GIVEAWAY: “Spring Fever, Lemon Wreath”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win this pretty faux-lemon wreath, tell me in the comments below what you most look forward to when you sit down with an issue of MaryJanesFarm. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-April.


You’ll find out how to grow lemon and lime trees indoors, as well as get lots of ideas for lemon-themed décor, in the Apr/May issue of MaryJanesFarm. Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Jacqueline Close says:

    I love looking over the food section. I made the tangerine coleslaw last week and my family loved it.

  2. Sarah Daniels says:

    I always look forward to the lovely pictures that make everything look so beautiful and doable. I also love the stories other women write. So inspiring!

  3. Anngela Starnes says:

    When I look at anything of Mary Jane I dream and feel such excitement and so creative.

  4. Ann Marie Kodgis says:

    My favorite – I go straight to the back for “Here’s The Thing”.

  5. V'Ann Giuffre says:

    I love the beautiful photographs!

  6. Joyce says:

    I look forward to just taking some time in my busy day to sit down, relax and read a magazine. But most of all, I love the recipes.

  7. Donna Stephens says:

    I “LOVE” all of the creative ideas! I have learned so much by reading the “health and wellness” articles – Thank you.😊

  8. Marci Fricke says:

    Hard to say what I look most forward to – I love the pictures, I love the articles and the recipes, and the projects. I love that you feature artisans around the country and I learn something new every time. I love the Readers Write and the Newsroom. I love that I can read through it, find people I can relate to, be encouraged and feel great when I have finished reading it!

  9. Casey Crockett says:

    When I sit down with an issue of MJF I look forward to my fingers touching the paper. I just love the paper which MJF is printed upon. I just love all you ladies and I hope you know that each and every one of you make the world a better place. <3

  10. Frances says:

    I love reading about all the wonderful readings about ladies and their lives.

  11. Mary says:

    The wreath is beautiful. I was very fortunate that form Xmas a friend brought me a basket of Meyers Lemons from California – they have been juiced and frozen for lemonade this summer. What I love most about Mary Jane – As soon as it is in my hand, I sit on the couch, feet up and start reading, forgetting whatever I was doing or whatever I need to do. That can wait until I finish reading. Thanks for the wonderful Magazine.

  12. I live the farm life through your magazine articles and love looking at the vintage trailers, would love to have one to hang my wreath on!

  13. It’s beautiful and it’s my favorite color!❤💛💚💛💚❤️

  14. Barbara Ann Pendergast-Perry says:

    Love this wreath! Yellow and red are my colors! Living in MN we love it when spring is around the corner. After a long winter of snow, cold and can’t forget ice. Yellow makes me feel warm with bright sun shine!!

  15. Sharon Parker says:

    I just love reading MJF, I read it from cover to cover, and can’t wait for my next issue each month. Encouraging, learning and empowering, oh so many great ideas, It makes me very happy!

  16. Mmmmmm….I can smell the lemons! I love the fresh look and smell of lemons. So bright and pretty! This beautiful wreath would brighten the walls in our Minnesota business.
    The Public Library subscribes to MaryJanes Farm and the customers love the magazine. They love the tips, recipes and great information that the magazine offer. Thank you!

  17. Elaine Cubbins says:

    I love that the magazine is printed on recycled paper and that so many of the articles are focused on recycling materials to create useful and beautiful things. And I love that some of the covers I voted for show up on the front of the journal!

  18. melanie says:

    wow love it, it is if I can smell the lemons….beautiful

  19. Sheri Ezekiel says:

    I read the magazine cover to cover but my favorite is the home safe home section. It’s got lots of information on a variety of topics.

  20. Teresa Freeman says:

    I’m a country gal at heart. I married a Chicago guy who loves the city, being surrounded by people and sounds. One of my most awesome and favorite things about Mary Janes Farm is that it takes me back even for just a few minutes to the simple, beautiful things of nature! Thank you for moments of respite! 😀

  21. Nancy says:

    Peace and Quiet, with a cup of Coffee, so I can absorb it all from Cover to cover! Takes a couple of Afternoons but I look forward to each one.

    The Wreath is so Lovely, Thank~You!!

  22. Coleen Sharp says:

    So many ideas,when I get your magazine and read it cover to cover. Like it so much I’ve gifted my sister in Arizona a subscription

  23. The first thing I look for in the magazine is the cast iron recipes! Love them!

  24. Connie rowland says:

    Lemons go great with pasta and chicken dishe

  25. Dawn Quinn says:

    ThisMonth I really enjoyed info about Sewing Machines. There is always great articles like that , nice food ideas . Thank you so much PS my husband reads your Magazine . Dawn Quinn

  26. Suzanne says:

    I love when my magazine arrives! I love the artwork on the cover and the anticipation of my alone time! Being able to nestle down with my coffee in my favorite chair. I love the stories, crafts and recipes. The magazine takes to me a simple life that I crave even though my life is not.

