GIVEAWAY: “Spring Fever, Lemon Wreath”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win this pretty faux-lemon wreath, tell me in the comments below what you most look forward to when you sit down with an issue of MaryJanesFarm. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-April.


You’ll find out how to grow lemon and lime trees indoors, as well as get lots of ideas for lemon-themed décor, in the Apr/May issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Heather Williams says:

    I look forward to immersing myself in ‘my world’ when I read my Mary Jane’s Farm magazine. Flipping through the pages takes me away from the Disney channel, the sink full of dishes, the laundry that needs to be put away…just the general chaos of life! Its like a soul vacation that brings me back to the simple things in life…to my childhood….to my roots. I feel renewed and refreshed…anxious to try new ideas or new recipes….ready to create!

  2. L Gasca says:

    It is most relaxing to get the new magazine. I spend all hours going over and over as a wind down day.

  3. Bekah says:

    The pictures! They are always beautiful and inspiring.

  4. L Gasca says:

    The current magazine is like a meditation of peace in my chair just enjoying each and every page.

  5. Mary Lakota says:

    When I receive your magazine in the mail, I’ll sit down and start looking through it. I begin to relax and reminisce my younger years. I can feel myself at my grandparents home in a small country town in Texas.

  6. Sue Chase says:

    I love the recipes and all of the tips. I look forward each month.

  7. Renee Fisher says:

    I won’t even peek at a single page when MJF arrives until I know I can sit down uninterrupted, and sometimes this can be a few days! The magazine always feels intimate, like getting a letter from a dear friend, and I pore over each page as if it were designed just for me. I study the perfect usage of fonts and the thoughtful staging and layout of the pictures, and will not turn the page until I’ve soaked up every word and image. Sometimes, I learn something new and many times I’m reminded of things I’ve already experienced. But always, I am delighted to discover what my “old friend” has come up with this time!

  8. Janet says:

    There isn’t one page of Mary Jane’s Farm I don’t thoroughly enjoy! The articles by Dr. Laura Koniver, MD have been very educational, very helpful. I tend to stay up later than usual the first couple of nights after the magazine arrives. I’m just so curious and excited to see what’s inside!!

  9. Cecilia Jaconetti says:

    Your magazine takes me back in time….Would love to live this life

  10. Wanda says:

    I love the pictures. 😉

  11. Sarah Moore says:

    What’s not to look forward too. Each issue has beautiful pictures, wonderful diys, topics that interest me, and yummy recipes. Every time I get the newest copy I feel like a kid in a candy store.

  12. Sociallady says:

    I like seeing the cover.

  13. Sharron says:

    I love to read… husband thinks too much! But when My MaryJane Magazine comes he knows that I will immediately sit and go through the whole magazine quickly and then smile. The anticipation of then going back each day and reading a different article keeps that smile on my face until I have gone completely through entire magazine. Then I patiently sit with my two granddaughters and let them tell me what they see most interesting. I never get a complaint about reading this and the entire family enjoys my recipe experiments…..that actually turn out.

  14. Em says:

    I always look forward to recipes.

  15. Lora Terry-Steele says:

    The hospitality of MaryJane with her glamping, homesteading, and the daily farm lifestyle.

  16. Darlene Peterson says:

    I enjoy your magazine so much. I like the articles people share about their experiences on the farm. I grew up on a farm in North Dakota,back in the 40,s the old days my grandchildren call it.But living out in Calif, since 1949,there are things from the farm that never leave you. I still like planting vegetables,small scale but mainly working in dirt So these youngsters that write in your magazine are interesting to read about. The recipes and crafts also. Keep up the good work. I also gave my daughter a subscription to your magazine. She’s my farm girl.

  17. Debbie Ketchum says:

    It expands my love for the simple things in life.

  18. Susan Clarkson says:

    It might be easier to say what I don’t enjoy. It is one of the few magazines I read cover to cover.

  19. Liz Willis says:

    I thought the first thing I read was Cooking with Cast iron, but I realize that I quickly look at the DIY section to see if I already have the stuff in my stash to make the thing that looks gorgeous in your magazine.

  20. Yvonne Moore says:

    We need a little Spring here in Maine. We have had a very long and tiring winter.

  21. Jilann Axt says:

    I just enjoy reading the magazine while relaxing with a cup of coffee. I especially enjoy the recipes!

  22. Allene Ofcky says:

    Sitting down and taking me time to enjoy getting inspired is something I look forward to.

