GIVEAWAY: “Organic on-the-go, All That Glitters”

For a chance to win a FREE Mix & Match variety 6-pack of our new “Organic on-the-go” single-serve meals (high-powered fortitude in a cup), tell me how you discovered us (MaryJanesFarm) in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a cup and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-December.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. DJ Schaefer says:

    I was on a quilting retreat with three girlfriends in Colorado a couple of years ago. One day we had to get outside and check out the area so we went to a quilt shop. I spotted your magazine there and bought it. It looked interesting. In the car after we left the shop one of my friends looked at it too and bargained with me for it. I wouldn’t give it up but did give her one of the cards inserted to subscribe. It is still the only magazine that I read literally cover to cover.

  2. Gayle Menist says:

    Your magazine was offered from a subscription service through my job. I ordered it because it promoted an organic way of living. I’m keeping the magazine because of the articles and I truly enjoy the photos!

  3. Gay Wang says:

    My mother gave me her magazines when she was done with them. I liked it so much she gave me a gift subscription of my own!

  4. Heather L says:

    I attended a MaryJanes Farm Fourth of July Celebration

  5. Paula Edwards says:

    I saw the magazine advertised on the Junk Gypsy website and I wasn’t sure what it was about. Last night I was at the checkout at Tractor Supply and saw the magazine there and grabbed one to try. Love it!

  6. Heather Majernik says:

    I discovered MJF at a Barnes and Noble and fell in love at first read!

  7. Kat says:

    I found MaryJane Farms in a very small drugstore in Carmen, Manitoba. This was years ago and I’ve finally signed up for a subscription this year. I’ve always been on the lookout for this magazine up here in Canada. Thank you for all the inspirations!

  8. susan b says:

    I discovered Mary Janes Farms (as a magazine) at the local Tractor Supply Company. Until I read the magazine, I didn’t realize the connection to the Mary Jane bedding that I love!

  9. Lenora McMahan says:

    I was having my oil change and went to Tractor Supply. Your magazine was one I hadn’t read before so I bought one, found out about your girl group and all the exciting things and I love the magazine, books and website.

  10. Julie Falcone says:

    I’ve always admired my aunt and her ability to make her home such a warm and wonderful place. I would always love going to her home and reading all of the magazines I had missed since my last visit. What a joy that I can now subscribe to MJF as an adult!

  11. Ellen Clack says:

    I received mail telling me about your magazine and asking me to subscribe. I love your magazine and have bought back issues back to Oct/Nov 2009. When I go through a magazine, I make notes of things I might want to refer back to in a little notebook. Then, I just flip through the notebook when I’m looking for something — much easier than looking through all the magazines. I also have several of your books. I’m so happy I looked at your mailer.

  12. Kathy Stoner says:

    I discovered Mary Jane’s Farm magazine while on vacation this past summer. I have been reading it ever since. I have also purchased a few of Mary Jane’s book. Can’t get enough!

  13. Michele says:

    I would love to try these products!

  14. Angel Kendrick says:

    I discovered you on the junk gypsy website, they sell your magazine and it looked like a magazine I would enjoy

  15. Ruth says:

    It’s been years since I discovered Mary Janes! It must have been an issue or two before the great recipe issue. I’ve been a faithful fan ever since, not just because you graciously used a couple of my writings, but because you consistently put out the most enjoyable magazine available today, educating us on organics – and at a most reasonable price. I wish you all many more years of bringing common sense and inspiration to all of us. Godspeed!

  16. Norma Jean Brilliant says:

    I love everything about Mary Janes Farm!!!

  17. Lisa Bell says:

    I picked up a copy 4 years ago at our local Tractor Supply and have been hooked ever since. I keep every copy.

  18. ida settlemyer says:

    My sister had this magazine on her coffee table during one of our biannual visits, and I had to look allover for a copy to buy! Ever since then I get an annual subscription for my birthday!
    Love it….,.and my Sis!

  19. Barbara Collins says:

    I bought my first copy of Mary Jane’s Magazine so long ago the year has slipped my 80 year old mind. I used the card included to order and I’ve loved every issue and did many of the listed crafts and recipes, including the milk paint of which I wish you would include in your e-mail to me as I forgot which of my saved magazine it is in. . Yours is the most informative, interesting magazine on the market. I keep all of mine and share them with my daughter. Love them and they are great keepsakes,,

  20. Lenora says:

    I was looking at magazines online and saw Mary Jane….I ordered it and her book immediately and loove it. Lenora

  21. Cristy Tuttle says:

    I was at my mom’s cousins house in Lincoln, NE and saw your magazine- even though I live in a rural area of Kansas had not heard about your magazine until then. I have been intrigued every since! 🙂

  22. Amanda Munford says:

    My Mom surprised me with a subscription and has continued to keep giving them for several years.

  23. Joyce Beitel says:

    I first saw Mary Janes Farm magazine while browsing magazines at the library a few years ago. The picture on the cover caught my eye, so I picked it up and began looking through the pages. I checked out the current issue along with a couple of back issues. I have been reading your magazine ever since!

  24. Rhonda Young says:

    My friend gave me a subscription for my birthday.

  25. Desiree christopher says:

    I found your magazine at Barnes and noble and have been hooked ever since!!

