GIVEAWAY: “Organic on-the-go, All That Glitters”

For a chance to win a FREE Mix & Match variety 6-pack of our new “Organic on-the-go” single-serve meals (high-powered fortitude in a cup), tell me how you discovered us (MaryJanesFarm) in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a cup and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-December.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Iva Poole says:

    I have been getting your magazine for several years now. I was so excited when I first saw it, I shared it with others. I LOVE IT.

  2. C Sue Clifford says:

    Mary Janes Farm magazine.

  3. Jennifer Cork says:

    I lived in Moscow when your first book was published. I bought it and read it from cover to cover and have been a fan ever since!

  4. C Sue Clifford says:

    Mary Janes Farm magazine giveaway via email.

  5. Ruth Turner says:

    Several years ago, I glimpsed the current issue of Mary Jane while browsing through magazines at Barnes & Noble. Just seeing the cover let me know I had to buy it. I loved it and have been subscribing it ever since. Getting my copy of Mary Jane from my mailbox each month puts a smile on my face!

  6. Dawn Corrie says:

    My mom saw your magazine somewhere 2 years ago and gave it to me for my birthday, I then bought a one year subscription.

  7. Kate Whalen says:

    My sister gave me a subscription and I quickly became addicted !

  8. Barbara Leatherman says:

    Found MJF years ago on social media, It’s an awesome publication!

  9. Lisa Austin says:

    Recommendation from a friend is how I discovered this great magazine.

  10. Barbara Leatherman says:

    Found MJF years ago in the magazine section. It’s an awesome publication!

  11. Sherrie Ross says:

    My cousin gets your magazine.I looked at one of hers and fell in love. Now I’m a subscriber.

  12. Dawn Hulmer says:

    I saw a copy at the Whole Foods Co-op in Duluth, Mn and bought it.

  13. Dawn Hulmer says:

    I saw a copy at the checkout at the Whole Foods Co-op in Duluth, Mn and bought it.

  14. Alvena Meyer says:

    I honestly can’t remember but I have subscribed to the magazine for several years and have four of your books. I also give my daughter-in-law a gift subscription every year. I would love to try your food products.

  15. jerry peters says:

    My wife saw a copy in the Drs. office and told me we had to start a subscription.So we did and have enjoyed it ever since.

  16. I saw your magazine at my local grocery store

  17. FK DeVore says:

    I have been with you since day 1. I am a farmers daughter living not far from you. Love the magazine

  18. Janice LaRue says:

    I found your magazine in a quilt shop while on vacation. I bought the current issue and two back issues they still had, and read them cover to cover before we got home. I bought one more issue after that at our local tractor supply, then subscribed so I wouldn’t miss any!

  19. Diana says:

    Honestly, I don’t remember! But am so happy I didon’t! I’very been a subscriber for 3 years and give my sister a subscription for Christmas every year!

  20. netta robertson says:

    I ran across Mary Janes Farm in a Dr.s office while waiting for my appointment, I couldn’t put it down. Been a subscriber ever since!

  21. Tracy Roy says:

    I wanted to re-create my colorful childhood experience of camping with my grandparents in their 60’s Nomad trailer. I found a ’68 Aladdin trailer with the same layout, bought it, and then with the bountiful internet, found the “Glamping Queen,” which led to discovering Mary Jane’s Farm. Got the subscription, and have been loving it ever since!

  22. jane jordan says:

    I was checking out the Tractor Supply store which had just opened near my home in northern Mew Hampshire. While browsing the magazine selections. I was drawn the Mary Jane’s Farm. It was the one about bees. Maybe even the first issue of the magazine. It was years ago. I bought the magazine, took it home and read it cover to cover. I’d never read a magazine that way before or since. I was hooked and have been a subscriber ever since.

  23. PAT Nielsen says:

    love the magazine

  24. Jean Schmelick says:

    I’ve been a subscriber for many years, but honestly I can remember how I discovered you. I just absolutely love your magazine and will continue subscribing to it for a long time to come. I love your products also like the Chill over powder, budget mix and your books. Your daughter, Megan is great also.
    A huge fan in Ohio!!!

  25. Corine Runnion says:

    Found Mary Jane’s Farm while grocery shopping. Thank you so much!

  26. June K.Blake says:

    As soon as I read the Magazine, that a friend gave me, I knew I wanted to read it every month. tHen. i sunscribed also for girlfriend with name Mary Jane.

  27. LoriAnn says:

    when I was in the store nine years ago looking for an differnt mag then all the others were out there, I was so happy to find MaryJane

  28. Jenny Long says:

    I honestly don’t remember how I got ahold of my first issue. I’ve loved it from the start. I love the way the articles are written and how they are about real life stuff. I was getting tired of the fashion, beauty and how to fix yourself garbage in other magazine’s. I wanted something to read that was fresh and real. Mary Jane’s fit the bill.

  29. Cyndie Parzuhoski says:

    Uncomfortable and in a lot of pain the waiting room at the Chiropractor, waiting to be seen to have my dislocated pelvis “popped” back in to place, I spied a copy of MJ’sF that my Chiropractor’s wife subscribed to sitting there. The pelvis was back in place 15 minutes later, and I am now a loyal reader/subscriber for life!!!!!!

