Giveaway: “Camp Like a Girl, The Experiment”

In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, “The Experiment” (on newsstands July 14), we led you here to my daily journal for a chance to win a free copy of Glamping with MaryJane, featured in our “Camp Like a Girl” article.

In our article, we give you lots of ideas to glam up your camping experience. For a chance to win a copy of Glamping with MaryJane, tell me one of your glamping ideas or tips in the comments below. (If you haven’t picked up a copy of Glamping with MaryJane yet, order your autographed copy here.) We’ll toss your name in a hat and draw one lucky winner in mid-September, when the Aug/Sept issue expires on newsstands. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways!

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I have not camped in many years but I think one tip I would offer is to make sure you have plenty of some sort of bug repellent and mosquito protection. There is nothing more miserable than being the food source for ticks and mosquitos while trying to have fun. It can also have serious illnesses attached to such bites in certain locations of our nation. Mary Jane’s Idea book has a effective bug off bar recipe if you are looking for one too.

  2. Amber Warfield says:

    I swear by my RV list app on my phone for packing my camper. A good app will let you add or take away items and this way I never forget items when I camp.

  3. terry steinmetz says:

    My favorite glamping idea is to copy the list in your book and use it to pack for glamping. That way, I’m sure not to forget anything. It has saved me lots of trips to the house!

  4. Debbie Harshner says:

    Would love to share this with my husband, bet he could learn a thing or two. Lol
    Thanks for the opportunity.
    Happy Fourth of July.

  5. ann austin says:

    Take peppermint essential oil, add a few drops to spray bottle of water, mist around your table, and seating areas. Flies sure don’t like it, it will make your meals more pleasant.

  6. Donna says:

    Remember to relax and have fun! Isn’t that the point after all?

  7. Bring nice cotton throw rugs to put by your bed and entry of your tent/camper door. It will help trap dirt and give you some of the comforts of home. Nothing worse than stepping out of bed in the morning to a dirty tent floor.

  8. Kim says:

    I love camping!

  9. Jaylyn M. says:

    Our family of 5 went glamping in the Appalachian wilderness last month! But as for tips, someone always needs to bring along a musical instrument. I brought my fiddle and it set the perfect scene.

  10. Dyan Eisenberger says:

    Reuseable Ball jars for everything… No waste.

  11. Bren D says:

    My tip is to replenish the bins for our clamping as soon as we get home by updating the list of need to pack items. That way everything is mostly ready for our next ‘escape to paradise’ except our food and clothes! Also, a hand woven rug by the front door saves on the dirt entering the tent and also one by the beds to step out onto a clean, soft rug in the morning! Relax. Enjoy. Most of all….stress free is what it’s all about! Enjoy!!

  12. Sandy Kelley says:

    Relax, explore, communicate and breathe!

  13. B Dubs says:

    A good book and a comfy chair!

  14. Nancy Coughlin says:

    Was glamping before I had ever heard the term. People laughed at me because I took tablecloths and napkins, a cheese board, a vase for wild flowers, and sparkly things to hang around our campsites. When I started to glamp alone here in PA and was able to rent rustic cabins for a weekend, continued with lacy curtains for the windows and little figurines on the window sills.

  15. Lynanne Lawhb says:

    Have never camped in this fashion and would enjoy learning more about it!

  16. Jo Ellen Little says:

    My suggestion would be to make your camper your own…with what you love to have around you. And include the people you love to be with! A little heaven on earth!

  17. The great thing about Pinterest? My friends and I can “pin” all our Glamping ideas! We love to “take tea” and how fun will it be to Glamp in different places around the country and have Tea? Thanks, MJ, for the inspiration!

  18. Amelia Duluccio says:

    Part of the joy of glamping is creating a creative and inspiring environment without spending a lot of money. I haunt garage sales, flea markets and auctions for special vintage finds. If the color doesn’t match, I paint it or cover it in fabric. I keep a stock of matching spray paint and vintage fabrics on hand to beautify my finds.