  27. The feel of the pages as well as the anticipation of seeing a photo that will inspire a new project reusing things I already have around my farm.

  28. Peg Miller says:

    So refreshing to look at. I would love to win it.

  29. Marsha Pryor says:

    I look forward to every article, ad, and especially all the information on the honey bees! I learn something new every time I sit down with Mary Janes Farm!!!!!

  30. Mary Peeples says:

    My favorite part is sharing with my “sister” who lives 5 hours away. We practically read the magazine on the phone. She points out what she learned and is going to try and I do the same. We are living closer together through reading our Farm Girl and learning to be better Farm Girls

  31. Stacey Johnson says:

    The beautiful pictures of vintage goods and farm life.

  32. Janice LaRue says:

    I love the crafts and diy. I always read them first, then everything else.

  33. mona r. arevalos says:

    I always make sure that I’m alone with my MaryJanesFarm magazine. It takes away the stresses of my life and I can dream of a simpler life. A lot of times it might take me a few weeks to finally sit down and enjoy it in peace. This is one magazine that speaks to my heart and soul. Thank you.

  34. Mary Sullivan says:

    I love the recipes and the DIY projects!

  35. Joye Gulley says:

    I like the recipes in the magazine

  36. Lillian Bucks says:

    Always look forward to my next copy, and usually look at the animal stories first, then start at the beginning . Love all the stories and the pictures are great. Keep them coming. And I have a lemon tree in my loft and have 5 lemons this year, their just ripening and I can’t wait to use them in my lemon sponge pie.

  37. Rosanne says:

    I love to sit down and connect with LIKE people! I can do this with Mary Janes Farm magazine.

  38. Tess Sole says:

    Mary Jane- I look forward to each and every issue and each and every page of Mary Jane’s Farm! I have saved every copy of my subscription since the first, and I refer to them regularly. I have subscribed for years and years and read them from cover to cover every month. Your magazine lights up my life each time it comes in the mail and I find value in every page!!! Thank you for the loving work you and your family and friends put into your corner of the world!

  39. Holly Scholz says:

    Without a doubt, hands-down the ENTIRE magazine! Honestly 😊

  40. With snow still falling in the foothills of the great Pacific Northwest, the wreathe would bring a breath of Spring to our home and neighborhood! LOVE it!

  41. Erin McBride says:

    The first thing I read is “Here’s the thing…”, which is so backwards of me! I always enjoy little one page insight to life so much that I can’t wait until the end to read it!

  42. Lisa says:

    The recipes! Love being introduced to new ideas and love the amazing creativity of “reworking” old standbys. The arrival of the magazine each month is a gift and blessing. Thanks for all that you all are doing.

  43. Patti Hurlburt says:

    With each issue of Mary Janes Farm magazine I look forward to a cup of coffee and an uninterrupted hour or so of reading and wishing and dreaming. Bliss!

  44. mel boone says:

    I love the diy projects that I find in the magazine, but I enjoy it all! I read it from cover to cover.

  45. Karin Smith says:

    what do i look forward to when i see MAryJanes Farm arrive in the mail? Everything. i have not said that about any other magazine. I love the articles, the columns, the creativity, the beatiful pictures, the food- everything. I read it cover to cover and enjoy every minute. Gives me the info and tools i need to try to live a more enviornment friendly life, creative life, step outside the box life and try something new life.
    Thank you.

  46. Tracey Moore-Sweeney says:

    I like everything about your magazine. I read it cover to cover. I can’t wait to get MaryJanesFarm in the mail! I read through the shorter pieces then dog-ear the pages of what I haven’t read and save the longer items for the weekend.

  47. Linnea Moss says:

    I love every part of my Mary Jane’s Farm magazine !!! I think one of my favorite parts is the articles featuring different women artists and business owners ! Thank you for bringing positive information into my home !!! Sincerely , Linnea Moss Bonanza Oregon

  48. Mari Lewis says:

    When my issue arrives, I save it for my quiet time when I have the peace and quiet to read it and absorb it all. I read page through page through page, I dog-ear pieces I want to go back to, and then save it in my Mary Jane’s bin. I LOVE this magazine, as if you are writing just for me. 🙂

  49. Junebug says:

    When I received my copy of Mary Jane and sit down, it is like taking a deep breath of fresh air and exhaling total relaxation!

  50. Machelle Grimes says:

    I bought my step-mom a continuing subscription two years ago. Both via phone and when we get to go up to visit, she and I have the best time discussing the articles.

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