypnotic about watching the laundry whip in the wind.
Hanging clothes on the line makes me feel like I’m doing one thing toward living green. I know my clothes will smell like nature.