Girls Climbing Trees

The girls and I took a trip to Boise, Idaho, last week. The weather was warm and lovely, and we spent ample time at the park. Although we could have just as well been at home on the farm because as I sat on the park bench, I watched dozens of children playing onย Boise’s state-of-the-art playground equipment, but guess where my girls spent their time? In the trees surrounding the park.

Watching them climb gives me a slight heart attack, but it’s good for both mental and physical health, right?

  1. Cindi says:

    Yes, it is very good for both physical and mental health ~ theirs! I’m not sure anyone has considered what it does to mom’s!! I love that they chose the trees over the play equipment ๐Ÿ™‚ My kinda kids ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Meg, I know your girls had a blast. When my girls were little, they and their friends all used to climb the Dogwood tree in our backyard and play up in it with their My Little Ponies. If there is an easy way to climb up a tree, I think lots of kids will choose that instead of something else. It is pretty magical up there!

  3. CJ Armstrong says:

    Choosing trees over playground equipment? True blue farmgirls for sure! Love it!

  4. When I was a kid climbing trees was the best. I was very good at it compared to my scaredy cat friends. ?But then as we have talked about before here, there are the TREEHOUSES. then it is really swell!

  5. Karlyne says:

    So much more fun!

  6. That’s super cute! Little girls and trees are the best! Also… it takes a certain bit of talent to climb trees, not just any ole girl can do it! ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Easter! – Dori –

  7. Debbie says:

    Love that they chose trees over the playground equipment. Ya know, we never even purchased a play yard set for our backyard because the kids always wanted to be in and under the trees that surround our yard. Oh the forts and mini tree houses they made were so clever and it kept them occupied for hours up hours. Or at least until their tummies started to rumble… ๐Ÿ™‚

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