  30. Ellen Tabak says:

    I was looking for organic disaster-preparedness foods and did an online search. I was bowled over when, amidst all the emergency preparedness websites, Mary Jane’s Farm showed up, offering so much more in the way of healthy living and community. That was several years ago, and I subscribed right away to the magazine and treasure every issue.

  31. Mary Young says:

    My daughter and her husband are U of I grads who live in Coeur d’Alene now. Sarah told me about you. On one of my visits, we spent a lovely afternoon exploring your store. We are both fans for life!

  32. Donna Martinez says:

    My. Friend gave me a copy of your magazine 4 years ago and I hav been a subscriber ever since. Love it!!

  33. Barbara Burch says:

    It was 4 years ago, my husband was receiving chemotherapy and there was a copy of a Mary Jane’s magazine in the chemo room. I picked it up, read through it and asked if I could please take it home. The nurse said, “sure!”. The rest is history and I’ve been reading and enjoying the magazine ever since!!

  34. Jo Schumacher says:

    Knew of you from when i lived and went to college in Coeur d’Alene, ID (Botany Major). Read your magazine and have been immersed ever since in your wonderfulness😘

  35. E Plumb says:

    My Mom is my mentor, my idol. She gave me the MJF subscription and I instantly fell in love

  36. I found your magazine by accident in a market. I love the pictures, the drawings, the stories. Not only do I subscribe, but give about 6 subscriptions to my friends in MT and CA. I bought your “Glamping” book, and gave it to a friend who proceeded to glamp up a small trailer she bought. I save past issues, and savour rereading them. Mary Janes Farm is a unique place to enter into a way of life not found elsewhere. My goal this coming year (although I am not overly handy making things) is to take a project from one of the issues and make it happen! Thanks for your vision and your magazine.

  37. Picked up your magazine it caught my it was different not the same old thing
    That’s been several years now can wait to read it I put everything down when it get it It’s first

  38. Karla Reinhart says:

    I was looking for something to bring me back to nature and discovered your lovely magazine in a barnes and noble bookstore and have now subscribed for 3 years love each issue and share them with my grandma

  39. Liane Glick says:

    Oh these look wonderful!

  40. Carmen says:

    A friend shared the magazine with me

  41. Connie Mac says:

    I discovered your magazine in our local Tractor Supply Co. store. I was thrilled! I was captivated! I was smitten! I found my tribe! My people! Oh be still my heart I was not alone. Of course I immediately did my research and discovered the world of Mary Jane Butters. I purchased every book she had in print at the time and each one since. They all are pulled from the shelf as reference material, eye candy, and food for my spirit when I need encouragement. I’m a woman of “a certain age” living in a rural community where everything is at least 30 min away, raising a grand Jane and doing my best to live and eat as wholesome as I can possibly manage. We raise our own poultry for meat and eggs and grow most of our veggies and herbs. I make all of our soap and many other toiletries. Between all of that and having a second family to raise I could use a few quick and healthy meals for myself.
    I don’t like to eat early in the morning so after everyone else is fed I’m already busy with ADLs and don’t take the time to stop and eat. I don’t want junk food and won’t take the time to prep “just for me”. This looks like the perfect solution. Healthy convenience food. Who knew!

  42. Carol Ann Conner says:

    I saw an advertisement for Mary Jane’s Farm in the Mother Earth News magazine

  43. Cathie Swanson says:

    I saw your magazine at Barnes and Nobles! I bought a copy, read it, then quickly ordered a subscription. That year, my husband signed me up for the sisterhood! Still loving the magazine!

  44. Ann marie Kodgis says:

    My daughters mother in law.

  45. Marianne Dent says:

    A friend gave me a copy of Mary Jane’s Farm when she found out I was having an auto immune problem and was told to beware of chemicals in food…cleaning products….gardening..etc. I have been receiving it now for 5 years and very grateful for what it has taught me. Thank you.

  46. Allyson Kinney says:

    I was in the grocery store one day, looking through the magazines to see if there was anything new if interest. There was a magazine with glamping in big letters. I was immediately pulled in. Flipping through it, I was excited for the mix of recipes, stories and outdoorsy-ness. I’ve been receiving it ever since.

  47. Bonnie says:

    I first saw your magazine at the library. I enjoyed it so much I called in to your customer service line and subscribed. I have enjoyed it every issue since, and I think it has been about 5 or 6 years. Thank you!

  48. Carolyn Brill says:

    I love the versatility of your magazine. I have always lived in the country so it has the information i am familiar with. I can see how someone in the city though can still use valid information from your magazine. Thank you for making a magazine that all us country girls can enjoy!

  49. I saw a magazine at the doctors office and was fascinated. I used to live with my grandma ( many yrs ago) and she was very traditional with a huge garden and chickens. I miss those days but the magazine brings back great memories

  50. Grace says:

    I was waiting in the checkout line at a Tractor Supply and I looked over and saw a magazine that just drew me like a magnet! I bought it, and after reading it, subscribed to it and the rest is history!

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