Day ONE Magazine Giveaway WINNER!!!!!

Today is the day we begin our eight-day FREE magazine subscription GIVEAWAY marathon.


I’ll pick one winner a day from our 865 (eight-hundred-and-sixty-five!!!!!) entries until I’ve given away 7 one-year subscriptions. And then on the eighth day, some lucky winner will get a lifetime subscription in celebration of our twelfth year publishing MaryJanesFarm.

Today’s WINNER of a magazine subscription is …

none other than …

the incredibly amazing …


How are you going to feel if you’re one of the 864 who didn’t win today? No doubt you’ll need the therapy of a subscription or a renewal, right? (I know, shameless marketing but we love it when you don’t think you can get by without us. We need you to need us!)

The winner of a one-year subscription to MaryJanesFarm is:


Donna Cochran, who said in response to my question, “If you’re already a reader, tell me why you like our magazine. If you’re new to MaryJanesFarm magazine, tell me how you heard about us.”

“Love your magazine and all you stand for! I buy it as I can at our local organic market. My daughter loves it also. Your way of life is our way of life.”

Congratulations Donna! Watch your inbox for an email from me.


Below is the GIVEAWAY that is now closed to entries (thanks everyone!!!):

Let’s give this GIVEAWAY one LAST try, HEY! hip, hooray, FREE subscriptions!

We’re giving away 7 one-year subscriptions to our magazine, MaryJanesFarm. We’ll let your entries (only one per household please) pile up in the comments section below and then for 7 days, I’ll pick a winner until I’ve given away 7 one-year subscriptions. And then on the eighth day, some lucky winner will get a lifetime subscription in celebration of our twelfth year publishing MaryJanesFarm. Won’t you join us?


Whether you’re a city chick or a farm chick,


MaryJanesFarm magazine will help guide you back to your farmgirl roots,


back to healthful living,


next door with biscuits,


downtown for an evening of crocheting with friends,


uptown in a dress-up apron,


and starward to your dreams—maybe even a farm of your own.


Here’s how to enter. If you’re already a reader, tell me why you like our magazine. If you’re new to MaryJanesFarm magazine, tell me how you heard about us. Don’t worry. Even if you don’t win, you just can’t lose because we’ll sign you up for our regular alerts full of unique and yummy recipes, craft ideas, tips, and more.

  1. Christine M says:

    I do not have a subscription, but would love to have one. I had a gift subscription once, but it has been a couple years. Now, the time in life is again changing back to the simpler things. Drawing me back to the important things that you put in your magazine and maybe even to the Farmgirl Sisterhood. Thanks for encouraging and inspiring us everyday.

  2. Debbie Boss says:

    already get the mag. Always look forward to the new one.

  3. Cheryl McKay says:

    Winning a subscription to Mary Jane’s Farm? Priceless!!

  4. My friend shared you on Facebook. $198 backyard greenhouse caught my eye! It’s one of my goals for this year!

    Congratulations on 12 years publishing!!!!

  5. nieki says:

    I just love Mary Jane farms magazines and website. its the best!

  6. jaylyn morehouse says:

    I follow Mary Janes Farm on Facebook where I’ve seen so many awesome projects, and tons of inspiration for my future farm! But I really would LOVE to start getting the magazine!

  7. Jean says:

    I found Maryjane’s Farm magazine at a book store and really enjoyed the variety of articles, how-tos, and country life aspects. It’s a great way to remind oneself to slow down and enjoy life a little more.

  8. Lisa C. says:

    I love Mary Jane’s Farm! Have picked up a few copies at the store and would love a subscription. I always wanted to live on a farm, but do what I can here in the city. Love the outdoors, and the craft ideas etc… and would love a more simple life style!

  9. Kristi says:

    I had to let my subscription go last year and it just about killed me! I get a magazine at the grocery store now and then, but would love to get it again!
    I’m a born farmgirl, living in the city, trying to stay as country as possible. Without my farmer mother to ground me (lost her to cancer in 2010), I feel as if MaryJane’s Farm magazine keeps me in the country loop. Since I’m a single mom with 20-something children and my own retirement is looming in a few years, I’m putting back into practice skills that I shared with my mother while I lived at home on the farm in the 60’s and 70’s. This magazine updates practices and gives me new ideas to add. I thank you so much! Even if I don’t win a subscription, I’ll continue to pick it up as often as I can. You’re a wonderful role model, Mary Jane!

  10. Just bought your issue recently, and love it!!! Truly hoping I am one of your subscription winners! 🙂 Your magazine is so refreshing and so much more me, than other magazines I have read! Thanks again! And…….goodluck to me! 🙂

  11. Barbara McLeod says:

    I do not enjoy a subscription to your magazine yet, however, my best friend Debra Swan, beams when she talks about the photos, articles, how tos, and ideas. Since we have common interests, I am sure I would thoroughly enjoy it as well.

