GIVEAWAY: “Cookie Cutters, Comin’ Up Roses”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

In the “Comin’ Up Roses,” Feb/Mar issue of MaryJanesFarm, we gave you this heartfelt breakfast idea.


For a chance to win a free 4-piece metal heart-shaped cookie cutter set—just what you need to spread the love—tell me what your most loved dessert is in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Nielsen,Winifred T. says:

    I am a huge fan of cast iron cookware. My parents gave me a set of fry pans and my grandmother’s cornstalk pan when I got married. Recently, I found a dutch oven at Williams Sonoma on a huge discount sale and snatched it up as well.

    My favorite dessert……….of course you know what it is. APPLE PIE!!!

    • Elizabeth Waters says:

      Our favorite all-time family dessert is something I call Cran-Apple Crisp. It is the perfect blend of tart Granny Smith apples tossed with cinnamon and sugar and fresh cranberries, smothered in a topping that is the perfect blend of brown sugar, butter, oats and walnuts. It’s so versatile – great as a Fall dessert, as a holiday dessert or as a summer dessert, served warm of course with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream. Yum!

  2. Chrissy says:

    My “best favorite” dessert is coconut cream pie. It’s also my favorite birthday cake. And I have subscribed to you magazine for quite some time. I purchased the first magazine several years ago at Tractor Supply Company. I cried when I got that magazine home, because it was so nice to know there were other women who celebrated the farm lifestyle in heart as much “fer reals.”

  3. Rebecca Basham says:

    Plain ‘ole ice cream – any flavor. Although if it’s vanilla, a little chocolate or caramel sauce is needed.

  4. Elisabeth Perkins says:

    It is so hard to pick just one, 85 would have to be either, Chocolate Pie, Double Chocolate Chip cookies, or Vanilla Icecream with Chocolate Chips (noticing a trend?)…. pretty much anything chocolate I love. Dark Chocolate is my favorite (around 60-70% cacao)

  5. This is the perfect Valentine’s breakfast.

  6. Michelle Kirby says:

    Dark chocolate covered cherries…yumm!!

  7. MaryBeth Schwarz says:

    We make a flourless chocolate cake that everyone loves. It is served soon after baking. Mary Beth

  8. Cathy R says:

    Bananas foster over vanilla ice-cream, apple pie, fruit crisps, cherries jubilee, AND dark chocolate anything! HA! Blessings for a very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  9. Summer M. says:

    I love ice cream! Best dessert ever. Any kind, except strawberry, unless I make it myself. Yum-yum!

  10. Marilyn Berger says:

    My favorite dessert is chocolate cheesecake. But lately, I have been making your “Cherry Cordials” with such rave reviews that I’m making three batches a week! Sending people out of church moaning in delight, or quilting, or meetings…same response. Thank you so much! I wish I could eat them all myself but it’s Christmas and fun to create a memory that will become a tradition every year.

  11. Honey says:

    I bake a killer chocolate pie. It’s become a staple at Easter dinner and Thanksgiving.
    My daughter’s last name is Love so this would be a fantastic birthday gift!

  12. Kelly says:

    Brownies, chocolate chip cookies…basically anything including chocolate!

  13. Teri says:

    My grandfather’s Molasses Cake. Served with a dollop of whip cream. It’s moist, flavorful and rich. 🙂

  14. Megan owen says:

    Anything with chocolate! brownies are always yummy!

  15. Stefanie says:

    German marble cake!

  16. Shannon H says:

    My all time favorite dessert is a brownie trifle… layers of brownies, thick chocolate pudding, cool whip and heath bar crumbles repeated twice more making a triple layer of yumminess. Sadly I found out I am allergic to dairy, and I haven’t found a way to make it dairy free yet… but I will!

  17. Lana Wolford says:

    Pecan pie is my birthday “cake!”

  18. Heather Majernik says:

    My most loved dessert is Apple Pie!

