GIVEAWAY: “Annie Sloan, Hearts a-Flutter”

And our TWO winners are … Jona Newcomb and Carrie (see winners’ post here).

Original post:
For a chance to win a free copy of Annie Sloan’s Chalk Paint Workbook, tell me what your favorite color of lipstick is and at what age you think you first painted your lips in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.

In the Feb/Mar issue of MaryJanesFarm, you’ll learn all about the girl genius behind Annie Sloan Chalk Paint®, and even find Annie’s step-by-step instructions for painting a faux frame on your wall. In her newest book, Annie gives you a creative workbook full of personal decorating hints and tips for all your color and design ideas—a place to paint and sketch, stick and collect, write and reflect.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Jeannie Abel says:

    Being a tomboy, I didn’t think much about make up until my girly-girl best friend decided I needed a makeover. We were probably around 16. I realized that a pinkish rose color suited me best!

  2. Bobbi says:

    My first shade of lipstick was fushia, I recall it like it was yesterday, I’d line my lips with different shades and follow up with the fushia. I loved red but fushia was my go to color. Of course I worked in a cosmetics department of a big chain department store. That was when I was 25. Prior to that I wore a neutral gloss. Today, several centuries later I am obsessed with my natural flavored lip balms “no color”. I have a mini ranch and have since traded all my high heels and dresses for carharts, cowboy boots and gloves.

  3. Debbie V says:

    The color was cherry red and it was my Grandmas favorite lipstick that she wore for Church and I found it, I was around 7 and I painted my lips and my Grandmas Border Collies lips. Needless to say Grandma was not to happy with me, that I used her good lipstick. But she couldn’t stay mad at me, I am sure we both were quite the sight with red lips. To this day at 55 I still wear a cherry red lipstick and think of my Grandma!

  4. Debbie V says:

    To funny!!!

  5. Carrie says:

    My first lipstick experiment was when I was nine – my Mom’s. She always wore beautiful pinks and coral shades that suited her coloring. Alas, barely-there neutrals in shades of rose and mauve suit me best, though most days I think Blistex and Carmex are what I tend to apply. 🙂

  6. Evelyn G says:

    My favorite lipstick color is orchid/light fushia range. I probably started wearing lipstick my last year of high school/first year of college. I loved to wear lavenders, orchids, and purple clothing in the 60’s and 70’s, it was hard to find these colors back then, until the colors became more popular with a younger age group.

  7. Kat says:

    The first color that comes to mind is a bright pink I first used as a teenager.

  8. Jane Westbrook says:

    My first lipstick was Tangee, and I was about 13 or 14 when I was allowed to wear it. My favorite color now is coral because it goes well with my coloring.

  9. winnie Jackson says:

    I love all berry color lipsticks. I think they bring out the whiteness of ones teeth no matter what the age you are. I also like to layer different shades together making up my own shades. Being a woman of 58 years young I find that experimenting with color does wonders as we age. There is no rule to what shade one should wear. I also tried lipstick in my high school years. My dad worked for pfizers which sponsored Coty products and he used to get their lipsticks and all makeup and perfumes at a discount price. It was wonderful while it lasted. Today I still remember those beautiful scents that both my mom and I wore. Dad was so good to us.

  10. Barb S. says:

    I was 14 and the lipstick was silver city pink.

  11. Cindi M says:

    Boy remembering that is hard. I am mire of a chap stick girl and right now it is spearmint chapstick that I keep licking 😀

  12. joyce mcnulty says:

    My favorite lipstick is pink and I was probably 16 before I was allowed to use lipstick. I loved the girly stuff back then but now I just get too busy creating beautiful quilts and refinishing furniture. My poor husband never knows when he’ll come home to a different color piece of furniture!

  13. Karon Murphy says:

    My favorite lipstick color is honey pink ( I like neutal/natural colors. I was 13 years old and was invited to the Senior Prom by a friend of my brother’s as a double date, I was so excited!

  14. Barbara Rotramel says:

    Frosted cotton candy pink. At 13, it seemed like the color to wear and not stand out too much in the junior high. Being quiet and backward didn’t help me switch to brighter colors until I was in my 30’s. I guess I was one of those lipstick late bloomers.

  15. Lisa Roberts says:

    Ha-ha!! Zinc pink! Can’t believe I remember that! It was pale so it gave my fair skin some color!

  16. Theresa Winchester says:

    My parents sold McNess Products in the ’50’s and ’60’s. Mom put some Pink Cherry lipstick on me when I was making my First Communion. I was 6 years old and thought I was “beautiful”. Just like the grown women in church.

  17. Deborah Gail says:

    Being raised in a converted horse barn really didn’t mesh with lipstick but eventually the teen years (14 to be exact) took over. I’ve always been a natural pink girl and now as I age I really love a pink brick color, of course if I could paint my lips with chalk paint I would! I paint everything in my house and the vintage furniture I sell with it so why not myself lol.

  18. Kathy Slaughter says:

    I love a corally red lipstick. I didn’t wear much makeup until I hit my 40s–now I need that bit of color in my landscape of gray ;). My first experience with lipstick was very early on, about age 3 when I discovered my mother’s vanity!

  19. RobinAnn says:

    Rose or a colorless lip balm-mint flavored. I was probably 14 or 15 when I tried lipstick with color, not just a clear gloss. In highschool I liked the darker reds and pinks.

  20. Marsha Jasper says:

    My favorite lipstick color is Sweet Honey, a Rosie pink that goes with everything and is very natural looking. I think I was around 14 or 15 when I first started wearing lipstick, which I secretly applied on the school bus because my own mom never wore makeup and just didn’t get the need for it!

  21. Elisabeth Perkins says:

    I was around 16 and for one day I tried bright cherry red, but that just wasn’t for me. I tend to use more natural neutral colors now.

  22. Carol says:

    Strawberry red is my favorite lipstick color. I started wearing lipstick at the age of 15 in public. I was probably 3 or 4 when I first tried wearing lipstick but mother quickly moved it from her dresser to the top drawer of her chest of drawers.

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