  19. Lesli Burkhead says:

    My baby sister Barbara, and her partner, Tina just got themselves a used camper! My sister was excited at the glamping ideas I could share with her – I hope they glamp it up BIG TIME.

  20. Mary Jo says:

    One of my favorite things about glamping is taking the time to view the beautiful skies at night. Bring a picnic blanket so that you can lay down and look up — awesome!!

  21. Kimberly Parker says:

    When I camp, I also take a nice rug for the floor of the tent. Also a vintage tablecloth and cloth napkins. It always makes me happy to have these things in the beautiful outdoors.

  22. Idamarie Settlemyer says:

    Lace and antique linens; treadle sewing machine, hydrangas and sweet peas. soft lavender paint. and cookies of course. my Tear Drop is going to be my back yard escape.

  23. Bonnie Pitts says:

    homey…comfortable…summery…essential oils for bug rebellion…blankets for chilly nights…a good working lighter for campfires and cooking over the fire….hammock…a rug for happy toes….a good book… 🙂

  24. Sherie says:

    I haven’t been camping since I was a child, but have always loved it. I married an Eagle Scout which I thought meant that he enjoys camping, oh how wrong I was! On my bucket list is to rent a small camper and travel across the US with my wonderful mother, who also enjoys camping and can handle just about anything that life gives her.
    My tip would be to try something new every day. Get out of your comfort zone and live a little!

  25. Garnett Ashworth says:

    I haven’t camped in ages but reading all about glamping puts a huge smile on my face. Loved ones & my pup, that’s all I need. I’d pile in some bright fiestaware, a charcoal grill, vino, and a camera. Love reading everyone’s comments.

  26. Dianna says:

    Have not camped for a few years but would definitely take a good book and comfy chair. the glamping thing looks so fun. Might have to give it a try.

  27. When glamping alone, dress like a man to avoid having RV broken into by a rapist.

  28. Deborah McKissic says:

    My husband will retire in a few years and we have hopes of getting some sort of camper…I would love to win this book so I could “glamp” up our camper…but, not too much as I want the hubby to feel at home…and, when I reviewed the book at amazon it has so much…this is all I need to get ready for the, the camper, of course! right now we enjoy road trips and staying in cabins and cottages..but, to have our own camper..that to me would be the best ever camping experience…make it your own..and, enjoy it with family…

  29. Chrissy says:

    General camping idea is to consolidate. Especially for meals. Planning a menu, mixing dry ingredients for recipes. Limit need for refrigeration wherever possible (when no generator is available) and use big blocks of ice for cooling. And for delicious convenience, there’s always Mary Jane’s RTE meals.

  30. Sandra says:

    Hey, maybe I’m not too old to go glamping.


  31. Carla Handshaw says:

    I can’t wait to read your book. I have wanted a camper since I started getting your magazine a few years ago and I have waited to see the one you did for and from T@bitha. They are so adorable and I want to make camping quilts for the bed!

  32. Tina Frank says:

    I want to glamp with my girlfriends, sort of like a traveling wine tour! The laughter would be endless!

  33. Lori Beem says:

    Glamping is all that makes us girlie-girls and independent women all in one! My favorite part of Glamping is using real cups for coffee, fancy table coverings and aprons! Bringing my favorite velvet chair is always a bonus! Glamping to me is making being away from home just as beautiful and wonderful as being home.

  34. Ashlee says:

    I think Glamping is a great idea and can not wait to find my dream trailer to fix and beautify. One idea would be to pack a projector and bed sheet for a outdoor movie night! Don’t forget vintage quilts and pillows to bundle up in and Popcorn!

  35. Fran Gardiner says:

    Interested in any thing About GLAMPING.

  36. Kathy Dickson says:

    My dad built a box that housed everything we might use for camping that fit conveniently in our car or camper. I would love to build something like that for myself with a glamping flair to it!

  37. Ramona Puckett says:

    My sisters both have rv trailers and when we go camping, we challenge ourselves not to cook but have fun! So, we’ll fix food that doesn’t need heating up, like Oklahoma Cavier, lots of tomato salads, yogurt with homemade granola, we might cook something over the campfire, if its not too hot, but we always have dessert! S’mores anyone?

