Day ONE Magazine Giveaway WINNER!!!!!

Today is the day we begin our eight-day FREE magazine subscription GIVEAWAY marathon.


I’ll pick one winner a day from our 865 (eight-hundred-and-sixty-five!!!!!) entries until I’ve given away 7 one-year subscriptions. And then on the eighth day, some lucky winner will get a lifetime subscription in celebration of our twelfth year publishing MaryJanesFarm.

Today’s WINNER of a magazine subscription is …

none other than …

the incredibly amazing …


How are you going to feel if you’re one of the 864 who didn’t win today? No doubt you’ll need the therapy of a subscription or a renewal, right? (I know, shameless marketing but we love it when you don’t think you can get by without us. We need you to need us!)

The winner of a one-year subscription to MaryJanesFarm is:


Donna Cochran, who said in response to my question, “If you’re already a reader, tell me why you like our magazine. If you’re new to MaryJanesFarm magazine, tell me how you heard about us.”

“Love your magazine and all you stand for! I buy it as I can at our local organic market. My daughter loves it also. Your way of life is our way of life.”

Congratulations Donna! Watch your inbox for an email from me.


Below is the GIVEAWAY that is now closed to entries (thanks everyone!!!):

Let’s give this GIVEAWAY one LAST try, HEY! hip, hooray, FREE subscriptions!

We’re giving away 7 one-year subscriptions to our magazine, MaryJanesFarm. We’ll let your entries (only one per household please) pile up in the comments section below and then for 7 days, I’ll pick a winner until I’ve given away 7 one-year subscriptions. And then on the eighth day, some lucky winner will get a lifetime subscription in celebration of our twelfth year publishing MaryJanesFarm. Won’t you join us?


Whether you’re a city chick or a farm chick,


MaryJanesFarm magazine will help guide you back to your farmgirl roots,


back to healthful living,


next door with biscuits,


downtown for an evening of crocheting with friends,


uptown in a dress-up apron,


and starward to your dreams—maybe even a farm of your own.


Here’s how to enter. If you’re already a reader, tell me why you like our magazine. If you’re new to MaryJanesFarm magazine, tell me how you heard about us. Don’t worry. Even if you don’t win, you just can’t lose because we’ll sign you up for our regular alerts full of unique and yummy recipes, craft ideas, tips, and more.

  1. Joan says:

    I love yor magazine,i live on a farm and love all of the great articals i find inside

  2. Yolanda Solferino says:

    I love your magazine! I’ve read it for a year now,and it’s a keeper. Other magazines I pass on to others, when I’ve finished with them. I picked my first on up at the grocery store and couldn’t put it down.
    I’m also making a glamping quilt with your fabric for my camper. A friend has asked me to make one for her too!

  3. Diana Smith says:

    Sadly couldn’t afford my Mary Jane subscription anymore on my retirees’ budget. Sometimes I find them in the library giveaway box. Still have my No. l issue and a couple more years saved and always fun to read thru them again.

  4. Kathy Mahoney says:

    Never sign up for stuff but this is something I’d love…..

  5. Dolly Sarrio says:

    I like everything about the magazine. There is so much to learn from each one. Recipes, camping, farm animals, things that are good to the environment, earth and humans. Good down to earth simple living. I just like it all. MaryJane’s Farm is just like a family and the magazine shares that too.

  6. Carol Gillen says:

    I love your magazine and website. So many “down-to-earth” “make-me-feel-good” ideas for living a “natural” life. I especially love your graphics of decorated vintage pictures. I am tearing them out for a special collage project. I am going to decopage them onto the inside walls of my potting shed, as soon as Spring returns to Minnesota. Cool idea, huh?

  7. Brenda Myers says:

    love this magazine…it fulfills many simple fantasies of the perfect quiet life and wholesome living…keep it coming

  8. Susan Bolin says:

    What a fun surprise for me to find your magazine on a rack while I was shopping at the store. I had to buy it and check it out.

    As a Mature Woman redefining my life has taken on a whole new purpose, and your magazine is exactly the kind of adventure I need in my life now!

    -Thank You!!