  26. I met a women in another forum and she kept writing MJF sometimes in a comment and so I asked what that was. She told me it stood for MaryJane’s Farm. So I Googled it and found the forum. I heard about the new magazine you were putting out so I ordered it. I missed the Premiere issue but have the others you did when you were doing it on your own.

  27. Joyce Huber says:

    i bought a magazine and got hooked. I bought subscriptions for my daughters & they are hooked too.

  28. Nancy Haines says:

    I have been a fan of yours since your first issue. I am a Long Island, NY farm girl

  29. I think I found it in our local bookstore “Tanners Books”, either that or our library. Bought a couple of issues and then went for a subscription and joined up. It’s been a year ago now and I love “belonging”

  30. Susan Clarkson says:

    My sister had one of your magazines. I picked it up, read it, & fell in love.

  31. Jaylyn Morehouse says:

    I remember my first issue came from the Orschelns Farm store. I read it thoroughly and subscribed immediately!

  32. Linda Olivera says:

    In 2009 an on-line friend told me about some of the quilt block swaps on MJF and I checked it out. I joined MJF immediately, joined in on some swaps, and found new farmgirl friends. In 2010 I bought my 12+ acres and 100+ year old farmhouse and found my new way of country living.

  33. Barbara Flaxman says:

    Saw Mary Jane at feed store, picked it up and I was Hooked! subscribed the next day! Haven[t been disappointed yet! THX

  34. Connie Prevot says:

    My Sister-n-Law Mary turned me on to Mary Janes Farm Magazine. My sis-n-law eats very organic and have taught my husband and I a lot of what to look out for on labels, etc.

  35. Dona McLean says:

    While working as a medical receptionist in a small rural town, I encouraged patients and staff to recycle magazines for all patients and family members to peruse while waiting for doctor appointments. Prior to distributing the donations in the reception and exam rooms, I sorted and recycled inappropriate or extremely outdated materials. This is where I saw my first issue of Mary Janes Farm. I was immediately hooked and began a subscription for myself and also gift subscription for my daughter and a friend. I have since retired, and at 72, still look forward to each issue. Although I keep selected issues, I do donate the remainder to medical facilities for others to enjoy. 😊

  36. Belinda Hofer says:

    It has been a while, but I discovered MJF either from a promotional card I received in the mail or at the checkout lane at the local grocery store.

  37. Beverly Martinson says:

    I got my first copy of Mary Janes Farm at my quilt shop. Not sure what year, but it was the issue on all the aprons. I loved it and have received it ever since. It is a great magazine.

  38. Helena Berg says:

    I read your first book (I got it from the library at first…can’t remember if I just saw it there or if a friend had recommended it, but after checking it out multiple times I went ahead and got my own copy!) and I subscribed to your magazine after that so I could read more of your writing.

  39. Reba Greer says:

    My girlfriend’s mom had picked up one of your special copies a few years ago. We each read through it several times. We have all been hooked ever since!


    My mom got me your magazine subscription

  41. At a tiny grocery store near my house!

  42. I picked up my first copy of Mary Janes Farm at my local quilt shop. It was the issue with all the apron patterns, not sure when that was, but I love the magazine and have received it ever since.

  43. Not really sure but Thanks be to God, I found you. I LOVE your magazine. Print On!!!

  44. Lorita says:

    Our library in Talent, Oregon has a place to leave our books and magazines when we no longer want them. I found TWO Mary Janes Farm, I’ve been a fan since then. I also feel that they are a healthy alternative to celebrity and fashion magazines, which at times can mess with your head in the wrong way.

  45. Janet Brashear says:

    A dear friend loaned me a copy of the magazine.

  46. Sue Parrino says:

    I read it cover to cover and I smile the whole way through. Best tips, inspiration, feel good magazine out there! Love it 💕

  47. Lori Matus says:

    I saw the magazine MaryJane Farms at a Nature Grocery Store in Midland Texas several years ago. I thumbed through it and knew this was a magazine I wanted to read on a regular basis. I was raised on a farm and was getting back to my roots. I loved the colorful pictures and stories.

  48. Gayl Weiser says:

    A very dear thoughtful friend gave me some of your magazines. It was right after I had to move out of the little country home that I thought was my answer to a long sought after prayer, a home of my own. The house was rented to me with a kiss and a promise of purchasing. It ended up robbing me of 45 thousand dollars worth of belongings. I lost like it was a fire, the house was filled with mold that invaded everything I owned. I had ordered baby peeps, they were young when I was forced to move. Put the purple and green chicken coop (that I built from scratch) on a friends trailer and gave them to a good friend. The subscription to your magazine was to feed my dreams of some day. Some day I’ll have that place in the country, with more peeps, and goats, and country peace. I pray a lot for that dream. Just a small place of my own, as I devour every page. It gives me hope.

  49. Patti Hurlburt says:

    Love love love your magazine! I’ve been a farm girl most my life. I picked up an issue Mary Janes Farm and have been hooked ever since.

  50. I first gave a subscription to my daughter-in-law after picking up a copy from the
    free magazine bin at the library. She had just moved to 6 acres and I thought it was the perfect magazine to give her a a gift. Later, I got my own subscription. So much to take in and all useful and fun. I would love to try the food products Mary Jane has for sale.

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