  19. Jaylyn Morehouse says:

    I love having a piece of dark chocolate in the evenings after the kids have gone to bed.

  20. Cheryl says:

    Magic cookies!

  21. Rose Ann Wong says:

    Cheesecake! The velvety, dense kind that is baked and made from scratch…perfect just plain, or a splurge with any kind of topping😋

  22. Mackenzie says:

    My favorite dessert is rum balls!

  23. Nancy Couden says:

    Gingerbread and/or gingerbread cookies.

  24. Garnett Ashworth says:

    Poundcake…homemade…..lots of butter!

  25. Liz Hofacket says:

    Strawberry shortcake the way mama made it when I was a little girl! She used the box of frozen strawberries (remember how the end had to be pried off?), those little store-bought shortcakes, and of course the whipped cream in a squirt can.

  26. Sandy Gullickson says:

    I also have a hard time deciding on just one favorite dessert. I guess a homemade chocolate cake is close to the top of the list.

  27. Melody S says:

    My mother-in-law’s carrot cake is unbelievably moist and by far my favorite dessert!

  28. Laurie Jelen says:

    Hungarian crepes with apricot preserves and cheese with powdered sugar!!

  29. Kathie Rumberger says:

    Fried apple pies

  30. Dianna Hauf says:

    My all time favorite dessert is PUMPKIN CHEESECAKE!!!! Eaten slowly this rich fulfilling desert makes me feel so ‘loved’ inside! lol!

  31. June says:

    Wow. So many. . .probably chewy brownies with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

  32. Summer says:

    A Heart-Shaped Cherry Chip Birthday Cake that my mom would always bake for my Birthday on February 13th! <3

  33. Jean hansen says:

    My favoite dessert is rhubarb strawberry Cinnamons rolls !! It’s a receipe my mother made up. It’s fabulous !! We lived in Minnesota , rhubarb was one of the few fruits we had. , so my mom would make up all kinds of new receipes to make one garden idem refreshing n new to eat!!!!!i make these cinnamon rolls as the fresh spring rhubarb comes up. Yum!!! Mom was a great cook !!!!

  34. Joni says:

    My favorite dessert is an old fashioned bread pudding my mom made…it was always my daddy’s favorite too!

  35. Alicia Winkler says:

    I love Creme Brûlée! Now I want to go make some!

  36. Dee says:

    My favorite dessert is my home canned Apple Pie. Baked in a double crust on a cold Winter day. served with a glass of cold milk. Love your magazine! Dee

  37. Sonia Jean Lynch says:

    My favorite dessert is homemade Angel Food Cake with seasonal fruit topping.

  38. Ann Freda says:

    I am doin this for my older sister who is 74. Her favorite dessert is rice pudding. If she was in a hurry she would make vanilla pudding and add rice to it. Our Aunt used to tell her, no, thats not how you make it!

  39. Joyce Huber says:

    So many to choose from. Lately it would be blueberry cobbler.

  40. Nancy Dunning says:

    My favorite recipe in my cast iron skillet is Corn Bread… Have used my skillet for 50 years …

  41. LIllian Gasca says:

    Amish Buttermilk Pie

  42. Joyce Ulm says:

    My favorite is a recipe I remade of a chocolate pudding bundt cake. I make it in the summer no icing and serve fresh fruits with it.

  43. Liz Lindsey says:

    Grandma’s from scratch Chocolate Pie!

  44. Cindy Harris says:

    Just plain baked cheesecake.

  45. Ann Kindee says:

    Strawberry sheet cake

  46. Rebecca Walsh says:

    Ice cream is always a great dessert! But I love homemade cookies too! I’ve even tried making ice cream cookies.

  47. Diana says:

    Fried apples, cooked in my cast iron skillet with butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and a splash of maple syrup. I have cooked in cast iron pans since before I was married (over 38 years ago). Our 1st purchase before we were even married was a 4 in 1 cast iron pot. It is my favorite!

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