The winner of the stack of vintage flour-sack fabric from our Flour Sacks giveaway is Brenda Forrest, who said in response to our query, “tell me why you connect with the nostalgia of MaryJanesFarm” …
“Picking up a MaryJanesFarm magazine at the local grocer newsstand several years ago was a true ‘pick up’ life saver. The magazine has been inspirational, a dream builder, a challenger, and yes, even nostalgic. I grew up in a city but now live in a small rural town. (My brother thinks I lost my mind loving the slower pace; personally, I question his sanity spending hours in traffic.) I could go on for hours with stories of the items I’ve crafted (from a clothespin bag to a small home), but the inner joy and encouragement the magazine has brought me tops the list. That said, I couldn’t resist the chance to comment on your blog about ‘flour sacks’. My flour-sack memory holds a special place because while visiting country cousins during my childhood (about 12 years old), we stitched cheerleading outfits from my aunt’s stash and competed with the girls at the next farm. Although cheerleading was not my ‘thing’, I was awed with the origins, textures, and colors of the fabric used for our outfits.
So, thanks for the opportunity to relive memories, ideas for projects, and encouragement to dream in this season of my life, which by the way is my 6th decade of life. I ‘met’ MaryJane’s magazine when I was in my 50s! Testimonial for ‘It’s never too late!’”
Congratulations, Brenda! Watch for an email from the farm.
Thank you to all the women who responded with such lovely comments. I thoroughly enjoyed reading them!
I never had a dress made from a flour sack, but I remember using them as dishtowels in my childhood!
My Mom’s family were farmers or worked for farmer’s. I remember loving flour sack dresses worn by School mates when I went to a one room school house in fourth and fifth grade. They were happy and stylish in my eye. I always dreamt of having one but , alas never did.
Hello! I came across an article from you that appeared within the many Pinterest RV remodel posts I had gone through. It was about Lily, the Airstream.
To say I’ve been searching for the right one myself is an understatement, and as I turned 62, I realized it’s time to do it! I tried to click on the link to the step by step instructions, but nothing came up and noticed the article was from 2012. I know this may be a long shot, but do you still happen to have this information on hand? I’m so impressed and thank you for sharing your time and talents with everyone!
Adriana, Naples, FL
See if this link will work for you: