GIVEAWAY: “Harvest Apron, Stitchin’ Post”

For a chance to win my one-of-a-kind harvest apron, tell me about a vegetable or fruit you grow that is your all-around favorite in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-October.


Find out more about our harvest apron in the Oct/Nov issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Donna Flory says:

    Tomatoes are my favorite. I use them daily as they ripen on the vine and once they begin to overwhelm our daily ability to consume them, I cook them in my slow cooker…..sauces, juice and soups to enjoy all winter.

  2. Jeanne says:

    Tomatoes are my favorite! Love making salsa and whole tomatoes for winter! Really like the apron and your magazine.

  3. June says:

    Summer squash of all kinds. It can be battered, fried, sauteed, spiralized. . .you get the picture! Beautiful apron, by the way!

  4. Christina D #5572 says:

    Well it’s hard to choose my favorite vegetable, because of love my cucumbers, they are a dark green, then there are my peppers, yellow, orange red and green, then there are my carrots, they grow so straight and tall, my beets are a beautiful red-purple, my tomatoes are different sizes, plum, grape and beef steak, my pumpkins grow big, small dark orange, light orange and my munchkins are adorable. So you see if I would choose only one… the other vegetables feelings might get hurt. Consequently, I choose them all and I think they must love me too.

  5. kim says:

    My favorite fruit to grow and eat is Nanking cherry. Its a nice bush to grow and the cherries are small and tasty.

  6. Brenda says:

    Mostly salsa ingredients but tried potatoes this year.

  7. Darcy Kane says:

    My favorite garden item to grow is tomatoes. We eat them fresh, can salsa and also spaghetti sauce. It’s also fun to share with family and friends.

  8. April says:

    Nectarines! The Snow Queen is our favorite, mmmm. ❤ Lovey apron!

  9. Sandi King says:

    Just got the Oct/Nov issue of Mary Jane’s Farm in today. Haven’t read it yet, but had to comment on the beautiful apron. Would love to make one of these for myself or win this one. I will check for the pattern on the website. Also wanted to let you know I came across a Vintage Singer treadle sewing machine today when we went looking for home stuff at the Reuse Store. I saw it, told my son about the article I read in your magazine about making one of these that no longer worked into a lamp, and he knew I wanted it so much that he bought it for me. I do have to pay him back next month when my next SS check comes in but that is okay. We are trying to buy things for our home (a doublewide that was smoke damaged) and we found some laminate flooring also at the Reuse store and bought that too. I am still looking for a porcelain over cast iron double basin double drainboard sink and cabinet or just sink for my kitchen. I am getting a hoosier cabinet also. Love the older vintage items for my home. As far as my favorite food veggie or fruit to grow, I have to say tomatoes. I salivate every spring waiting for tomatoes on the vine because there is nothing that tastes so good as a fresh tomato from the garden on a sandwich with lettuce and bacon. I got my fill this year from my friends garden along with cucumbers and cantaloupe and sweet corn. I helped her can her green beans also. I love your magazine, your website, and blogs and I also now have a small chicken coup and 10 Golden Comets for eggs. Getting there slowly but surely. Thanks for everything you do.

  10. Patti sabins says:

    Spaghetti squash. We ended up with 10 of them offof one plant. So we will be sharing

  11. Donna Borthwick says:

    I like many veggies, but love pickles/cucumbers and tomatoes the best. Cannot get enough of the crunch/taste in a fresh-picked pickle or tomato (any kind-are the sweetest tasting yet). I even encouraged our neighbor’s boy to pick little pear grape tomatoes whenever he wants. He’s eating them like candy- can you blame him? So sweet and juicy. Fits nicely in his hands.

  12. Pam Bryant says:

    Tomatoes are my favorite. I like canning them so I have fresh tomatoes and juice in the winter for chili and soups.that way l have them year around.

  13. Heidi Scheibner says:

    Green beans and zucchini. Easy to grow and SO much that you can do with the them.

    Absolutely love the apron!

  14. April Tovar says:

    Zucchini and other varieties of squash, one of the only veggies my youngest son will eat! I saute it up with olive oil, red onion and garlic cloves and he goes to town!

