GIVEAWAY: “Organic on-the-go, All That Glitters”

For a chance to win a FREE Mix & Match variety 6-pack of our new “Organic on-the-go” single-serve meals (high-powered fortitude in a cup), tell me how you discovered us (MaryJanesFarm) in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a cup and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-December.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Teri Schneider says:

    I was walking in TSC looking for dog food and the beautiful cover on a magazine caught my eye. I’ve been in love with your magazine ever since! Fantastic pictures, real women discussing real issues, projects galore, and so much more!

  2. Elisabeth Perkins says:

    I am not exactly sure how I got my first issue. I think I got a free trial for it in the mail…. either that or I bought a issue at my local tractor supply.
    Either way I Love getting my magazine every other month!! Been about 2 years now

  3. CJ Armstrong says:

    Back in 2008 sometime I received a postcard in the mail with an introductory offer to the Mary Janes Farm magazine. It looked like something I would be interested in and sent the card back. BEAUTIFUL magazine! I’ve been hooked ever since and soon thereafter discovered the Farmgirl Connection, signed up and have been an active part ever since.
    One of the best things I ever did for myself and my family!

  4. Karen Holmes says:

    I discovered Mary Jane’s farm in my quest to find the perfect camping trailer. I had settled on a T@B trailer and when I saw the T@Bitha model that Mary Jane designed, I knew it was the one!

  5. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I love these little on the go meals! They are tasty, easy to make and filling.

    How did I discover MJF?? At the checkout line of Tractor Supply in the December of 2009 with the front cover of a St. Lucia celebration. When I read that Farmgirl was a matter of heart, I instantly wanted to be a part and find my Farmgirl mojo. It was the best spur of the moment purchase I ever made!

  6. Summer Mattocks says:

    I was looking through the Giant Eagle magazines aisle for Mother Earth News when I saw this lovely magazine just sitting there all by her lonesome! Of course, I picked it up and read it to my mom while she shopped, and she bought me a subscription for an early Christmas present!

  7. Patty Wallace says:

    I remember getting a free trial card in the mail. The first magazine took me back to a wonderful time spending summers on the farm.

  8. Mary Lou Bender says:

    It’s been awhile ago–I think I got a promotional in the mail. So glad I was introduced to the magazine.

  9. Katie Amodio says:

    My honey and I have been housesitting for fabulous friends for the past three weeks. Sally has copies of MJF around the house and I have read and bookmarked every one, to the point of recognising that I need to get my own subscription!

  10. Kelley says:

    My mom purchased a subscription to Mary Jane’s Farm for my sister and I several years ago. I’ve been enjoying each issue, cover to cover, ever since!!

  11. Jennifer Cork says:

    I loves in Moscow when Mary Jane published her first book. Loved it and have been a fan ever since.

  12. Brenda says:

    Brand new to this site just picked up Farmgirl DIY. Have seen Maryjane farm a time or two but only browsed them.

  13. Rhonda Brooks says:

    I found an issue of your magazine at a friends house in Kansas on 2002 and loved it!! Have purchased , read, shared and kept all issues since… even in all my moves!

  14. Jan Jones says:

    I was in a bookstore a few years back and spotted your magazine cover. In a heartbeat it was grabbed and drooled over with a latte. In fact I was so messy, it had to come home with me. Your Farmgirl groups fascinated me and I have enjoyed my subscription ever since. Thank you!

  15. Sara says:

    I discovered your premiere issue of MaryJanesFarm at a bookstore and immediately bought it because of all those wonderful goodness with ideas, recipes, DIY, and other many things galore for the farm, home, and family.

  16. Mary says:

    I was introduced to the magazine by a friend that is very crafty. Just an all around good women’s magazine.

  17. Terry Steinmetz says:

    I found MJF in another magazine, sent in the postcard,received a free copy & fell in love with all that MaryJane lives. Thanks for sharing with me. I have since shared with others.

  18. Leisa Joan says:

    I had to think way back…my mom got me your 1st book for my birthday; she said, I saw this, and knew you’d love it. and I was hooked. I have most of your books (someone borrowed the stitching book, and I forgot who…) and have most of your magazines too, even back when it was more a catalogue for your products. love it!

  19. Rebecca says:

    I saw my first MaryJanesFarm magazine while standing in the checkout line at Tractor Supply. I bought it, fell in love, and have been a subscriber ever since!

  20. Sandi Figueroa says:

    Was taken by your magazine about three years ago when I was searching for a fun magazine to peruse with a cup of something hot and a cozy spot to relax!

  21. Corrine Kohli says:

    Just found your magazine while waiting in line at the pharmacy.

  22. Lisa T. says:

    I saw your magazine peaking out from a bunch of others at the grocery store one day (years ago!). I bought it, read it and subscribed immediately. 🙂

  23. Rhonda Longenecker says:

    Free offer in the mail, glad it came!

  24. Loni McDonald says:

    I worked at an apple cannery in Sebastopol, CA. My boss went every year to a food show in the Los Angeles area. One year about 7 (?) years ago, he came back with one of your magazines. I immediately fell in love with it and subscribed… Since then I have given numerous gift subscriptions and most of those ladies have subscribed. As long as I can afford your subscription, I will get MJF!!! I usually read every word and still have every issue. I just cant part with them… Thanx soooo much!!