  38. Madison Wright says:

    I absolutely love the idea of making a camping trip glamorous! Taking along my best china and a picnic basket just in case I decide on a glamorous picnic feast!

  39. I adore glamping and my thoughts are to stay with the theme of the trailer you have.
    My 1963 teardrop was called ” Daisy “as it was made by Shasta and also to bring along quick-dry towels like a natural fiber. That way after your showers or swimming, they dry in a flash! Also, I found a tiny wire coiled hanger that held a small 6 inch old timey looking candle, battery of course and I hung it by our door to see the open it at night. It worked perfect!

    I also hung twinkle lights inside for night to see to get up for the bathroom.
    I hope I am graced by your book, I am a dreamer and love new ideas!A am also a book lover and always bring books and magazines with me when traveling buut never get a chance to read them. Well, I know they are there!
    Smies, Cyndi

  40. Mary Ann says:

    Never camped much in years past. Bought a “vintage” Scottie about four years ago. My best friend and I have been glamping several times – loved it!! had a ball!! Would love to win this book. The Scottie is still a work in progress and we need all the help we can get to make it really glamorous. ( Can you imagine two crazy girls stating to camp at age 65? I always heard it is never to late to try something new! How true it is.

  41. Lynnette says:

    When wintering your RV, put a drop of peppermint oil on a cotton balls and set throughout the RV to keep the rodents from entering.

  42. Deon Matzen says:

    Well I have been a camper since about fourth grade or about sixty years. Now instead of sleeping on the ground, we have a nice fifth wheel travel trailer that I am fixing up just for us. Needless to say, sleeping in a good bed makes it easier to get up in the morning than was the case when we slept on the ground, AND, the slugs don’t walk all over you.
    I try to keep the trailer ready to roll in case we have a few days off on short notice. The fridge has some things stocked in the freezer. We have canning jars of main courses on the shelves and all the regular necessities in containers in the pantry, including my own homemade baking mix for waffles, pancakes, muffins, and biscuits while on the road. I guess my advise would be be ready to leave on a whim and sleep tight in a comfortable bed.

  43. Susan Wells says:

    Outdoor solar lights add a sparkle to the outdoors. Bring along a few sets.

  44. Jessi Wermager says:

    I have not yet gone “Glamping” Im saving up for that perfect little camper to glam up! But I think it’s important to bring beauty with you wherever you go. Fresh wildflowers in a vintage coffee mug or ball canning jar are a must!

  45. Stacey Lorish says:

    My best advice is to always bring your best attitude camping, expect the unexpected and open your heart to meeting new friends. Everything is beautiful under those conditions!

  46. Julie Tyus says:

    Recently, we were 1/2 gifted and 1/2 purchased a semi-old camp trailer! Oh boy does it need some TLC! Our first mission was to find the proper BATHTUB! We found a small water trough that should work out great!! It’s too shiny because it’s new, so I think I’ll water the sheep with it for a couple of weeks while we test the trailers water storage tank and clean up the seat cushions and cupboards! My advice…..use a small stock tank water trough as a bathtub in your trailer!

  47. Kim says:

    Bring your favorite pillow!!!!! Coconut oil serves many needs, cooking and physical! Cut local fresh flowers for the space for a girly touch.

  48. RoDonna says:

    If you tent glamp and don’t have a cot or bed to sleep on (which we don’t, we sleep on the ground) bring some of those rubber play mats or bed egg crates to put down first. That way you don’t have to sleep on the cold, hard ground especially if there are trees roots around. LOL! Oh, and totes are your friends. Keeps the bugs out when you are tent camping.

  49. Tracie Karl says:

    Don’t forget the hammock!

  50. Melanie Smith says:

    Retro, retro, retro… Old those funky old pink, turquoise and avocado colors are in again! Shop at the thrift stores to decorate for Glamping! Re-use, re-purpose, re-cycle and re-store!

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