  12. Sandy says:

    This is the perfect magazine to relax with at the end of my day! The color schemes of the pages, something I take note of, are perfect and the information and articles are right on!

  13. Sara Laughlin says:

    I love the magazine, I think mostly, because I get to live vicariously the life I really wish I had. So much good information, so many new ideas to put in my dreams, so soothing to my hectic soul.

  14. jeanne luddeni says:

    hip hip hooray i want a subscription

  15. Kelly Lynn Vega says:

    Oh, I would love, love, love to have a subscription! It’s my favorite magazine by far!

  16. Robbi says:

    I recently moved to a farm in the Midwest! I love the magazine because it is such an eclectic mix of topics! From raising chickens, to recipes, to pretty pictures…I even love the ads you run and have found lots of new products through them that I love!

  17. MaryJanes Farm Magazine Inspires me, intrigues me, challenges me, makes me smile, teaches me, helps me, but never ever bores me. I have been subscribing for 3 years now. I look forward to getting them. My subscription is just about to run out and I need to run out. This would be perfect to get a free subscription.

  18. Sherry Henderson says:

    I am 62 years old and have been waiting for the last 20 years to wake up and find where I am suppose to be. In the mean time I have been working, raising a family and just moving forward. My dreams and visions have included many levels of everyday, simplified life. But I could never get a very clear picture. And I havent been able to have the self confidence needed to take the next step, much less know what the next step is. Then one day I was at Woodmans Grocery Store and found your magazine. I thumbed thru it and got a bit of chill and thrill. Needless to say it went home with me. Everytime I went back, I was always looking for the next edition, which is a weekly trip. Then just the other day and found it, only one on the shelf ! I immediately put it in my cart and again it went home with me. I have read both over and over again and have enjoyed them both so much. I really wish they would have more copies, I feel kinda gulity that there wasnt another one there for someone else to discover. Your Magazine has given me a chance to explore my visions better and I think I have started to take some steps to begin the next step and I am beginning to really believe I have found the answer to my journey. I know I will get there. You magazine has such strength and empowerment. Never knew a simple magazine packed with wonderful and simple information could wake me up! Thank YOU !!! I have ordered a subsciption and can’t wait !

  19. OH I would love to win! Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway!

  20. Amanda Rae H says:

    MJF magazine warms my heart, cheers me up, educates me, inspires me, entertains me and makes me cry. It is like home… it is like a taste of the old days… a reminder of the things you really love. My mother, Linda, passed away almost 2 years ago =( I had just had her first grandchild and my son only 2 months before. When he was born (at my house in the country-in a horse trough!) she came to see us even though she’d had a surgery that morning. She brought me what I’d said I’d really wanted for a new-baby gift, an aloe plant, and also 2 magazines: a copy of Mother Earth News and Mary Jane’s Farm. Over the next few weeks I spent all my time with my newborn in the sunshine of my bedroom and with only those to look through as I nursed and cared for him. When she died I got a subscription and .joined the sisterhood. It was my child, the country and that magazine that got me through to bright days. There is a richness that is captured and treasured in this publication that only memories spent with her could bring me

  21. Debbie says:

    Love the magazine! Always articles on things I am doing or wanting to try!

  22. Lynnie C says:

    How can I say “Thank You” to someone who has totally changed my life? I have a gorgeous camper that will soon be the Victorian house I have longed for my entire life. I’ve got scads of friends all over the United States, both men and women. In just a year, I’ve been places I would have never gone to and had experiences I could never have dreamed of. This summer was filled with fun by February! And with people that share my love of nature and belief that Mother Earth is here to take care of us. My life has become so full and wonderful, starting with Mary Jane’s books and magazines, that I pinch myself to make sure it is still my life!

  23. Jenny R says:

    First saw your magazine at the Tractor and Supply Store. I still buy it from them. I have not yet subscribed to your magazine but highly enjoy it. It’s the treat I get when my spouce drags me to the Tractor and Supply.

  24. Ellen says:

    I love your magazine! It gives me a view into the world I wish I was living and is so inspiring. A real down-to-earth life, with the best of the retro vibe along with a modern way to work it. I wish I was living on a farm instead of the city and this is a vicarious way to do it. Respect for the earth and living creatures and making delicious and healthy things to eat. Plus wonderful ideas for a mindful life.

  25. Deb PRoper says:

    I have never seen this magazine before. I am interested in quilting. From the other comments I get that this is a wonderful magazine. Would be nice to win a subscription !!

  26. Debra B. in CO says:

    I used to subscribe, but had to give it up (I still have all of my copies!). I had also bought 3 of your books, and I love to look thru them over and over again. I am a country girl living in a small rural town. I love everything “country” about your magazine, from the pictures, the articles, recipes and crafts, right down to environmental issues and how we can do our part to protect this world we live in!

  27. Sandra Wheeler says:

    I am a country girl trapped in a city girl body. I just fpund out about your magazine and will look for it at the store.

  28. Pamela McDonald-Mann says:

    Just discovered your magazine though a FaceBook link. Looks absolutely wonderful, everything a country gal could want!

