GIVEAWAY: “Spring Fever, Lemon Wreath”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win this pretty faux-lemon wreath, tell me in the comments below what you most look forward to when you sit down with an issue of MaryJanesFarm. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-April.


You’ll find out how to grow lemon and lime trees indoors, as well as get lots of ideas for lemon-themed décor, in the Apr/May issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Roxanne Schellman says:

    The thing I most look forward to when sitting down with an issue of MJF is that inspired, motivated, I got this feeling. I always get up feeling like I can do anything!!!

  2. Cheryl Mackiewicz says:

    I LOVE Mary Jane’s Farm because, in my heart, I dream of the farm life, with the smell of spring in air. The arrival of your publication puts me there. When I was a girl, my parents would send myself and each of my sister’s in turn to our uncle’s dairy farm to “help.” We truly weren’t much help but made memories that, as aging farmer want-to-be’s, are the fondest to share as we gather in our Florida retirement. Thanks for bringing back the sights and smells and memories of my youth.

  3. Mary Ellen Ontko says:

    Opening your magazine provides a get away during a busy day! I usually find a recipe that I make within the week. The projects, the products, and the articles bring many ideas and things to enhance my home. Thank you for a wonderful read.

  4. Julie Kram says:

    I honestly can’t pinpoint one thing I like most about my Mary Janes Farm issues. i love it all!!!!!!

  5. Kathy Atkinson says:

    I reallylook forward to soul warming recipes and stories, inspiring photos and all around farm life. Gives me dreams to one day owning my own small farm <3

  6. Susan Campbell says:

    Just relaxing and reading it from cover to cover.

  7. Donna Simmons says:

    I love everything about the magazine! Love the recipes. Love all the articles about how to do things more natural. It would be really hard for me to pick just one. I look forward to every issue. Always excited to see it in my mailbox. Thank you for such a great magazine!!

  8. Judy says:

    I love looking at the design ideas and holiday decorations for the season! I also love the recipes… Which I frequently share with friends..

  9. Brenda says:

    I love the great old-fashioned home-making ideas. The farm girl life is therapeutic for me.

  10. Joy says:

    The magazine itself screams at me because I have done so many of the things you so beautifully describe. When I was first married I milked a cow,taking my little one with me to the barn. Always had fresh eggs from my hens,sewing was an enjoyment to do because I stayed home while my husband worked , I guess, being older now it is like a memory book and an inspiration to keep on with what I love . I have owned and operated a retail greenhouse in my backyard for 26 years , so tho I may retire I love looking at arrangements, and looking for new projects! Thanks!

  11. the crafts, recipes whether for food or anything else, Rebekah’s page. But really I just love looking through the whole magazine. I don’t have farm animals but love reading about farm life, I don’t can or put up vegetables, etc but I love to read about that too. I love the little tidbits/hints too. it is a really fun magazine!

  12. Lisa Howard says:

    My MaryJanesFarm magazines arrival is very exciting for me. I first take it out of the pile where it is covered in pesky mail, I set it aside in a safe place and leave it there until I can sit and read it from front to back. This may just come across as someone that wants to win a lemon wreath, however, that is not accurate because I’m not a big lemon lover.

  13. Laurie Klemm says:

    I’d love to add a dash of bright springtime to my home!

  14. Linda Dixon says:

    I love reading about new and natural products, recipes and ideas!!

  15. Ellen Clack says:

    When I receive a new issue of Mary Jane’s Farm magazine, I most look forward to reading it from cover to cover. I really enjoy Rebekah Teal’s article. There’s always something in her writing that moves and inspires me. It’s really hard to say what I look forward to most. I just looked forward to everything and love discovering what’s on the next page.

  16. Sue Caston says:

    Sitting down with your magazine and a cup of tea is like taking a mini-vacation. Relaxing, reassuring and inspiring! I love my farm and I love MaryJanesFarm.

  17. Nix Wurdak says:

    Mostly, I just enjoy settling down with a cup of tea and completely immersing myself in beautiful projects that I will probably never get around to doing. 🙂 Also, my chickens enjoy all chicken-related content.

  18. Janie Snell says:

    I read each issue cover to cover! I love getting your magazine!

  19. Ann Bergen says:

    I get excited when the new issue arrives in the mail. Every article is read and I dream of being a farm girl. Great recipes and love to see what artist are creating and doing. Thank you. One of my ladies that I caretake for would love this lemon wreath. She loves lemon soap, lotions, and everything lemon.

  20. Sheila Easter says:

    I love everything about my Mary Janes Farm magazine! Especially trying new recipes that are gluten free! Keep ’em coming Mary Jane and a big THANK YOU! So hope I win the wreath!!

  21. Diva Odete Kreszl says:

    I look forward to a little quiet time and being not only informed but entertained. It is a gift I give myself!

  22. Carol S says:

    Everything! about your magazine is fantastic! I especially like Dr. Laura’s advice. Also, love that many of the recipes can easily be converted to gluten free. Best part is the me time that it allows me to have when I cozy up with it. Hugs for all you do to make us feel special.

