

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I have never seen beans with such beautiful red flowers. Are the beans red? Are they the kind you dry?

    • MaryJane says:

      My grandgirls planted these. They are runner beans and the pods’ flowers are both red and some are pink. When small we ate them as green beans but last week the girls harvested the big ones and broke out the big multi-colored beans to dry for winter chili. They were a riot of different colors, beautiful little gems each one.

  2. Cindi says:

    Scarlet runner beans!!! My favorites ~ multi-duty beans to eat fresh when young and tender and dried to cook up for winter, plus the vines make a beautiful screen for an ugly old fence. These beauties never fail to get comments from visitors. Oh, and another purpose that I discovered just this summer ~ hummingbirds love the flowers 🙂

  3. These are often called ” jewelry beans” coz the dried inside beans in pods are so lovely. The locals say in PA German dialect ” feuer bohne” or ” fire beans”. And they are real hummingbird magnets too. I always have grown them and sell several different sorts on my website:

  4. Oh and some more local PA Dutch history . The locals here in Amishland in the early 1800’s used to serve runner beans “whittled” into long shreds called in dialect “Schipple,” and made them into a pickled form like sauerkraut called “Schipplebuhne.”

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