  15. Linda Wagner says:

    First of all let me tell you that I absolutely love your magazine! I look forward to the next issue the minute after I finish reading the currant issue. My favorite fruit that I grow is peaches. They make a wonderful cobbler.

  16. Sandy White says:

    I love to grow my vegetables from cherry tomatoes
    To zucchini their is nothing better then having fresh
    Vegetables from the garden in the warm soil and sun
    Plus my beautiful flowers to cut and place on my table

  17. Mary Ann Smith says:

    Tomatoes are my go- to. This year I grew12different kinds in my urban garden, along with some herbs and kale. I love the cherry tomatoes best. I call them garden candy!

  18. Amanda Rae says:

    I wear an apron every day, love this one MJ! My all time favorite is tomatoes by far and luckily we can grow them right in beds in our own backyard, however small. Last year we got over 50 lbs. and canned for the first time! When the children attending my at-home daycare/school say “I don’t like tomatoes”, as the new ones often do finding it in their bowl, I ask if they like pizza, spaghetti and katsup… remind them it’s a fruit and usually win over a new tomato-lover when all’s said and done. 😉 They add such magic to the simplest of meals.
    Love to all,
    Farmgirl 3071

  19. Sandi King says:

    Tomatoes would be my favorite. Nothing is so anticipated as the taste of a fresh off the vine tomato every year.

  20. Lorrie Owens says:

    I Love my Sweet Peas. We have planted and enjoyed them before, but never so many as this year at our new home on the coast. I was able to keep the deer away with natural deterants like coffee grounds in baggies close by. Every day we could walk outside to the garden and snack on sweet crunchy peas. After they began to fade out, I found fuzzy caterpillars eating the leaves and in turn watched them grow. I love caterpillars, moths amd butterflies. Then my peas began new greens and are flourishing again with a few flowers. Maybe on the coast I will get to enjoy two crops of peas, what a delight. I don’t have a fancy apron to collect my veggies, I just use an old plastic bowl. Not as nice, but it works. Love my MJF magazine amd read through it several times. Thank you.

  21. Ruth Neumann says:

    I love growing tomatoes especially heirloom varieties. When I have green tomatoes left at the end of the season, I make green tomato mincemeat or green tomato salsa. I love the apron print. Thanks for a chance to win it !

  22. Arlene Gallegos says:

    My favorite is tomatoes the tiny cherries you pop in your mouth and eat while harvesting the rest of the garden

  23. Cheryl says:

    I love to grow zucchini! The lovely blooms, compact behavior and wonderful ways to use it, like zughetti noodles all make it a joy to care for and eat 🙂
    Your harvest apron is lively!

  24. Darlene Shiplett says:

    I love the apron. I love most every vegetable but I guess i would have to says swiss chard and herbs are my favorites to grow. I also want to say I love getting your magazine.

  25. Karla Welsh says:

    I love all winter squash. It is so warming to know that during the winter I will still have fresh, home grown veggies.

  26. Starletta Schipp says:

    Tomatoes!!!!! Nothing ever beats a tomato taken straight from the vine still warm from the sun.

  27. Wendy Wickersham says:

    Raspberries are the best! This year I’m trying homemade raspberry wine. So far it tastes good!

  28. Renee Argo says:

    I have several but my favorite is tomatoes!! Can’t wait till the first red juicy vine ripen one is ready!!! Love the apron!!!

  29. My son grew pumpkins when he was in jr. high and high school. Years ago a tiny kitten was discovered in the pumpkin patch. We have no idea where she came from! We made her our pet and now 12 years later, we still have her. Her name is Pumpkin! My son no longer lives at home but we still grow pumpkins in his honor.

  30. Linda Buchanan says:

    I have so many ‘favorites’! We grow several kinds of tomatoes. Every one is delicious, especially Cherokee purple!

  31. Deb says:

    I’d be a fibbin’ if I said I currently grow any fruit or vegetable. I live in a condo in suburban Chicago. But in the Fall my husband and I hit the road for the most “sincere”roadside stand we can find. We immediately become “harvesters” of pumpkins, squash, and gourds that are calling our names. For an afternoon, we are FarmGirls ( yes, my husband too ). Thanks MJ!