  29. Libby says:

    I heard about it from Spice Berry Cottage . This magazine looks INCREDIBLE ! I hope I win, but I’ll be looking into suscribing regardless.

  30. laurel w. says:

    MJ’s farm s a unique magazine that features many things I love to do or want to do in the future. My mom bought me my first copy because as she said,”this looks like the kind of stuff you are into.”

  31. Hannah West says:

    One of my favorite magazines! I discovered it just before Christmas while I was out shopping and I’ve been hooked on it ever since! I’ve been inspired to do many things that I thought weren’t possible where I currently live. I’m also able to add things to my “dream” list for the future; things I may not be able to afford right this minute but things that I will not let go! My birthday is next month, and I’m hoping (if I don’t win) to convince my husband to purchase a subscription for me! Would love to see you in my mailbox!

  32. Anita wallace says:

    Love the magazine ! My subscription just expired!! Pick me!

  33. Grace says:

    I’ve been an avid reader of the magazine for about 3 years. I love every aspect of it…the pictures, articles, even the advertisements! I always save the magazine for a time when I can sit down for an hour or so and really savor it! It’s such a treat! Keep up the good work!

  34. Nikki Bond says:

    I’ve been reading/subscribing since MaryJane’s was a catalog. I moved away from Moscow 7 years ago. Reading your magazine makes me feel like I am home again. I even saw a picture of my mother’s prize winning cake at the Latah County Fair in your publication. I love seeing your magazine on the shelves at stores in my area. My little piece of home is all across America and bringing others a sense of farm girl. Keep it up!

  35. Sharon Skrivseth says:

    I love your magazine and I’d be thrilled to win a subscription! I love the down to earth articles and homemade goodies to make …plus the fact your from Idaho 🙂 I’m from away up north of you, top of the state.. but your still ” local” to me!

  36. Angela Catton says:

    Was just introduced to this publication and have never been so inspired by a magazine in my life. It encompasses everything I ever want to be. I read your features over and over again. Definitely gettin’ my Farmer Jane on!

  37. Charity Stevens says:

    Would love to receive the magazine!! I’ve bought a few and loveeee them so if I get picked, Thank you sooo much 😀

  38. Robin ODowd says:

    My friend posted with on fb. I have never heard of you guys and I’m glad to find you

  39. Marge DeVisser says:

    Love the great info, the pictures and even the feel of your great magazine.

  40. Jeanne says:

    I LOVE MARY JANE’S FARM, one of the magazines I read from cover to cover. Love her vintage textile finds (what quilter wouldn’t) well maybe not some but me I am a vintage kinda girl to start with and a back to the lander (Well actually I never left) and hippie at heart. so it is ALL GOOD WITH ME. 🙂

  41. Deb Tukua says:

    I love Mary Jane’s Farm because its cool to live in the country! I love being surrounded by nature and eating organic! Love MJ’s you-can-do-it spirit!

  42. Sheila Moroe says:

    Love the magazine.

  43. Marilyn Hawkins says:

    I have been reading MaryJanesFarm for 4 years now. I was drawn in from moment one and can’t wait for the new one to come out. When our son was a baby, we lived on a farm and I learned to grow an enormous garden, can and freeze everything we ate, made almost all our clothes and baked everything from scratch. Life takes people away from the important things in life that can’t be bought. I am now getting back to what I did 40 years ago with two granddaughters, 6 and 7 months, and enjoying my life immensely. Next, GLAMPING! Thank you, Mary Jane, for being an inspiration. I can only hope that my granddaughters discover what’s important, too.

  44. Beth Keehne says:

    Have just discovered this wonderful place called Mary Jane’s; would love to be able to share this magazine with my daughters as well. Many lost treasures found here. A subscription would be so appreciated! Thanks

  45. Debra Lamb says:

    Tomorrow is my birthday, and I would so love the free subscription.. Thanks again!

  46. Caryn Kyte says:

    I started reading your magazine a few years ago when I saw a girl with a chainsaw on the cover!!! I knew it was my kind of magazine! I love all of the articles on “how to”, I love learning how to do things on my own! I also love love love the pictures! Such a great magazine that I can read from cover to cover over and over again!

  47. Kim Boswood says:

    I discovered MaryJane’s Farm magazine about a year ago. I really enjoy the layouts and it makes me reminise about the days gone by and wishing I had a simple life! Keep up the awesome magazine, great articles, fantastic pictures and creative ideas. You get to live and love what you do. Yay!

  48. Kat Douma says:

    I’ve been reading your publications ever since I picked up one of your catalogs years ago. I’ve missed a few issues, but I usually manage to gather up enough change to buy them. I even got my son reading them as he learns to turns his place into his dream mini-farm.

  49. Esther Evans says:

    First visit with this website and with MaryJane. I couldn’t be more pleased! The information and knowledge that is shared is abounding!!!! Never have I found am more interesting place

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