  9. Elizabeth says:

    I have been a subscriber in the past, I have all the issues through 2010 (except #1).
    I let my subscription lapse, but would love to have the issues I missed, and be a subscriber again. I am a farm-girl, and the daughter of a farm-girl! My mother has been a farm-girl for 73 years.

  10. Michelle Diaz says:

    I have always been a farmgirl and I love this beautiful and useful magazine. Thank-you to the MJF staff for providing us all such inspiration.

  11. Elsa Gerard says:

    I have some old copies of the magazine. I love it. I still use the recipes and I could surely use some new inspiration.

  12. Julie Mesdag says:

    I am a MJF sisterhood member and have recieved your magazine over the years. I read it cover to cover, mark pages, and dream of when I will live away from suburbia, and in a smaller town and truer to my farmgirl inner self.
    Your magazine gives me inspiration and motivation to do just that. Thank you!
    Julie, Colorado

  13. Ruthy B. says:

    I love this magazine, although sometimes hard to find in Southern California. I wait in anticipation of the next issue. Love what i learn and take away from this publication. Have been a long time fan.

  14. Kate Watts says:

    I love the recipes and crafts. They inspire me to try new things, revisit ideas, and simply add little bits of beauty to our lives. Thanks for being part of our family.

  15. SHARON PRETHER says:

    So much inspiration in your magazine!

  16. Shari Traughber says:

    I love the magazine for all the ideas, stories and all the neat feel good stuff in there…I just recently started/taking over a cool little store here in Idaho and this magazine is a great inspiration to me and soon I hope I want to carry some of the magazines and other items in this store..

  17. Cynthia andrews says:

    I love this magazine!!!

  18. Melissa R. says:

    One of my favorite magazines. I keep every single one in a binder protected in plastic sleeves (which for me is WAY more organized than I do everything else). And I still pull out the one from a few summers ago and use the pretzel recipe quite frequently. Great variety of crafts, food, and other useful articles. I’ll continue getting this magazine as long as I can. Thanks!

  19. Di Wilsey Geer says:

    I found your publication in the retail stores. LOVE IT! My heart and sole lives in the country way of life although I live in town.

  20. Wilda Lahmann says:

    We are Facebook friends and I LOVE your magazine! <3

  21. Brandy says:

    I love maryjanes magazine. It takes me to a place of simplicity and relaxation.

  22. Katherine Musgrave says:

    I LOVE the magazine because of the gardening, the household projects, the whole farmgirl vibe. It describes me to a T.

  23. Karen Murphy says:

    Where else are you going to get topics from “Rebuilding a Farm” to “Garage Door Quilts”. What a great diversity yet all interesting! Keeps you riveted to the pages until the last page is done. Wanting more of course!

  24. Maranda Allen says:

    I love your magazine and would love to win a free subscription:)

  25. Jennifer Hansen says:

    My subscription actually ran out and I hadn’t renewed it just because we didn’t have a ton of extra money. But I love Mary Jane’s Farm and follow you on FB. 🙂

  26. I enjoy getting your FB posts:)

  27. Dixie says:

    I just discovered your magazine and subscribed right away. Would love to get it free for a while!!!! Enjoy your FaceBook posts too. Thank you.

  28. denisec says:

    I found this magazine, when I was down due to an injury, really pulled me through some rough days!! absolutely love it!!!

  29. Jeanette M C says:

    I love to read your magazine! It’s full of fun and helpful information. I wish for a farm of my own one day.
    I don’t know why, but buying your magazine in my city (Las Vegas) is hard to come by.
    I would love to win a subscription. Thank you for the opportunity.

  30. Grace says:

    I love getting my Mary Janes Farm magazine. I savor all the articles, pictures and even advertisements! Keep up the good work!

  31. Melissa Carr says:

    I found MaryJanes Farm Magazine at my local farm store! I was drawn in with the familiar looking gals in the pictures and recipes:) I loved the stories and they kept me occupied while breastfeeding late nights! I have since become a FarmGirl, joined the Project F.A.R.M with my business (HoneyBeeHolistics) and have made many great friends! I would absolutely LOVE a subscription!! I have all of my MJfarms Magazines in order and refer to them often for recipes and of course to re-read!! Thanks so much for the giveaway……Thinking my name……Thinking my name….

