GIVEAWAY: “Harvest Apron, Stitchin’ Post”

For a chance to win my one-of-a-kind harvest apron, tell me about a vegetable or fruit you grow that is your all-around favorite in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-October.


Find out more about our harvest apron in the Oct/Nov issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Amber Hersh says:

    My most..most favorite is Pumpkins!!! Between the blossoms, watching them grow and the huge bounty they are and the fun you get to have with them is so cool. Plus my kiddos love helping take care of them and picking them for jack-o-lanterns. <3

  2. Catherine says:

    My fave all around yearly fruit that I grow is tomato. Apron is beautiful. Good job.

  3. MaryBeth Schwarz says:

    Oh MJ, where did you get that wicker dress form? I would love to find one. Beets are my favorite veggie to grow. THANKS, MB

  4. Winnie Nielsen says:

    What a darling harvest apron. I love those pockets and the colors in the fabric.

    The only item that grows at my home are Satsuma Oranges. They are a cross between a tangerine and orange and make the best little oranges ever. Easy to peel and easy to eat, they are quite popular in this area of north Florida. My favorite thing to make with them is orange marmalade using MaryJane’s ChillOver powder. It is one great way to enjoy the oranges all year long.

  5. Brenda White says:

    Green beans! They are our best producer. What a wonderful vegetable! Casseroles, side dish or right off the vine!

  6. Teri Schneider says:

    I absolutely love peas! We have great difficulty growing them in our garden due to the deer munching them down (despite our best efforts to protect them). So when they finally get past the “tasty” young greens the deer like stage, and grow those delicious pods, sometimes I just east them as a snack while weeding! Yum!

  7. cheryl seals says:

    I love to grow squash any squash ! Is my all time favorite an you can do alot with all of the different kinds..Thanks for the giveaway !

  8. Jodi Froeb says:

    We grow tomatoes. Cucumbers peppers and culinary herbs. That’s it

  9. Donna Lizbeth says:

    What an adorable apron! I would have to say that my favorite garden veggie is okra…So very easy to grow in my part of the country, and oh, so yummy battered and fried up in a cast iron skillet, and super tasty in a big pot of seafood gumbo. Thank you for the opportunity to win! Gardening hugs ~ Donna =)

  10. Peggy Richmond says:

    Tomatoes! versatile, wonderful, delicious: although, technically, I guess you could call them fruit. Here’s the thing, sliced fresh tomatoes are wonderful by themselves with a little mayo on bread, on any sandwich but especially a burger, as a salad or in a salad, great as a breakfast side. Tomato Sauce, pasta sauce, relish, chutneys, salsa… oh for the love of all that tastes good… homemade salsa. Stewed tomatoes, tomato soup, and chilis. Then there’s fried green tomatoes! OH, and let’s not forget Tomato pie, and then there’s that tomato pie! This season my garden had 35 tomato plants and I have just about every one of them eaten, canned or frozen. Well, I could go on but enough about the wonderful red, green, yellow, orange and purple tomato.

  11. winnie Jackson says:

    I have loved growing my dwarf blueberry bushes in my back yard. Nothing better than growing your own fruits to pick early in the morning for cereal or baking pancakes or home made syrup. I have always grown blueberries and other berries. But blueberry is my favorite. I love to wear aprons in the kitchen. I love this one being offered with great pockets. Colors are so great and festive. In the magazine I love seeing all those great aprons in the photo’s. Nothing better than a woman in the kitchen! I hope to be the one who is be sporting this new apron in my home. Thank you for all you do. Winnie Jackson

  12. Sandy Rees says:

    I would normally say that tomatoes are my favorite ” vegetable ” to grow but this year I would have to say hot peppers. My son has decided to take an interest in growing them and has made some great poppers and pickled peppers with them.

  13. Jan Post says:

    I love rhubarb. It is so early it is one of the first things I start baking with out of my garden. Rhubarb cream pie, muffins, cake and sauce. The best part is that it is a perennial so it comes back each year. Just love rhubarb.