  23. Bonnie says:

    I look forward to seeing the recipes. I like all of them whether they are for food to eat or cleaning products, or beauty products for making yourself. I especially enjoy seeing the chickens and cows. I now live in a city and truly miss my chickens and fruit trees and barn cats, just to name a few things.

  24. Natalie Faulkner says:

    I look forward to seeing what recipes are in each magazine! There’s always good ideas for cooking or baking something new.

  25. Ann maver says:

    Beautiful so vibrant.

  26. Debra Bucklen says:

    I love the projects and the photography!

  27. Linda Theadore says:

    Love to display this beautiful lemon wreath. My beautiful lemon tree only made it thru 2 seasons.
    Hope I win. I will be honored!
    Linda Theadore

  28. Sheri Gaskins says:

    I love your recipes!

  29. Tina says:

    This wreath looks gorgeous!!!

  30. Joanne Vanderheite says:

    The thing I most look forward to is learning how to make things each month from your magazine, Not to mention how relaxed I am after reading….!

  31. joyce hodgman says:

    this wreath is super duper nice light idea for springlove it

  32. Denise Forbes says:

    I love every little thing about MJF. I looked forward to the recipes and anything to do with Glamping!

  33. I love this wreath it will look so wonderful on the door of my cottage home. I always have wanted to grow a lemon tree. Can’t wait to look at my magazine when it arrives.

  34. Darlene Iarocci says:

    Look forward to reading your magazine from cover to cover- and then again!

  35. Janet Sharp says:

    I love how your magazine and all the topics presented in your articles relate to the memories of my childhood and my present life. If I could have only one magazine to read, it would be “Mary Jane’s Farm.”

  36. Sheila Constantino says:

    Reading your magazine I most look forward to the inspiration that I too can be a farm girl. Even if on a small level. I never thought I could. But I am starting one step at a time.

  37. Beth Lohman says:

    Oh Gosh besides just everything? I guess it would be the diy projects. Or maybe any gardening ideas…..or maybe the farmgirl blogs….well I guess just everything. 🙂

  38. Barbara Aycock says:

    The sweet smell of lemon!

  39. Cheryl Winstead says:

    I always am just in glee when I open my new magazine. I love it when you talk about quilting and then I think, I wonder if there will be some wonderful recipe I can use and your photography is AWESOME!

  40. deborah l Meyer says:

    I love the wreath I love reading and getting all the ideas from the book whether it be for my house, garden, yard, or animals. MJ magazine is great for everything.

  41. samantha rebstock says:

    What a bright cheery circle of sunshine.
    In the magazine…I love the photos, and the recipes, but mostly ,the
    encouraging stories of others, who despite challenges ( whether it is farming,
    gardening, small business), they were able to push forward and realize the
    beauty of their dream.

  42. Bev says:

    I am trying to grow a miniature lemon tree,as my grand daughter,is a lemon freak. She loves them straight from the tree! LOVE your magazine!!! There is not another magazine that can hold a candle to yours!!!!!

  43. Morgan Wilson says:

    Hard to say but usually the recipes and craft ideas are pretty unique. Then there are the surprises like the piece on folk schools!

  44. I teach Jr High Language Arts, and am very busy (especially at the end of the quarter) with my job. So, when I get a copy of MJF I enjoy just sitting down in the quiet of my home, curled up in my over-stuffed chair, and sipping a cup of tea while soaking in all the great, creative, and uplifting things in this fabulous magazine!

  45. Elizabeth Lazor says:

    I take my issue of MaryJanesFarm and go right into my sauna with it!!! It is my quiet time away from everything to dream, drift and lilt through beautiful articles that remind of a time long ago. XO

  46. Janie Percha says:

    When I get my magazine I look forward to a relaxing period. The articles are so refreshing to read and reminds me when I was a little girl growing up in the state of Pennsylvania in the country. There is a lot of reminiscing for me and relaxing time.

  47. Missy Helton says:

    I love the day your magazine comes in the mail. I typically sit down and read it cover to cover and if there is something else I need to be doing it almost makes me grouchy that I can’t have my time with Maryjane.

  48. Karen says:

    When I get my magazine, I flip through from front to back, usually not taking time to look at everything in detail. The next time I pick it up I start at the back and move to the front. So the first thing I check out is ‘Here’s the Thing’! I love Rebekah’s take on life and I’m glad she shares it with us.
    Then the rest of the magazine gets devoured, page by page! Love it all.

  49. Cindy says:

    Having grown up in Washington but now living in Michigan, I look forward to articles talking about Idaho. I miss the beauty of that area of the United States.

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