  32. Stephanie Meek says:

    I love the magazine for the respite it provides from my harried work life as a crisis counselor. It nurtures the inspiration for my dreams of reopening our creative arts school and having a backyard homesteading space at our creek side villa (the incredibly ugly house on the beautiful creek). I might even have a few glamping ideas for when we reopen because of Mary Jane’s Farm Magazine.

  33. jenn weir says:

    My sisterinlaw recommended the magazine because of my love for gardening, chickens, and all things self sustainable. The ones she let me borrow were gorgeous!

  34. mommar6 says:

    I just recently found your magazine and had so many pages tagged to reread or file for future use. Immediately subscribed. Would love to win a free year to add to it!

  35. Brenda Evans says:

    This magazine I’m new to just picked one up at our local market loved it, so much info and inspiration, I’m new to gardening and canning and loved the name especially I follow you on Facebook and am in heaven just soaking up the info. Thanks

  36. Diane Gillis says:

    I have been enjoying Mary Janes Farm magazine for years and our local drug store carries it! So I have this little me time ritual, which is going to the drugstore and enjoying all the new magazines when they come in BUT it is always MJ’s I walk out with and I always have a chat about Mary Jane with the cashier and explain that Mary Jane used to watch over the forest like I used to do. Having said all that it would tickle me pink to have MJ come to the bottom of our lane as there is hardly any joy anymore in getting snail mail so I would welcome the anticipation of a subscription and possible lifetime one!! OH that would be so sweet. I never throw out MJ magazine either the first one I bought was the “Artist in Aprons”! I have them on my bookshelf in my studio. Good Luck everyone I really hope I am a lucky winner. Light & Love Diane

  37. Penny M says:

    I love my MJF Magazine…I look forward to it with every issue….thank you so much

  38. Andrea M says:

    Just received a copy of you magazine and I LOVE IT!! I traded eggs for magazines with the next door neighbor and found a copy. Hoping the subscription card I left laying around will be a hint for what I want for Mother’s Day this year!!!

  39. Lisa Harness says:

    I love this magazine. Have been a reader/subscriber for several years. It is one magazine I read from cover to cover. I love the pictures. It soothes my soul and helps me to make my dreams come true of being a farmgirl/cowgirl. Thanks so much.

  40. Karen Helbig says:

    Love this magazine! Lots of great stuff in here! I have been getting it for four years…saw it in a shop & just had to have it!!

  41. Cheryl Downing says:

    MaryJane’s Farm is a treasure a seek at the bookstore everytime it comes out. I skim through first thing when I get home. Then, at the end of the day when the kids are asleep, I slowly read from cover to cover and soak up all the wonderful information and beautiful pictures. I long to go back to my childhood and live on the family farm again. I wish my children had the farm experience that I had because there is nothing greater for a growing child than to farm hard, play hard and go to sleep breathing fresh air and feeling that good kind of tired you feel after honest hard work. MaryJanes Farm brings that feeling and memories back for me and helps me to incorparate some of the Farm things into my city life now for my family. Thank you MaryJane! I would love to win.

  42. Lynne Kindelspire says:

    You’re right in my own backyard and I am so curious! I want to learn more!

  43. Margie says:

    I love your magazine! 🙂

  44. Been a subscriber in past, loved being featured in this magazine a few years ago as founder of The Country Register newspapers, hope to have Glampers from MaryJane’s Farmgirls on the Loose at Love of Junk, Walla Walla’s Vintage Market on June 14-15

  45. kim hiney says:

    love, love, love your magazine!!

  46. Rebecca Jacobson says:

    I lived in the Palouse for four years and loved it! Every time your magazine arrives it reminds me of driving past your farm to our home in Troy. We are in the desert now, so the green of the Palouse is sorely missed. 🙂 There really are too many things that I love about it to choose just one!

  47. Laura H. says:

    Love the books and am very interested in the magazine. Mary Jane and the magazine shares the same interests..

  48. Jayme Reida says:

    I’ve never seen this mag but I’m excited that I found it on FB!

  49. Chris Cherry says:

    Love all the ideas and inspirations!

  50. Katy says:

    I love your magazine! I believe I used to be a subscriber…or maybe I just bought them from Tractor Supply…but I just enjoy the articles and pictures that cover the pages of your mag! 🙂

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