  14. Denise says:

    Oh I don’t know if I can pick just one! I love vegetables of all kinds. I will have to go with peas! I love them. I love seeing the vines growing up the trellis reaching for the sun and the pretty little blossoms that let me know there will soon be pods coming on.

  15. Denise Anderson says:

    Blueberries are our favorite. We started off with 17 bare root plants in January of 2015 and had a small harvest that summer. This summer we have picked baskets and baskets of blueberries! They are our favorite, either fresh off of the plants or in my oatmeal every morning of the week! We are cloning new plants from cuttings and they are all doing well. Looking forward to many more harvests and healthy berries in our meals in the years to come!

    Denise Anderson

  16. Terri Dye says:

    It has to be my herbs! They give life to all my dishes. Whether they are fresh or dried I use them year round!

  17. Ginger Reibsome says:

    I grow so many things, grapes, pears, plums (aren’t doing well this year.). Tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, kale, horseradish, asparagus, onions, peppers, onions, beets, spaghetti squash and of course flowers, herbs. Would love to win this beautiful apron.

  18. Randi says:

    What a lovely apron. =)

    Any type of squash is always the most productive plants in the garden, but my favorite veggie we grow is cucumbers. My 7-year-old and I go out regularly and sit with the chickens while we munch fresh cucumbers from the garden.

  19. Carol Vagher says:

    In March every year I seed eggplant along with many other veggies and have for several years. I have carried out my father’s traditional farming as a hobby. He also raised carnations snapdragons and bedding plants in his greenhouses. My eggplants are by far my favorite crop as I make eggplant parmesan for my Italian family. It is their favorite meal! I would love and need that beautiful apron! I have such a bountiful harvest I give it to neighbors and coworkers!

  20. Terry Steinmetz says:

    I love corn on the cob. It’s just ripening and ready to eat. I love all the vegetables we grow. The apron looks so wonderful!

  21. Nancy says:

    I love pumpkins! I have loved gathering them over the years with my boys, decorating with them and then cooking and freezing the portions for yummy muffins and pie. This year I am finally growing my own…it is never too late to join the gardening fun! 🙂

  22. Gaye Durst says:

    I guess really depends on the week, right now it’s cucumbers! I love how fast they grow, their pretty blossoms, how they hide under all those leaves and how versatile they are.

  23. Cathy R says:

    What an adorable harvest apron! I love all the veggies and fruit I grow in my garden, hard to pick just one! Tomatoes, potatoes, corn, green beans, cucumbers, peas, carrots, onions, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, rhubarb and lots of flowers! Thanks for the giveaway!! Blessings!

  24. Cori says:

    Love me some tomatoes! Still warm from the sun with salt. Also, like to get a bowl of sugar and bite and dip.

  25. Amanda says:

    My favorite thing to grow in my garden has to be nasturtiums. The edible flowers brighten up any salad.

  26. Melissa Eloe says:

    Dear MaryJane, I love to grow corn. That tiny seed becomes a tall stalk! I love to have height in the garden! Thanks for all you do, Melissa

  27. Leisa Joan says:

    Tomatoes would be the winner, just waiting for it to finally ripen so we can make the best BLT ever!

  28. Rose Ann Wong says:

    Tomatoes of all types!! I love the earthy smell of the plants, and how vine ripened tomatoes taste like summer.

  29. Sara says:

    My watermelon patch is the essence of an all-around summertime harvest straight from the field to frolic on picnics. Love your harvest apron that is almost like pastorale toile de jouy of fruits and vegetables!

  30. Darlene Riboldi says:

    Zucchini! Breads,cake,casseroles,roasted,grilled,raw in salads,refrigerator pickles, parmigiana,caponata,in soup,frittata,omelette and with macaroni/spaghetti. Did I say I love zucchini? LOL! I have zucchini in my house year round and on my table several times a week. Sounds like an addiction! I just grated and froze bags of it as well as froze it cubed alone and with carrots. I feel the same way about eggplant! LOL!

  31. Cheryl Herron says:

    My favorite thing is green beans. There is nothing like a fresh steamed side dish of green beans. I keep it very simple with a bit of real butter with salt and pepper. Simple is the best.