  23. Karin Weaver says:

    The first thing I do (while walking back to the house from the mailbox) is a review of the “Letters to us” just so I never miss anything. Once in the house, (if warm) I snuggle onto the front porch and go for “Mary Jane’s Seven Wonders”. Usually, that is about all I have time for but look forward to “the rest” of the magazine after all my chores are done.

  24. Stephanie Nuce says:

    I love the inspiration it provides. All the non-gmo and organic recipes. The craft projects I would never think of on my own. It’s a magazine just for me. I count it as my little luxury and I read it cover to cover!

  25. Rose Gaver says:

    I all ready get your MaryJaneFarm Magazine and love it. I learn a lot from the magazine.Keep it up……..

  26. Eva Hall says:

    I make a cup of tea, sit in my favorite rocking chair, put my feet up and prepare to relax with my favorite magazine. The articles take me back to my roots with gardening and crafts. I can let the pressures of the day melt away without reading the latest makeup tips, or what I should be wearing this season! I get to relax and read fun, helpful articles that I honestly care about. Thank you Mary Janes for giving me an opportunity to unwind both my body and mind.

  27. Sherry Waller says:

    I love finding Mary Jane’s Farm magazine in my mailbox. I immediately sit down and flip thru the pages, marking some for later reading. I keep every magazine and refer back to them for articles or recipes that I need.
    Thanks for putting together a great magazine for country girls.

  28. Marissa Weaver says:

    I hope there is something about “glamping.”

  29. Clair Malo says:

    Is it wrong to stay up most of the night reading the new copy of MaryJanesFarm? I don’t think so!

  30. Karen Varney says:

    The entire magazine, it’s colorful, full of great stories and the fact that it is filled with organic tips, and products! Keep up the good work!

  31. Maureen Diaz says:

    I love the peacefulness I feel as I open the magazine! I know I will not be disappointed! Great articles and pictures! My happy time!

  32. Bobbie Calgaro says:

    I love all the great organic tips and Dr. Laura Koniver’s column on staying healthy naturally. There is really not to much that I don’t like about it.

  33. Beth eurich says:

    I usually sit down with my cup of tea read your magazine from cover to cover and dream of a farm some day 💕Your magazine fills me up with so much inspiration

  34. Rebecca E Gaskins says:

    As I grow in my life to become healthier and treat the planet better,I love your ideas…
    At 62,I’m going for a longer life and becoming more self-sufficient. Quit smoking, minimizing in preparation for a tiny house life in the country, you give me ideas towards my goal.

  35. Mary Pitts says:

    I enjoy your magazine, always look forward to the next year. I would love to win the lemon wreath. Hope my name will be the one you pull out of the hat.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win the wreath.

  36. paulajean says:

    Mostly, I enjoy reading the recipes and Farmgirl series! Ranch farm girl and City farm girl are my favorites.

  37. Amy Murillo says:

    What I most look forward to is some “me time”! I LOVE your magazine, cover to cover. Thank you for s most excellent read!

  38. Cheryl Streeter says:

    I love the feel of the paper on which the magazine is printed. Then I open each page slowly to savor articles, recipes, DIY, etc. Thank you for all your hard work.

  39. Sarah Marshall says:

    I love to see the appreciation for beautiful creative objects and people. I am inspired to use what I have in creative ways. Thank you. It is a happy day when MaryJane arrives!

  40. Libby says:

    First I stare at the cover, and then I just loose myself in the rest of the magazine!

  41. Betsy Whipple says:

    When I open the magazine, I look forward to reading about other Women like me out there in the world and I value their stories and experiences.

  42. I love reading the short thoughtful stories that are scattered throughout every issue. The homesteading tips and tricks are fun to read but not yet applicable to my own life. The life stories are always so dreamy and relatable, however. Reading a new issue makes my day, every time.

  43. Dawn-Tara Whitham says:

    With a hot cup of tea I love to sit and be inspired by MaryJanesFarm. The recipes, stories, photos… it just takes me away from the busy day-to-day of suburban life, out to the country where life is beautiful and simple! Thank you so much!

  44. Terri Gobble says:

    I love the smell of lemon and the crisp cleanness of it! There are so many things you can do with it. I would love to this adorn my door!

  45. Barbara A McCorkle says:

    I look forward to every page. Wish I had found this magazine long ago. Love it all.

  46. Brenda Towsley says:

    Gardening tips, DIY projects, recycling ideas, Glamping articles. Always love your magazines.

  47. Lisa Albery says:

    It reminds me that there are others girls just like me.

  48. Terri Doria says:

    I saw a friend’s copy of MaryJanesFarm and couldn’t wait to subscribe. So looking forward to the articles. I’ve been waiting for just the right magazine for a subscription and now I’ve found it.

  49. DOROTHY SMITH says:

    I just turned 85 and MaryJanes magazine brings me back many times to an era that is so familiar. I also love all the articles and ads. my philosophy is your never too old to learn new things. Would love to spend time on the farm sounds like such fun. I have a grandson that lives out that way and he loves it. He has also said it is so beautiful. Thanks again for creating such a beautiful magazine.

  50. Ellie K says:

    I mostly love stories with chickens, but DIY and crafty stuff comes pretty equal. 🙂 Lemon wreath is great!

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