  25. Penny says:

    I would enjoy trying this!

  26. Judy Thompson says:

    I think I received a free issue, I was hooked. I look forward to each and every issue

  27. Emily says:

    My mother in law purchased me a subscription of Mary Janes Farm a couple years ago. I have been enjoying it ever since!

  28. Janice LaRue says:

    I was visiting in Texas when I discovered Mary Jane’s Farm in a quilt shop. They had copies of several back issues as well. I bought 3, and returned for the rest before I left town. That was 3 years ago and I’m a subscriber now!

  29. Beth says:

    I first saw ýour magazine at Cid’s Natural Grocery in Taos, NM. Now I subscribe.

  30. Linda says:

    I was introduced to your magazine by my MIL several years ago. She’s 89 now and in poor health, but until 2 years ago she was still gardening, cooking, and decorating from nature. We have shared over 25 years of crafting and making. She and I made baskets, knitted, quilted, and baked together.

  31. sherry mckinney says:

    One of my best friends had mentioned that she liked MJF better that another magazine… didn’t pay much attention until she gave me a gift subscription for
    my birthday or Christmas present… can’t remember which…but I luv, luv, luv
    it…will continue ordering it as long as I can. Great DIY ideas & crafts, gardening, organic foods & recipes, health, home & family living…this little magazine has so
    much to give. So glad my friend turned me on to it… and I have done the same
    and shared with others. Always look forward to the next issue.

  32. Joye says:

    I found my first magazine at my local farmers supply store when I was purchasing dog and cat food for my pets. I had seen Mary Jane’s products in a department store but that was the first time I had seen the magazine.

  33. Denise Keown says:

    I saw your magazine on my mom’s table and commented on how “interesting” it looked. She gets me a subscription every year now for Christmas.

  34. Brenda Lord says:

    I was looking for craft ideas magazines and discovered Mary Janes Farm and purchased one and loved, then subscribed.

  35. Joni says:

    I actually found a couple of your magazines in a local thrift store, thought they looked interesting, so I brought them home……promptly DEVOURED them, then immediately ordered a subscription!

  36. Maxine bondeson says:

    I friend gave me a copy to look at one day on a road trip to quilt shops. I found it very interesting and got my own subscription

  37. Karen Jasper says:

    I found your magazine in my favorite farm store

  38. Kathleen says:

    During the Recession as I was closing my shop I got a phone call asking if I would like to carry Mary Janes Farm. Well, that wasn’t going to work out but the magazine sounded like fun. So I started to read it and now I subscribe.

  39. Sandi says:

    I came across a card in another magazine about MJF magazine and subscribed through it. My first issue was the Aug/Sep of 2015 and I have loved every issue and the Internet blogs from all the girls. I got a gift subscription for my sister-in-law in NYS recently as I am sure she will love this magazine also. One of the best magazines I have ever had the privilege of receiving and I have had a lot of magazines in my lifetime. I share them with others, but not my MJF ones. I am keeping them and putting them in a binder for safe keeping. I love this magazine. Keep up all the wonderful work that goes into it.

  40. Bettina Boykin says:

    HUGE supporter of Tractor Supply Co and spend my personal time off browsing the store. My sister and I are crafters, quilters and homesteaders. Mary Janes Farm is AWESOME!!! A great deal of info, insight and inspiration. WOOOOO HOOOO!

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it Mary Jane!

    Please keep up all the good Chicken (and the egg) stuff/info/recipes. Oh YEAH!

  41. Cassie Graham says:

    My mother-in-law knows me well and when she received a copy from a friend, she automatically told me I had to look at it! I can’t wait to receive copies and love all the ideas and family of farmgirls!

  42. chadd d smith says:

    I believe I got an ad in the mail it Mother Earth News.

  43. Jodie says:

    I was visiting my aunt in Colorado in the fall of 2011 and was browsing through a stack of magazines that she keeps at the end of her couch. I was glued to all of her copies of MJF. Love at first sight. Been hooked ever since.

  44. Terrie says:

    I received a card in the mail for a trial issue. When it arrived, I enjoyed it so much that I ordered a subscription. I love the variety of articles and ideas.

  45. Wendie says:

    I happen to stumble across the mag in the grocery store and have been falling for it ever since. 🙂

  46. Heather Neeper says:

    My mother in law would buy MJF magazine and I would read them when she was finished. Not wanting to miss one I got a subscription. I still have every issue! They’re too good to give up LOL!!!

  47. Shelley Frederickson says:

    My good friend told me about Mary Jane’s Farm magazine and I’ve been hooked ever since!

  48. Win Curtis says:

    I was at a ladies group meeting and one of the ladies introduced us all to Mary Janes Farm. I subscribed, my sister subscribed and I bought my mother in law a subscription!

  49. Melissa Sawulak says:

    I picked up my first issue at a local store and quickly used one of the inserts to gat my own subscription. I have since bought gift subscriptions for my sister and the home and careers teacher at the school I used to work in.

  50. Jana Blackwood says:

    I saw my first issue of Mary Janes Farm in a Tractor Supply Store. Let’s just say that I’ve been hooked ever since.

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