  32. Karlyne says:

    Do herbs count? I love my sage, oregano, chives and basil, and this year I grew chervil – very delicate and lovely! (For “real” veggies, it’s hard to beat taters, but maybe I just think that way since I’m a true-blue Idahoan!

  33. My favorite is our Meyer lemons! They are the very best, and I keep finding fabulous ways to use them from baking and cooking to health and cleaning. : )

  34. Elisabeth Perkins says:

    I love purple hull peas! They are one of my favorite vegetables. Plus they are easier to pick because when they turn purple you know they are ready. So there is no guess work as you go down the row picking. And they are fairly easy to shell too:)

    • Donna Lizbeth says:

      Oh, those are my all-time favorite pea!! We have also grown to love the Pink-Eyed Purple Hulls, too. Cooked and served over rice and I have a meal. =)

  35. Honey says:

    The first peas of the spring! Their sweet taste makes the cold, wet planting worth it. And the grandkids love them; pods and all.

  36. Darcy Howell says:

    Have grown many a tomato in my years but my all time favorite is the Purple Cherokee a real treat

  37. arlene wilder says:

    I love our Meyer Lemon Trees, Our lemons are huge and sweet and yummy. They have grown the size of baseballs sometimes. We love Lemonade from them it is so fresh and Lemon Water which alkalines your body.

  38. Lisa Ann says:

    My favorite is beef steak tomatoes .

  39. Carol says:

    Squash, squash and squash!

  40. Kathie Arseneau says:

    I love herbs. My small kitchen garden is in progress. Chives, curly chives, garlic, lavender, and sage. Not only do they taste good they make a beautiful bouquet.

  41. suzanne nilson says:

    I love my marionberries. The elk & rabbits leave them alone 🙂

  42. michele hurley says:

    I grow Brandywine heirloom tomatoes. I like the old fashion variety of vegetables. Love the apron. I have a cherished apron that belonged to my grandma, who wore hers daily.

  43. Daizy says:

    Hmmmm….my favorite? I have to say…, maybe……well, then there’s the…… Oh I don’t have a single favorite but I do have many favorites!! Right now I’m putting stewed tomatoes in the freezer for winter meals. I’m headed over to my neighbors apple trees tomorrow…..maybe making some applesauce. The garden is being prepped for winter plants

    Now, that apron would be helpful in the kitchen with all that cooking. Its very pretty. I enjoy your magazine and all the articles and farmgirl love that goes into it. I bet the apron feels like love also.

    Hugs and prayers,
    Daizy #1093

  44. LaRoyce says:

    Green Beans! We can them or eat them fresh. Grandkids eat them from the vine!

  45. Janie Townsend says:

    My favorite vegetable to grow has been asparagus, then tomatoes, then green beans, then…you get the message. I love veggies. This is my 6th house and 6th garden. This is a new build so starting over again. Have a neighbor who I get eggs from who has bunnies. Bunny “balls” are the best fertilizer–just dig a hole in an empty spot in garden and bury them. Wait a few weeks and watch anything grow.
    Love the apron. It would be great to collect the produce and eggs in early in am. Hope to get my own chickens next year.

  46. Linda Chapman says:

    Cucumbers, with spaghetti squash a close second. So many things can be done with these two veggies and they are healthy. Love a garden salad with the cukes and my own dressing. We also have the tomatoes, peppers, herbs, etc. The list is endless! Patty pan squash was a new one for us this and they have done wonderfully.

  47. Kelly Higginbotham says:

    I love cantaloupe it is so good for your skin and body inside and out.

  48. Theresa Atkinson says:

    My favorite to grow and eat are tomatoes (and peppers). Love the apron!

  49. Sandy says:

    I guess I would have to say tomatoes are the most valuable players in my garden. We enjoy them fresh off the plant and they are very easy to process to use all winter long.

  50. Sue Schrock says:

    My favorite thing to grow are Armenian white cucumbers. I love giving them to family and friends and see the surprise and delight on their faces when they see the size of them. They can get to almost two feet long. They are so mild you do not have to peel them. Just slice and eat foe a great healthy snack.

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