  32. Lori says:

    I love to be in the garden in Fall, so garlic has become my favorite vegetable to grow. Planting on October 12th is always my goal!

  33. sue carter says:

    Strawberries!!!!! I love finding a surprise under the leaves. It’s so relaxing to harvest them and exciting to spoon a few onto my yogurt the next morning!

  34. Sylvia says:

    My favorite vegetable to grow are fava beans. My father grew them while I was growing up at home and when I eat them I remember my wonderful dad.

  35. Vickie Boutiette says:

    My go to fruit is the humble rhubarb plant. I use it fresh in the summer and freeze it for winter use. It makes delicious jams, jellies, bread and oodles of desserts. Vickie

  36. Becky Lee says:

    My husband grows black-eyed peas in his garden, and I pick them. I love to sit and shell them while I’m watching TV. If I’m shelling get peas, I don’t feel guilty sitting watching TV. Happy Fall, yall!

  37. Elline says:

    I can green beans, peas, corn, tomatoes, dill and sweet pickles, candy halepeno peppers. I freeze pumpkin, corn, tomatoes, peas. Several years ago I canned 500 cans of various vegetables, and filled my freezer also. Haven’t had to work that hard in several years!

  38. Karen Newton says:

    You have asked a hard question, just picking one is difficult. The most versatile is tomato’s, I can a lot and there is so much to make with them. It seems not only do I like them but so do the birds and squirrels so they must be their favorite as well! I like the large pockets in your apron, handy for stashing lots of goodies in.

  39. Carrie Brunell says:

    My favorite fruit is the blueberry and I have 4 blueberry bushes in my garden. It’s taken them several years to produce and this year I probably picked 1 1/2 cups of blueberries. I’m ecstatic that they’ve done so well this year. I loved going out and picking berries before I weeded the garden. What a special treat!!!!

  40. Sonja says:

    My favorite fruit I grow is blueberries. They were so sweet this summer. They produced so well I picked some for my chickens too. I have 14 hens and they sure thought the blueberries were good. Eat right out of my hand. The apron sure is beautiful Mary Jane.

  41. Joani Cummings says:

    My favorite fruit comes from my little apricot tree. After dying off from a late spring frost. She came back from the roots. After three years and lots of pruning, she gave me a wonderful harvest of large, juicy, sweet joy.

  42. Diane Fiorentino says:

    My zucchini made the best chocoholic zucchini bread that I have ever tasted. The zucchini was literally almost waterless delish

  43. Denise Aldridge says:

    My favorite is my raspberry patch. Its just outside my dining room window, so every time I look out I see canes so heavy with those scarlet berries I cant help but smile. I start picking around mid August and will have berries till about the 3rd freeze. I cook with them, I freeze them and I give them to friends! They are a little unruly…but I love them none the less. They are part of my country in the suburbs!!

  44. Rose Maness says:

    Love this apron, would be perfect to wear and harvest the veggies!

  45. Montana Kitty says:

    My favorite is asparagus. The delicate fern-y looking plants are beautiful. Takes patience though, several years worth before the asparagus is ready for harvesting.

  46. Kristin says:

    Is it too mundane to say “cherry tomaoes”? I have such fond memories of picking them with my mom (and eating them standing barefoot in the garden). Now my one year old little boy does the same.

  47. Evie Cauthron says:

    zuc. Squash, So many ways you can use it. Bread,Pickles,Relish or as a side with any meal. Love the Apron it’s Darling!

  48. Val Meler says:

    Beautiful apron! Let’s see, my fav crop, I would say is my peaches! I make jam for friends and family they just love! I make a great pie too!😋

  49. Linda Pitchon says:

    My favorite veggie to grow & eat is eggplant. I make a mean eggplant lasagna, but also love to add Hungarian peppers for a little kick. I also love to make tomatoe salad with my Thai Basil.

  50. Lola Friedhoff says:

    Where to begin I love my Brandywine tomatoes on white bread with mayo or my new red potatoes with butter but I guess right now it is my ringmaster onions (Dixondale Farms) for some of the best onions rings you have ever tasted!

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